Girlfriend dancing with guys etc


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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It's probably best to talk to her about it to the extent that it is bothering you as I think that would be being assertive in the relationship and you have a right to state your thoughts or emotions on it and she'll respect it if she really loves you. If she isn't sensitive to your concerns then you have to decide whether to continue with this relationship or not.

If she wants to cheat - all she has to do is put a profile up on the internet behind your back and you know how much attention women, esp, a normal hb 7.5, get on the internet so that wouldn't be hard for her cheat. If she's doing obvious stuff like getting photos with other guys and stuff then she's not doing anything behind your back.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Bokanovsky said:
Really? So what if a guy has a passion for makeup? You'd say that he should be judged on his makeup application skills and that there is absolutely nothing gay about his hobby?

I agree with Fruitbat that dancing is not something that most heterosexual men do for pure enjoyment. I would make an exception for acid popping ravers... they really do seem to enjoy flailing their limbs around while in a state of stupefied trance. But more traditional dancing, i.e. salsa, ballroom, tango, etc. are not inherently pleasing. Would you enjoy dancing salsa with your grandma or some fugg that you were not attracted to? If the answer is no, you are no dancing for the sheer pleasure.
Having been an E popping raver for many years, flailing around to loud hard house is immense.

The question I have is, would an raver drop acid with his grandma for the pure enjoyment?:crackup:


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2011
Reaction score
Why is this thread 3 pages long. Enough is enough the first sign of infidelity kick her ass to the curb. Drugs, alcohol we still know what were doing no more excuses its time to hold these skanks accountable before u end up with something u don't want whether its vd.or a kid