So, we've been going out for 8 months and it seems that everything was great.
Couldn't have been THAT great - now could it have?
We're completely honest to each other about everything and we get along great.
Trans: I tell her everything about how I feel and she has my nuts in a little silk purse around her neck
But lately it seems like she's avoiding me so I ask her about it and she says her feelings have change, she's not sure how she feels, doesn't think the relationship can continue and that it's not my fault and she's not sure what she wants to do about us.
Trans: I'm getting ready to phuck somone more interesting and I'm telling you this BS to spare your feelings
I asked some of my female friends and one says I should surprise her with something romantic that might spark her interest again and the other one says I should stop giving her all the attention that I do and wait for her to miss me, and let her call me.
OK...with VERY FEW EXCEPTIONS - never, ever, EVER ask b!tches about what to do - they will not give you good advice; R O M A N T I C gesture - geeeesh!!! Phuk-that man - how about you GIVE HER EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS, LEAVE...BE GONE...otherwise my fine feathered friend she is going to crush you up like a bean in a coffee grinder
I'm not sure it'll work, because it's hard enough to set up a date between us these days, let alone a romantic dinner, and she's not the kind of girl that plays games, so I'm not sure if playing "hard to get" will work with her. What do you guys think?
This is so easy it hurts - become unavailable; get sh!t in your life going - work, school, hobby, OTHER CHICKS, and just forget about her...and I am deadly serious about this: act as if you NEVER KNEW this for about a month (oh, and do you REALLY think its a coincidence that VALENTINES day is just around the corner champ???