Girl Related Stalking URGENT


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Ok I don't ask for much advice here...because that took place a looong time ago here. Anyhow I have an issue with a stalker.

Ok let's establish the scene.

There is a girl. My oneitis to be exact, so we are just friends. There is me. There is the stalker guy who I know and she knows, but we don't more about him other than his name and some other trivial stuff. We are all seniors and prom is coming up. The girl has a boyfriend.

Anyhow, he called me last night to "come over" my house to borrow my physics book. So I said, I could scan it for him and e-mail it. But he says he's parked right outside my house and wanted to come in.

Ok so I find this kind of weird...because why is he parked outside my house you know. Anyways, I just say nah I'll e-mail it because I live in a bad neighborhood blah blah. He's like, no I wanna come in. So I say, "no I can't let you in right now. My parents have a rule about it." But then he says, ok how about I stay outside and you say you can't let me in upfront so I know you're a man. I was like, "wtf? No. Look I'm sorry I gotta go bye."

Freaky. Anyhow, I think he might be after me. The girl he is stalking is a friend of mine like I said and he threw a tantrum the other day (someone told me...I didn't see it) saying that he hated "the sonuva*****" meaning me. Anyhow, I think he is jealous of me even though I have nothing to do with the girl. I know his secret though, but he denies it to everyone else. This is crazy stuff and I wanted your advice on what I should do. He also gets pissed whenever he sees us do stuff together, and I noticed it before, but didn't think he was like gonna do something.

btw I think he came over here to like try to beat me up or something or maybe stab me. I don't wanna find out and need your advice on the best thing to do.

I think he overheard her talking to me about our senior prom too so that might be why....but we weren't really talking about going, just when and who we were going sucks.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Originally posted by SuperGigaloDJ
What's wrong with you man?!

Beat the shyt out of him!
Yeah that did cross my mind, but what if he had a knife or something? Also, I haven't had any fighting training yet although I kinda workout (not buff or anything). I live in the city.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by SuperGigaloDJ
What's wrong with you man?!

Beat the shyt out of him!

I've that,or get some of your mates in on your problem...ask for their help...never be TOO proud to ask for someone's help if you feel your in danger.

or the third option is to lose all contact with this girl he is "Stalking"

Anyhow i wish you goodluck my friend!


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Originally posted by ryanvalmont
I've that,or get some of your mates in on your problem...ask for their help...never be TOO proud to ask for someone's help if you feel your in danger.

or the third option is to lose all contact with this girl he is "Stalking"

Anyhow i wish you goodluck my friend!
Thanks man. I heard he said, "I HATE THAT *******" during his tantrum. He is by no means popular. In fact, I've only talked to him about homework like once or twice. The girl is kind of hard to avoid. We are graduating soon, but I see her in 5/6 of my classes. She also lives in the house across from mine.

I think I will consult some people I know about this and get their opinion as well as yours. Keep them coming guys. By the way, our school doesn't look too kindly on fighting and you WILL get kicked out for it. The principal is serious about that.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada
Originally posted by Kerensky
By the way, our school doesn't look too kindly on fighting and you WILL get kicked out for it. The principal is serious about that.
Good for the school.

The way I see it is:
  1. If you take him on and lose, well, that's could be big big trouble especially if he carries a weapon with him;
  2. If you take him on and win, you may get charged by the cops and may get kicked out of school;
  3. If you do nothing, then you'll probably encourage his behaviour towards you and others;
  4. If you talk to the cops, they will need to get his side of the story too, which means he'll probably come up with some lameass BS which may even put you in a spotlight you don't need.
My advice:
  • Gather facts. Dates, times, and write them down. Like, the time he came to your place and wouldn't take no for an answer about coming inside;
  • The girl is a sideshow. Keep her out of it, this is between you and he;
  • Talk to the principal, tell him what you've told us (plus all the other details like the dude's name etc. that aren't in the post) and get him on your side;
  • Lastly, keep away from this dude. That means absolutely no contact whatsoever. If you have call display, don't answer when he calls. If you don't, and it's him calling, hang up. Don't argue with him, don't talk to him, don't engage him at all.
Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Originally posted by earthshyne

The way I see it is:
  1. If you take him on and lose, well, that's could be big big trouble especially if he carries a weapon with him;
  2. If you take him on and win, you may get charged by the cops and may get kicked out of school;
  3. If you do nothing, then you'll probably encourage his behaviour towards you and others;
  4. If you talk to the cops, they will need to get his side of the story too, which means he'll probably come up with some lameass BS which may even put you in a spotlight you don't need.
My advice:
  • Gather facts. Dates, times, and write them down. Like, the time he came to your place and wouldn't take no for an answer about coming inside;
  • The girl is a sideshow. Keep her out of it, this is between you and he;
  • Talk to the principal, tell him what you've told us (plus all the other details like the dude's name etc. that aren't in the post) and get him on your side;
  • Lastly, keep away from this dude. That means absolutely no contact whatsoever. If you have call display, don't answer when he calls. If you don't, and it's him calling, hang up. Don't argue with him, don't talk to him, don't engage him at all.
Good luck.
Wow you are good earthshyne. I got a new AIM screenname and changed up my website addresses. I also NEVER contact this guy (only he contacted me through AIM once or twice). The girl is out of town and basically you're right about keeping her out of this. I don't want to cause anyone harm.

I am going to fix this damned caller ID. Someone I knew who kinda hangs out with him told me about the tantrum. I was going to confront him about it, but thought that it would be better for me to pretend like I don't know so I have an edge if he tried crap like what he did. Also, he'd probably just deny it and hate me more.

Anyways, fighting is out of the question and I'll be following your advice. Please keep them coming. Also, should I tell her boyfriend about this? We're good friends and he basically told me that he was stalking her and stuff but he told him to f*ck off. If so, who else should I tell? Keep this between us and not let anyone know? Might be good to not bring unwanted attention, and it might not be because he might go crazy. Also, he might not even have been here to kill me, but I'm not ruling that out.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Who should I tell about this little incident if any? Not the principal though . . . because I'm not even sure if it is serious.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Kerensky
Yeah that did cross my mind, but what if he had a knife or something? Also, I haven't had any fighting training yet although I kinda workout (not buff or anything). I live in the city.
Get the drop on him, if this guy were really that crazy and tough he'd of broken through your front door and pummeled you when he was outside your house.

You definatly don't seem like the type to "dirty your hands" with matters like this. So I recommend you find some one who would be willing to despence the justice and keep them around just in case things turn out bad. If nothing happens at all... well hey at least you made a new tough frined to watch your back right.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Yeah PR Moon that is a good point. I definitely wanna keep my hands clean. He can't bust through the door though, because you see then he'd have to bust through 2 gates, 1 metal door, and then another door. By then he'd be pretty beat up himself and I have a bat waiting for his ass.

Anyhow, I'll find some tough guys. I know a really violent kid who's outta town for the weekend, but we're cool. So I'll get him on his ass if he tries anything. I'm oging to keep in mind that he hastn't tried anything, but I have my sources tailing him and stuff so it's all good and I will hear about stuff.

The question stilff remains though . . . should I tell other people? Like my other friends or what.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2005
Reaction score
If it were me, the more people that had my back the better. So I'd tell my friends that would be of help but tell them to keep it on the down low.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Originally posted by eggnawgkid
If it were me, the more people that had my back the better. So I'd tell my friends that would be of help but tell them to keep it on the down low.
Good call my friend. I just told 6 football players and 3 baseball buddies.


Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas

Gee Wizz, I hope you don't get killed over this. But on the real side, I see that you have a problem. So in that aspect, I'll throw in my 2 cents. Gals deal with gals and guys deal with guys. If you have a female representative (girl friend, sister, female cousin) hand the problem over to them. If you don't, then deal with the problem with her male representative. Talk to her bropther about it or father. Go to her folks. That way if you have to put a real hurt on the gal, her folks and others will know that you tryied to handle it in a proper way and whatever happens to the gal is the gals fault. Then gert you a roll of quaters and carry them in your pocket. The next time she fycks with you bust her in the mouth and keep hitting her till she hits the ground. Take your foot and kick her a few times in the stomach. That stops a gal like getting kicked in the nuts stops a guy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Brother_Rapp

Gee Wizz, I hope you don't get killed over this. But on the real side, I see that you have a problem. So in that aspect, I'll throw in my 2 cents. Gals deal with gals and guys deal with guys. If you have a female representative (girl friend, sister, female cousin) hand the problem over to them. If you don't, then deal with the problem with her male representative. Talk to her bropther about it or father. Go to her folks. That way if you have to put a real hurt on the gal, her folks and others will know that you tryied to handle it in a proper way and whatever happens to the gal is the gals fault. Then gert you a roll of quaters and carry them in your pocket. The next time she fycks with you bust her in the mouth and keep hitting her till she hits the ground. Take your foot and kick her a few times in the stomach. That stops a gal like getting kicked in the nuts stops a guy.
what the hell?


Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas

What the hell?

Brother Rapp

What the hell nothing? If the bytch won't leave you along, kick her ass. I gave the guy some diplomatic moves to take. If they don't work, then kick her ass. If that don't work, then cut her. If that don't work, then shoot her. It just gets worst and worst for the bytch as far as I'm concerned.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Originally posted by Brother_Rapp

Gee Wizz, I hope you don't get killed over this. But on the real side, I see that you have a problem. So in that aspect, I'll throw in my 2 cents. Gals deal with gals and guys deal with guys. If you have a female representative (girl friend, sister, female cousin) hand the problem over to them. If you don't, then deal with the problem with her male representative. Talk to her bropther about it or father. Go to her folks. That way if you have to put a real hurt on the gal, her folks and others will know that you tryied to handle it in a proper way and whatever happens to the gal is the gals fault. Then gert you a roll of quaters and carry them in your pocket. The next time she fycks with you bust her in the mouth and keep hitting her till she hits the ground. Take your foot and kick her a few times in the stomach. That stops a gal like getting kicked in the nuts stops a guy.
Hey Brother Rapp, I know you mean well, but I am not a woman beater and basically that's not the problem. A stalker (A GUY) is stalking this girl (A GIRL). Now I think he wants to kill me (ANOTHER GUY). So I wanted to see what to do. Basically I think you thought a girl was trying to kill me. I think this guy thought me and the girl he was stalking are going to prom, but no we're not. We're just friends and she has a BF anyways. We were just talking and he thought the wrong thing. I know confronting him won't help because he lies a lot and he can say, "ok I believe you" and come around and try to jump me the next day or something.

Like I said, I COULD kick his ass, but I don't want that on my record/don't want to get kicked outta school. Anyhow, I am going to let this all settle down. Should I warn the chick about it? Or should I tell her BF and say this guy is kicking his psychopath abilities up a notch? Or should I not tell anyone? I told like 1 semi-close friend and those jocks up there I said. Please let me know. I don't think I will want to tell any adults (Except for my parents) because they wil think I am crazy since I don't have solid proof he tried to break in or anything.
Originally posted by Brother_Rapp

What the hell?

Brother Rapp

What the hell nothing? If the bytch won't leave you along, kick her ass. I gave the guy some diplomatic moves to take. If they don't work, then kick her ass. If that don't work, then cut her. If that don't work, then shoot her. It just gets worst and worst for the bytch as far as I'm concerned.
Yeah sorry about that, maybe I wasn't too clear. The girl isn't the one stalking me. A guy is stalking her AND me and I think he's gonna try some stupid stuff because he's jealous thinking we're gonna go to prom WHICH WE ARE NOT THAT DUMBASS.


Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas

I'm wondering which of the two of us will die first while I smoke a cigarette.(ha ha) Hmmm, that was good.(ha ha ) I think I'll light up another one. (ha ha)


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Brother_Rapp

What the hell?

Brother Rapp

What the hell nothing? If the bytch won't leave you along, kick her ass. I gave the guy some diplomatic moves to take. If they don't work, then kick her ass. If that don't work, then cut her. If that don't work, then shoot her. It just gets worst and worst for the bytch as far as I'm concerned.
Uhhh the girl has a potential stalker, why should she then be beaten for some lunatics crazy actions? That doesn't seem to make much sense. I don't see any positive diplomacy here at all.

Maybe you're loosing it in your later years after all Brother Rapp.:crazy:


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Originally posted by Brother_Rapp

I'm wondering which of the two of us will die first while I smoke a cigarette.(ha ha) Hmmm, that was good.(ha ha ) I think I'll light up another one. (ha ha)
People will start places bets on us man, just like the Pope and Terry Schiavo. :( :down:

Seriously, I'm not going to hit any girl. She's got a stalker (this is confirmed). The guy I know, but not too well. Her BF called him up and said, "fuk off and leave her alone" or something like that. Now the stalker's a confused/slow ass motherfvcker and thinks me and her are going to prom!

Damn psychopaths.