Girlfriend finding out about other plates.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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The red-pill is founded on understanding the reality of the situation that we, as men, find ourselves in. What we do with this knowledge is a disparate decision that we make as individuals.
So you would say we don't have a moral responsibility to act in a way which takes doing good into account?


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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So you would say we don't have a moral responsibility to act in a way which takes doing good into account?
No. Everything is acted on one's own accord and perception.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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No. Everything is acted on one's own accord and perception.
So in other words, everyone is free to be a psychopath. I guess you are one.

This (talking to you guys reading this, not ol' Ronaldo here) is the point I was making. But you guys think it's not badass enough to be moral I guess. That's not like all the cool characters you see in the movies right? f*ck all us dumb sheep and get your fingers in the cookie jar.
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Senior Don Juan
Mar 3, 2013
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I don't get this morality talk.

First, the milf the OP was with does not deserve committment from the OP. She's a damn single mom twice his age for crying out loud!

The girlfriend he is with also shouldn't get his commitment-she is significantly older than him and will expire in not too long.

These are not quality women.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
The red-pill is founded on understanding the reality of the situation that we, as men, find ourselves in. What we do with this knowledge is a disparate decision that we make as individuals.
Well said.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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I do the latter. All war is based on deception.

If you know your enemy and you know yourself, you need not fear the result of one hundred battles.

I'd be honest only when her time and her purpose are fulfilled. You wouldn't sell a stock if it's reaping you earnings.

She can believe pigs fly. Who am I to crush her hopes of reaching the empyrean?
Good to know! The reason I ask is because I potentially lost one woman because I wasn't clear about my thoughts on marriage. The thing is, I also saw the flipside where the woman will work hard to convince her man that they should get married.

I might say, 'I value the relationship, not the piece of paper and legalities'. If she goes, realize she was never that into you, and consider yourself fortunate to know this sooner than later. Next.
We're dealing with women who base all their decisions on how they feel as opposed to the logic of avoiding a legal document. They feel that the legal document defines their status of accomplishments in life. They feel the need to have a ring on their finger so they can feel their status when they show it off to their girlfriends.

Deception may be the best route to keep the girl and avoid marriage.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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By the way, this here is a good display of symptoms I was talking about in another thread, of how our current society creates and fosters what could be defined as mental illness in humans. In a tribal society, this psychopathic thinking would be destructive to the survival of both the individual and the group. If it would not be flushed out naturally, it would be killed actively by the other humans. But in our time it flourishes, people even idealise it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2015
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By the way, this here is a good display of symptoms I was talking about in another thread, of how our current society creates and fosters what could be defined as mental illness in humans. In a tribal society, this psychopathic thinking would be destructive to the survival of both the individual and the group. If it would not be flushed out naturally, it would be killed actively by the other humans. But in our time it flourishes, people even idealise it.
yeah, Jack Donovan made a point in "The Way of Men" about this. He said that men can sniff this kind of guys, you don't know them too much but you know on a gut level that you can't trust them to care for the gang. We all know these guys that no man trusts but we can't say why. Basically is the dark-triad type of guy, the ones that use deception rather than direct communication.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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but i do not insert my emotions into something as banal as a "bond/connection" with a woman.
See, I like that bond/connection shlt. If I need to deceive the woman in order to get that AND avoid marriage, then so be it. However, I know better than to develop a bond/connection with a piece of shlt woman. Most women nowadays are only good for sex and companionship. It sounds like Ronaldo likes having long term and multiple women in his life, so he's using what works to get what he wants. In my opinion, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I've been in the situation where women know I'm seeing other women. I've had them compete with each other (in the same room I might add) to sleep with me. The problems come when the women are just doing it to prove themselves better than the other bytches, and are not doing it because they're genuinely interested in the man. They're just getting their fulfilment of emotional fluctuation by being competitive and having sex.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
Am i a coward or a meticulous strategist?
Ronaldo, since you asked, you are both.

In your example, it appears to be as result of the mind and life of a narcissistic sociopath.

Have you ever been diagnosed as narcissistic, psychopathic/sociopathic or both? Some people like the distinction. Do you?

Stats suggest sociopaths, people without any true conscience, are 1 in 25 amongst the general United States population. Your point of view matches incredibly well.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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Not sure how cheating on a woman became analagous to slitting someones throat. Also not sure how using strategy to get what you want makes someone a coward. Hell the guy above was saying he had a mental disorder because he doesn't feel bad for cheating.


Half of you guys here are here because YOU got cheated on done shady by a woman. You think she cared when she took advantage of you? You think she was being moral? Why is what OP doing 'bad.' Because you said so?because society says?

Being red pill is not about having some 'moral highground'. Red pill is understanding how woman and society works. And Op is simply doing what he needs to get what he wants out of his situation. Which in case you didn't read; IS working.

You know how many women I know, WHO KNOW they're be cheating on and stick around. I'm not saying disregard and step on others to just take what want. But this paticular situation does not make OP a Coward. Just because he's using his brain to maintain Power over women. Which is what we do here. Don't think there is anything manipulative about game?

Ops situation isn't that serious. The women even accepted he cheated. Lol

Off your high horses.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2015
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Isn't this what SoSuave is? Exactly what i am accomplishing? Am i a coward or a meticulous strategist?

If i don't hold power, how is it possible to lull women to forgive cheating? It says less about them and more about my weaponry.

Lies? Is it a lie to sacrifice a rook to kill the queen? The opponent thought i was aiming to kill his pawn, but simply masqueraded my move to conceal its ulterior motives.

Don't wish it was easy. Wish you were better.


I'm not surprised at the cheating and the drama. I am merely using hindsight to process everything.

We live in different societies. The United States is liberal in that sense, while i live in a conservative society where finding a mate before 30 is a must. Women want a boyfriend and the exclusive tag along with it. I tried your method and it did not yield to me the results i desired.

I think of myself as their savior. You know how women want a man who will seduced them, charm them and then handle them? They crave the carnality just as much as i do, but we differ in the sense where i am a rational being and they are an emotional being. I give them what they long for, but i do not insert my emotions into something as banal as a "bond/connection" with a woman. I separate both as they are completely different things.

So which conservative society are you from? Also, what books have you been reading? You sound like someone that's preparing for war against women and the question is why? I do believe you should get a pass due to age and lack of experience but you sound like you were scorned by a woman prior and she has now tainted you for your prospects in the future.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
Good to know! The reason I ask is because I potentially lost one woman because I wasn't clear about my thoughts on marriage. The thing is, I also saw the flipside where the woman will work hard to convince her man that they should get married.

We're dealing with women who base all their decisions on how they feel as opposed to the logic of avoiding a legal document. They feel that the legal document defines their status of accomplishments in life. They feel the need to have a ring on their finger so they can feel their status when they show it off to their girlfriends.

Deception may be the best route to keep the girl and avoid marriage.
Here is another perspective to consider.

Women who feel you genuinely love and care for them, beyond a shadow of a doubt, will usually bypass marriage if needed, to stay with you. When women feel insecure and unsure about your love, they will hint/push/ask for engagement and then marriage to alleviate their insecurity and inner doubt. Moments of doubt creep in, sometimes more often than others, that have her wonder, if you truly love and care for her or if she is just filler or a passing puzzy, until you find what you want next or really want long term.

When her feelings of doubt and vulnerability surface, her hamster starts spinning. She does not know how to get off the wheel by herself in her mind. What she wants/needs is to be reminded and once again to feel that you really love and care for her, all without her asking you to say it/show it. (This is a constant cycle for most.)

A woman looking for a ring and wedding (women not looking to start a family together) is often just a woman with insecurities wanting her hamster to stop spinning thus wanting 'proof', that she can see on her finger or through a wedding/marriage, that you actually do love and care for her.

Women who get the ring and even the wedding, without their primary feelings/insecurities being resolved or adequately managed, will repeatedly doubt your 'true love,' and thus an unhappy, unsatisfied, hamster spinning woman, whose shlt tests never end, she will likely be.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
Not sure how cheating on a woman became analagous to slitting someones throat. Also not sure how using strategy to get what you want makes someone a coward.
No one said the poster was necessarily violent or likely to slit a throat.

A sociopath is someone who experiences life without a conscience, always. Not by choice, not by moral decision, they just do not have one in their operating system. A sociopath's choices are never about morality, except when acting a part, to manipulate another, in order to achieve their own desired goal.

Sociopaths are not limited to the violent and extreme, i.e. throat slitting or the extreme biographies or news stories shown. Sociopaths are usually the master manipulators among us. Chances are you have known some and may not have even known it. They can lead very outwardly successful lives while others choose to live more quiet parasitic lives. The chief distinguishing factor is a complete lack of conscience. Certain professions have a higher percentage than others.

Great read if you want to make yourself more aware, know more about how they operate, choose their targets and make it less likely that you will ever unknowingly ever get taken by one.
The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha Stout. Over 1300 reviews on Amazon if you are curious.

As far as answering his inquiry and suggesting his actions are that of a coward, here is the definition of coward:

1. a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things

1. excessively afraid of danger or pain
2. depicted with the tail between the hind legs

Someone choosing to be deceitful in an ongoing manner (not talking life and death scenarios), in my perception, does so to avoid the pain or unpleasantry of actually dealing with whatever consequences they are attempting to bypass with their lies.

I can see someone piping up and saying the willingness to be deceitful requires that he not be afraid of pain or the danger of being caught, in order to do so. I see that too.

A courageous man, in my opinion, willingly stands forward in who he is, what he believes and how he lives, regardless of others opinions. That's just the standard, I personally choose. To each their own.


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
No one said the poster was necessarily violent or likely to slit a throat.

A sociopath is someone who experiences life without a conscience, always. Not by choice, not by moral decision, they just do not have one in their operating system. A sociopath's choices are never about morality, except when acting a part, to manipulate another, in order to achieve their own desired goal.

Sociopaths are not limited to the violent and extreme, i.e. throat slitting or the extreme biographies or news stories shown. Sociopaths are usually the master manipulators among us. Chances are you have known some and may not have even known it. They can lead very outwardly successful lives while others choose to live more quiet parasitic lives. The chief distinguishing factor is a complete lack of conscience. Certain professions have a higher percentage than others.

Great read if you want to make yourself more aware, know more about how they operate, choose their targets and make it less likely that you will ever unknowingly ever get taken by one.
The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha Stout. Over 1300 reviews on Amazon if you are curious.

As far as answering his inquiry and suggesting his actions are that of a coward, here is the definition of coward:

1. a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things

1. excessively afraid of danger or pain
2. depicted with the tail between the hind legs

Someone choosing to be deceitful in an ongoing manner (not talking life and death scenarios), in my perception, does so to avoid the pain or unpleasantry of actually dealing with whatever consequences they are attempting to bypass with their lies.

I can see someone piping up and saying the willingness to be deceitful requires that he not be afraid of pain or the danger of being caught, in order to do so. I see that too.

A courageous man, in my opinion, willingly stands forward in who he is, what he believes and how he lives, regardless of others opinions. That's just the standard, I personally choose. To each their own.
That was me 'advocating' slitting throats. And, because you clearly read too fast if you read at all, In response to Ronald (McDonald) Hannibal saying that "No. Everything is acted on one's own accord and perception."

Literally as you say 'to each, his own'. Well, so be it. If my "each is to my own accord and perception" and I perceive and am in accord with slitting throats is cool, then, BY DEFINITION, and Ronaldo's foppish 'logic' it's just fine.

He forgets that he will, sooner or later run into someone just like 'me' in his relativistic world.

Do you always drop context or just here?


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
That was me 'advocating' slitting throats. And, because you clearly read too fast if you read at all, In response to Ronald (McDonald) Hannibal saying that "No. Everything is acted on one's own accord and perception."

Literally as you say 'to each, his own'. Well, so be it. If my "each is to my own accord and perception" and I perceive and am in accord with slitting throats is cool, then, BY DEFINITION, and Ronaldo's foppish 'logic' it's just fine.

He forgets that he will, sooner or later run into someone just like 'me' in his relativistic world.

Do you always drop context or just here?


You are right. Apparently somehow I missed the obvious. Somehow I missed connecting what I read and was replying, with your obvious statement about throat slitting. Clearly my mistake.

I am not familiar with the term "dropping context." Would you reframe or help me understand what that means so I can clearly understand what you are asking?


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
Not trying to pick on you LYD. Just that my comment about slitting throats was in context of Ronnie's moral relativism.

People that advocate living like that and using high sounding words to do it, have no idea what they are asking for. Moral relativism is great for narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths. They can operate effectively for quite a while sometimes.

But then they run into someone or someones that show them that they are amateurs. No amount of words, attitude or philosophy will save them then.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Women who feel you genuinely love and care for them, beyond a shadow of a doubt, will usually bypass marriage if needed, to stay with you. When women feel insecure and unsure about your love, they will hint/push/ask for engagement and then marriage to alleviate their insecurity and inner doubt.
But where does the insecurity and doubt come from?
Also, where does the pressure and desire to get married come from?

The answer to both would be society, family, and peers.

There is no way to control the external influences in her life unless you isolate her. Her friends could tell her "well, if he hasn't put a ring on your finger, then he's not serious about you." That one statement has just covered BOTH questions; It puts on the pressure to get married and gives insecurity/doubt about her current relationship.

Telling her you don't want to get married will give her insecurity/doubt, and it doesn't relieve the pressure to get married.

Telling her you love her and want to marry her but eternally putting it off relieves some of the insecurity/doubt, and it somewhat satisfies her desire to get married. It's not perfect, but it's probably the only way to ward off the nasty wedding.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
Not trying to pick on you LYD. Just that my comment about slitting throats was in context of Ronnie's moral relativism.

People that advocate living like that and using high sounding words to do it, have no idea what they are asking for. Moral relativism is great for narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths. They can operate effectively for quite a while sometimes.

But then they run into someone or someones that show them that they are amateurs. No amount of words, attitude or philosophy will save them then.
Now I got it. Thank you for the reframe.