Girl makes fun of ur job


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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I really like this girl i went out with a couple times, and we got a 3rd date planned for tom night. But one thing has been irking me. She cracks little jokes about my future profession alot. And has questioned me more than once about why im doin it. Im gettin the feelin she doesn't respect my future job.

I currently work in a dead end office job, but i got into a train conductor position which starts in december. It sounds like a sh*tty job for a colelge educated person but its really not. These conductors make like 60 g's the 1st yr, and six figures with time. Not to mention amazing benefits, pension, vacation, free transportation etc. So after struggling for a good job for 3 yrs outta college i decided i hate office life, and this is somethin worthwhile financially that i would enjoy doing for a living. The job security is another huge reason why im doin this. I'm not a dr or lawyer and i dont feel like being a teach. So wats left, blue collar jobs or office jobs practically. I hate office life it makes me ill.

I am totally secure with it and looking forward to startign this job. But this girl keeps making cracks like oh if ur on my train im so gonna fvck with u. That i kinda laghed at wasnt and it wasnt a big deal. But then she started asking wat my dream job would be. And she was like r u doin this just for the money? im like basically so wat? so shes like woudlnt u wanna do soemthin u really love? Im like well not everyne is like u who knows exactly what they love to do since their 10 yrs old (shes a speech pathologist)

I also had told her that my current job is a temporary thing, and i only got it cuz i was in a dead end job before this and needed more money, and she goes - so u left one dead end job for another? I really bit my tongue when she said that cuz this chick just met me, knows nothing about me and shes judging me about my life already? She has no idea how hard of a worker i am or wat i been doin since college, i been soul searching for 3 yrs and i think ive finally figured it all out.

Should i say somethin to her next time she cracks a joke? I dont wanna overreact but i do wanna make it clear that she shouldnt waste my time or her time f she doesnt repect wat i do. Cuz its "blue collar" How should i handle a situation like this?


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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She's being a woman. Women like to see ambition in someone who they want to be in an LTR with. Tell her you're going to the best conductor in a couple of years and earning a 6 figure salary. You don't care what anyone thinks because you'll be the one with the big house and Aston Martin on the drive. Ask her where she thinks she will be in 5 years and whether she is doing everything she every dreamed of...I bet she isn't and is taking out her insecurities on you.

If she still makes you fell like crap...what is the point in seeing her? I would never change my ambition for a girl...maybe some won't like what I want to do, but I bet there are many that will.

Good Luck!


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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First of all, I think being a conductor would be cool.

Should i say somethin to her next time she cracks a joke?
Well, what the hell does she do for work? Poke fun at what she does.

I doubt she's being serious when she jokes about your future job. Just be c/f about her job in return. If she works at a burger joint, make fun of that. If she sits in front of a computer all day, tell her how you'll get to see the world while she gets to see her computer.

Just make sure you make it clear with your body language and facial expressions that you're only joking. Don't serve it back to her like it's revenge, serve it back to her like it's all in good fun.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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Desdinova said:
First of all, I think being a conductor would be cool.


Well, what the hell does she do for work? Poke fun at what she does.

I doubt she's being serious when she jokes about your future job. Just be c/f about her job in return. If she works at a burger joint, make fun of that. If she sits in front of a computer all day, tell her how you'll get to see the world while she gets to see her computer.

Just make sure you make it clear with your body language and facial expressions that you're only joking. Don't serve it back to her like it's revenge, serve it back to her like it's all in good fun.
shes a speech pathologist. so she makes good money already. She never sits at a desk, she loves what she does. took 6 yrs of shcool to get there. its kinda hard to make fun of.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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shes a speech pathologist.
She gets to listen to peeepal wif speech impedededaments tawk like dis aww day :D

Every job can be made fun of in some way. Although I make pretty good money, someone could tell me that I sit at my desk all day with my fist up my ass. Dentists have to play in smelly mouths and tooth decay. Doctors have to shove their fingers up people's asses. Construction workers get bricks dropped on their head all the time. Roofers have to sniff tar fumes. Therapists deal with the insane.

Find some angle of her job and go with it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Desdinova said:
She gets to listen to peeepal wif speech impedededaments tawk like dis aww day :D
I have a slight lisp.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I have a slight lisp.
That's fine, I can't pronounce french street names correctly.

The point was to find some aspect of her job that isn't glamorous. Everyone has 5hitty aspect to their job, be it paperwork or scrubbing urinals.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
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DJinTraining06 said:
I also had told her that my current job is a temporary thing, and i only got it cuz i was in a dead end job before this and needed more money, and she goes - so u left one dead end job for another?
Since Desdinova couldn't figure it out, let me break it down for you. Life is 1% masturbation, 99% presentation. If you carry the attitude around with you that says, "It's just a message board," or, "It's just a temporary job," you're not presenting yourself in a way that is conducive to building any sort of relationship. You're just masturbating. Changing what people think about you takes effort, but it all starts with changing how you think about yourself. Sure, you're optimistic, but I guarantee you that to this girl, you're just coasting without any greater aspirations. She seems like an achievement-driven woman. She wants a man who takes the lead and charges toward the future. How you communicate is form of presentation. It demonstrates confidence in and respect for yourself. If you don't take the time to engage in a strong presentation of your life, decisions, goals, and whatever, then don't expect anyone to take the time to think highly of you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
Demon said:
Since Desdinova couldn't figure it out, let me break it down for you. Life is 1% masturbation, 99% presentation. If you carry the attitude around with you that says, "It's just a message board," or, "It's just a temporary job," you're not presenting yourself in a way that is conducive to building any sort of relationship. You're just masturbating. Changing what people think about you takes effort, but it all starts with changing how you think about yourself. Sure, you're optimistic, but I guarantee you that to this girl, you're just coasting without any greater aspirations. She seems like an achievement-driven woman. She wants a man who takes the lead and charges toward the future. How you communicate is form of presentation. It demonstrates confidence in and respect for yourself. If you don't take the time to engage in a strong presentation of your life, decisions, goals, and whatever, then don't expect anyone to take the time to think highly of you.

But it was just a temporary job, i knew i had the apllication for the railroad in already and was just using this place for money till got into the railroad. That is the truth, not me presenting myself in a bad light. When she asked me about what i do, I told her of the conductor job being in the works and spoke enthusiastically of it, and told of all its strong points. How that's presenting myself in a bad light is beyond me. As for this message board, im at work and i try to type as fast as i could because im not suppsoed to be on the internet.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2003
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Man, if you work for the railroad that's the coolest job ever. If this broad doesn't respect a man who works on the goddamn railroad, drop her like a sack of potatoes.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
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DJinTraining06 said:
But it was just a temporary job, i knew i had the apllication for the railroad in already and was just using this place for money till got into the railroad. That is the truth, not me presenting myself in a bad light. When she asked me about what i do, I told her of the conductor job being in the works and spoke enthusiastically of it, and told of all its strong points. How that's presenting myself in a bad light is beyond me.
Well, then I guess you need to be the man in this situation and tell her you don't think the two of you would work out.

By the way, I have a lot of respect for railroad workers. One of my ancestors was one of the first conductors on the first train to operate on the Nickel Plate Road. You can't not respect anyone who helps people get from one place to another.

DJinTraining06 said:
As for this message board, im at work and i try to type as fast as i could because im not suppsoed to be on the internet.
Good deal. :)


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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Unregistered said:
Man, if you work for the railroad that's the coolest job ever. If this broad doesn't respect a man who works on the goddamn railroad, drop her like a sack of potatoes.

Was that sarcasm or for real?


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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Demon said:
Well, then I guess you need to be the man in this situation and tell her you don't think the two of you would work out.

By the way, I have a lot of respect for railroad workers. One of my ancestors was one of the first conductors on the first train to operate on the Nickel Plate Road. You can't not respect anyone who helps people get from one place to another.

Good deal. :)

It's the LIRR, they make very good money, more than some lawyers. Its a perefectly respectable job. This girl is just a spoiled LI girl who looks down on blue collar stuff I guess.

I mean i can honestly say i like myself, and i like my future job and dont feel ashamed about it, even a little. college education or not. I know alot of college grads who do blue collar stuff, why is that bad? If she brings it up again im def gonna end it, no use arguing with her right?

But what is this men-hating bs mentality this country has now. Men not reaching their utmost potential in a career makes them a loser. i can be a dr if i chose to. i chose not too. does that make me a loser? in no way am i a lazy bum. I work hard and live right, wats wrong with that. men are treated like sh*t these days. God forbid we're not ceo's, doctors, or lawyers cuz otherwise we r garbage to most women. It's feminist bullsh*t dont buy into it.

Since when are women perfect? It's nonsense. I'll be makng 100 g's, with full benefits and a great pension in 10-15 yrs. Ill have a family,friends and nice possesions. wow what a horrible thing.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2003
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It may have came off as sarcastic, but in reality I think that's a cool job. It's unique.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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Unregistered said:
It may have came off as sarcastic, but in reality I think that's a cool job. It's unique.

ohhh k wasnt sure. Well if anything its a masculine job. It's a job ur little kids will love. Like ooh daddy works for the choo choo train.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
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Keesler AFB, Mississippi
For God sakes, man, lighten up. She's busting your balls and you're cracking. Think of how you would feel if you were busting her on something jokingly and she took it seriously and got offended and ended it with you. So she's a speech therapist. There are a thousand and a half ways that you could bust on her job back, or busts back when she busts you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
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Women have an inability to respect blue collar jobs. Which is why they earn less than men. They don't have the perserverance to master top line white collar jobs, they'd rather have babies or stuff around. They love stories about the first female astronaut but if there's real danger like being an Alaskan crab fisherman they just don't want to know.

If you can, check out a National Geographic video called "Tuna Cowboys" there were no women there, cause frankly not too many men would want it either.

Just tell the next b*tch who questions your job that you have a Casey Jones fetish and riding the train gets you hard.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
It's obvious from the way that you speak that you are deep down ashamed of where you are in life and that's blatantly obvious to her and that's why she's picking at your insecurity. You don't have to admit it to me or anyone else on this board, but admit it to yourself... If you're not living your potential don't settle for something less than your absolute best....

Bully's pick on kids that are insecure, she's being a bully because you my friend are insecure. You may sound enthused about being a train conductor, but deep down its terribly obvioius you feel with your level of education you should be somewhere further along and actually i'm getting jealousy from you as well and am sure you are intimidated by her position in her career right now.

You don't have to retort saying how cool you think train conductors are and how this is what you wanna do with your life and blah blah, save it bro. You don't have to convince me or anyone else, just do what makes you happy and once you're doing something that you truly believe in and are secure about, your problems with your girl will go away as she'll be satisfied that you are secure in your position in life and she'll trust you to move forward her life intertwined with her own.

Even considering getting rid of her speaks of utter insecurity. Fix your life and stop projecting your fears and regrets onto her, she's simply doing what females are programmed to do, they smell fear, anxiety, insecurity and they expose it because they don't want fake men that are lieing to themselves.
