STR8UP said:
This whole cheating thing is so blown out of proportion. If she does it and it doesn't effect your relationship, the old adage applies- "what you don't now wont hurt you". If she cheats on you and it DOES effect your relationship, you make your exit. Point is, you will either find out or you won't. If you obsess over the possibility of it happening you are shooting yourself in the foot.
I really have to disagree with this, what you don't know can hurt you. In the short term, the "don't look too close" attitude will keep things together, but in the long run this isn't a winning strategy.
In another thread I talked about how I don't like to to do things that could even
appear to be disloyal to a woman I'm dating. I do that because I think we live in a world with a lot of ****ty people and I want to send the
message that you don't have to worry about me stabbing you in the back, and that if conflict does happen the girl and I can work it out. Which leads us too...
Birds of a feather really do flock together when it comes to dating and mating. Opposites attract but don't stay together, this is what the demographics (and life experience) tells us.
What I'm getting to is something that has been said in other threads: if even want a chance at the top shelf you need to be top shelf yourself. If you have the "don't ask, don't tell" attitude, you'll end up with women who will have the same kind of attitude.
If you "accept" cheaters into your life, then don't be surprised when you end up with cheating women. Now, this doesn't mean if you decide to reject cheaters that you'll magically end up happy. Depending on what kind of social environment is around you, you may end up with few or no friends. If you do, then tough it out until more come along. Don't join the herd just because it's the herd, they may all be lemmings headed over a cliff.
Teflon_Mcgee said:
Not because you think she won't cheat, but because you realize she's human and sex happens (of course this works both ways.) At the end of the day you still own her.
Animals and machines don't have self-control, human beings do and you need to start demanding it of them. The people who won't show it should be ejected from your life. Assuming that everyone has this kind of lack of self-control is not just false but it is damaging to your personal character. Self-control is one of the pieces of the puzzle that makes your life better as you grow. Taking the path of least resistance is the road to misery.