Girlfriend has hinted at threesomes when drunk (with other women)


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2020
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Very few straight men are going to think about sucking another mans D1ck

Women on the other hand will happily wonder about what its like to be with another woman amongst a raft of other twisted sh1t

I was actually reading something earlier about the female capacity too wonder and indulge in dark fantasies

I mean when you think about it a lot of Kinks and fetishes are kind of by female design

Dress up / Feet / **** / toys / choking / rough / anal / orgies the list goes on and on

Yea sure men like them but its women who dreamt them all up and happily enable them

I think a man would be fairly happy with a few pumps in missionary or doggy shoot his load and be done with it

I don't think as men we can really understand just how warped towards sex the female mind is

Read some literature on it if you don't believe me
A few pumps in missionary looool no thanks brah. That sounds so ****ing boring, you probably so a crossword after you finish

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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It’s not about altruism. OP has a woman he’d like to marry, if this is the case he needs to not f this up. Those encouraging him to pursue it with a keeper are foolhardy.

I’ve seen it happen before, first hand. Alas, he gunna do what he’s gunna do. I wish him well.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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She has hinted at a 3 way with another girl since the start of our relationship.

First time watching a movie she commented on a girls boobs that she'd love to play with because they were huge.

Second time we were drunk at a festival, she met a girl while waiting for me in the outside bathroom. After the girl left she said to me "we should invite her for a threesome". The next day she denied any knowledge of this and asked me to not bring it up again (I told her it was hot and not to be embarrassed)

The third time she admitted to me in her teens her best friend and her used to eat each other out. This was during sex after some wine

Fourth time we were on holiday and hammered, she basically said if we did it she would have to pick the girl and that I wasn't allowed finish in the other girl.

The issue is everytime she's been sobber she gets super defensive about it and doesn't want to discuss it.

We are going away to a holiday destination soon and I'd love to get the ball rolling. Lol I love my gf and if this happened I think I'd marry her on the spot.

And no there would be no come back of "well now a guy can join" because I'm not attracted to guys and she is attracted to women so a woman joining is the fairest!

How can I make this happen, she's the one who has brought it up and now I feel like I can't get the idea to go away..
my only worry is that your girlfriend sounds like she could be closeted/in denial (I’m not a psychologist though), which could be very bad for you if she ends up cheating on you with a girl or coming out as a lesbian once you’re married with kids.

But frankly my primary concern would be making that threesome happen somehow, if she gets like that when she’s drunk then I’ll stock the liquor cabinet with all her favorite drinks


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2019
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Lol at the guys saying she will go out and find two dude if she got annoyed.

If my gf was that way inclined at all she wouldn't have made it 2 years in with me and she is fully aware that wouldn't fly, not even the mention of it.

Also the "She is leading" guys
, you do realise women lead sex right? Women gate keep sex, men gate keep relationships.

Women dictate the kinda sex they want as the other poster said. Rough sex, slow sex etc. Ain't no way you are rough hammer jacking your girl if she tells you she wants it slow.

I'm not gonna push the idea for the minute but I also find it hilarious that some guys don't like the idea of two women just because you love one of them.
Women are the gatekeepers for sex, but often use alcohol as an excuse for their bad choices when they sober up. It can be a slippery slope when their drunk and sober selves are not aligned.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2024
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Most guys simply don't have the frame to handle a situation like this. If yours is solid, go for it. Worrying about not f-ing it up is weak frame.