Girl leaves because I was on Roids, acceptable reason??


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
For the record, I don't think any of us advocate the use of AAS. What we are saying is that basically AAS is not as bad/lethal as the commoner would like it to be. As long as you do your research before hand and do a reasonable cycle and PCT you will be fine.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Centaurion
For the record, I don't think any of us advocate the use of AAS. What we are saying is that basically AAS is not as bad/lethal as the commoner would like it to be. As long as you do your research before hand and do a reasonable cycle and PCT you will be fine.
that is true.


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
Oh, one more thing steroids do for you: they toughen your vocal cords, making you talk louder and deeper. I need to get some...;)


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2004
Reaction score
Thank you SamePendo....Thats exactly what Im sayin. I didnt want to start this war with people badmouthing each other.

It was just a simple question. Everyone, whether for or against it, needs to just chill out. Lets drop this post, its gettin out of hand.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Wyldefire, your arguing with a total idiot here. Fatality obviously has no argument and can only through his opinion around with no substance.

To the rest:

Only an idiot would buy into his or any pusher of roids arguments that they are 100% or 90% or 80% safe.

Notice how he try's to shift it to well others drink or use cocaine. Which isn't the issue here. It's about steroids. When we open a thread on drinking or other drugs we can talk about it there.

His argument is typical of those blinded by the fake reality of roids. A medical doctor could set his stupid ass down and show him on a slide and microscope damaged tissue and he would still be in la la land.

The though of him losing his fake size that over compensates for either his lack of height or penis size is way to great for these roid heads.

The thought of getting real inner game is just too much work for these kind of fake men. They use the shyt to feel like real men. Much like a man will drink to feel tougher.

It all just masks deeper problems inside of their psyche. As I have stated a normal well adjusted male wouldn't even think of touching the stuff cause he wouldn't care.

He is happy with himself. These gentlemen obviously are not happy with what nature gave them.

A DJ doesn't need the juice to succeed in life or women or the gym. He doesn't care what others think of him or what he lifts.

If you examine all of the juicers arguments on here you will notice none of them have responded to my above statements. All fatality has said was that it's not about the women.

And if it's not about the women then it must be about the other gay. J/K fatality. I know your not gay cause your on this site trying to fix what is wrong with you and getting women.

Well the juice will not help guys like these fools. Infact in only makes it worse. So what if your born with a small penis. Learn to use it well. Taking that stuff will only make it worse, as I said you will get nuts the size of grapes.

Women will laugh when you pull your pants down. And nothing is more obvious and funny than short men on the juice trying to be big men. It's so obvious and funny and amazing that those kind of guys can't even see how stupid they look!

This has been an interesting debate. It's amazing to see how gullible the human mind can become. No wonder people smoke even though they know it causes cancer...yes I am using it as a analogy.

I feel sorry for all these missguided young men. For me it's not even about the health risks, but the putting a bandaide on a gun shot wound effect.

The masking of what is really wrong inside those guys minds, ego's and psyche's which makes them use AAS to begin with!!!!

It kind of reminds me of the analogy of rat poisen. A little bit will not hurt or kill you. But why ingest it to begin with.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Centaurion
For the record, I don't think any of us advocate the use of AAS. What we are saying is that basically AAS is not as bad/lethal as the commoner would like it to be. As long as you do your research before hand and do a reasonable cycle and PCT you will be fine.

And why do YOU use them?

What is wrong with you that you need to boost your physical strength up to feel secure in life?


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Mr. Harris - nobody ever said they are 100% safe, like Centaurion said if you do your research and know what you are doing you can totally minimize the side effects. Like I said before I know a guy who is 71 and has been using moderate doses since the 60's and he is the healthiest 70 year old I've ever seen. You are just one of those know it alls that believes everything you hear in the media. The media always focuses on the negative because that is all people are interested in. They don't want to hear stories of success. Like ESPN running a story on the ONE GUY who abused steroids and somehow ended up losing a leg:rolleyes:

About the penis and height thing, I don't know where you are getting this, according to your brilliant logic any guy that uses them has a small **** or is short :rolleyes: You must be in the pros locker room before the show staring at them naked seeing as how you have supposedly seen it all being a physical therapist lol


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fatality
Mr. Harris - nobody ever said they are 100% safe, like Centaurion said if you do your research and know what you are doing you can totally minimize the side effects. Like I said before I know a guy who is 71 and has been using moderate doses since the 60's and he is the healthiest 70 year old I've ever seen. You are just one of those know it alls that believes everything you hear in the media. The media always focuses on the negative because that is all people are interested in. They don't want to hear stories of success. Like ESPN running a story on the ONE GUY who abused steroids and somehow ended up losing a leg:rolleyes:

About the penis and height thing, I don't know where you are getting this, according to your brilliant logic any guy that uses them has a small **** or is short :rolleyes: You must be in the pros locker room before the show staring at them naked seeing as how you have supposedly seen it all being a physical therapist lol
LOL, fatality. You know what, when I get to my 70's I will use them cause I have nothing else to lose. But over the next 40 years I will be concerned about my health.

And you and I both know that lack of height and a already smaller than average size wanger is why many guys use it.

I noticed that you have no answer to my statement above about being well adjusted to begin with.

Would you care to comment on that? Or continue to confuse the issue. Also why don't you show us how tall YOU are. Forget about the penis envy thing.

I'm 6'3 welsh and german. I'm only average in size wanker but I'm ok with that. I lift and I lift very hard and heavy. Both my twin brother and I are comfortable with our manhood are you?


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by MrHarris
LOL, fatality. You know what, when I get to my 70's I will use them cause I have nothing else to lose. But over the next 40 years I will be concerned about my health.

And you and I both know that lack of height and a already smaller than average size wanger is why many guys use it.

I noticed that you have no answer to my statement above about being well adjusted to begin with.

Would you care to comment on that? Or continue to confuse the issue. Also why don't you show us how tall YOU are. Forget about the penis envy thing.

I'm 6'3 welsh and german. I'm only average in size wanker but I'm ok with that. I lift and I lift very hard and heavy. Both my twin brother and I are comfortable with our manhood are you?
The guy I mentioned has been using them for 40 years. Reading isn't your strong point I see.

As for being well adjusted, I am a college student studying business and the reason I am at this site is girls have always shown interest in me ( even when i was skinny) but I eventually blew it by being too nice. I couldn't figure out what i was doing wrong so I did a search on yahoo and found this place. I have been working out since I was 5 years old not with weights though, i didn't start that until i was 12. I was born a workout freak.

As for my height, I'm 5'8 OH MY GOD I MUST WORKOUT BECAUSE I'M SHORT:rolleyes: Working out is something I have done my whole life. I honestly wouldn't want to be taller, it has never hurt me with the ladies and it is an advantage for bodybuilding. I think the reason you think certain guys workout becasue of their height is because you see that the best bodybuilders in the world are under 6'0. Like I said it is an advantage. It is easier to fill out the body at a shorter height. As for their penis size, stay out of the locker room you pervert:D As for my wang size, I don't want to brag about that but lets just say I'm better than average.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Mr.Harris, you seem to be very pre-occupied with everyone's penises. Seriously, you call foul when I mentioned recreational drugs, yet you spend most of your time implying that everyone is gay and/or has a small penis. And I don't know why you're so concerned with everyone's "game"? Who are you to say who has game and who doesn't? And what does that have to do with steroids in the first place?

This thread has degenerated beyond all repair.

You have a middle aged housewife putting her foot in her mouth with every post. BTW, what is a mother of two doing with 5000 posts on a forum for guys? If you give good advice on things, fine, but when you don't know something(ie: steroids), please know when to shutup.

On the other hand you have MrHarris, a supposed "physical therapist" who seems to know everything about roids. You even mentioned that you "advise your clients on cycles"? Uhm, ok. A man who also is pre-occupied with everyone else's penis size and testicle size. BTW testicles grow back after cycle, and no I do not have any problems getting an erection, as you implied in one of your previous posts. Although I'm not quite sure why you'd want to


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by italostud

Mr.Harris, you seem to be very pre-occupied with everyone's penises. Seriously, you call foul when I mentioned recreational drugs, yet you spend most of your time implying that everyone is gay and/or has a small penis. And I don't know why you're so concerned with everyone's "game"? Who are you to say who has game and who doesn't? And what does that have to do with steroids in the first place?

Nice way to twist the issues italio. You and I both know what your doing. Mis-direct the issue. You have not answered my questions or addressed the real issue.

I am not concerned with everyones penis, only you the juicers. And the reasons are self evident. I am also pointing out another reason why you guys use the stuff. Cause you lack real game. You try to make up for it with shot's in the butt of roids.....ohhh yeah...I really must sign up for that program. I just love having needles stuck into my ass all the time.

I've pointed out that this is one of the main reasons why a man will start juicing. That and a lack of physical stature or height.

You haven't answered to either of those. And please do not lie cause with the height issue it's just a matter of posting several photos of yourself.

This thread has degenerated beyond all repair.

Originally posted by italostud

You have a middle aged housewife putting her foot in her mouth with every post. BTW, what is a mother of two doing with 5000 posts on a forum for guys? If you give good advice on things, fine, but when you don't know something(ie: steroids), please know when to shutup.
LOL. I have no idea if all of the 5,000 posts she has given was good advice or not, but what I've seen so far is worth listening to just to hear a females perspective.

Now you stated " if you gave good advice on things, fine" So far it looks like she has been doing some research to back up her statements.

You sir are the only one in this argument who has offered any valid research to back up your claims. I do respect that. You have offered the warning of useage and all that. You even stated that certain things could happen and stuff.

Good for you to put a waiver in there.

Originally posted by italostud

On the other hand you have MrHarris, a supposed "physical therapist" who seems to know everything about roids. You even mentioned that you "advise your clients on cycles"? Uhm, ok. A man who also is pre-occupied with everyone else's penis size and testicle size. BTW testicles grow back after cycle, and no I do not have any problems getting an erection, as you implied in one of your previous posts. Although I'm not quite sure why you'd want to
Ummmm, I'm sorry italo, once again your mis-directing the real issue. You above made comments like "advise your clients on cycles"? and " pre-occupied with everyone else's penis size and testicle size.

( Oh I don't associate with roiders anymore, nor do I rehab them in my business! I was reffering to my past. I have worked on a team supporting professional bodybuilders in my line of work. You would be surprised what a big business it is, especially when a talent gets a backer. )

Then you made this statement:

"BTW testicles grow back after cycle"

Are you aware that you destroyed your whole argument here? Probably not. You just pointed out that everything that I said about nuts shrinking was true. Not many people know that the nuts product testo. Which is what causes errections in men. If you don't have enough testo in your nuts how are you going to achieve a errection?

Are you aware that there are large numbers of men who naturally have lower than average levels of testotorone? Hence the need for testo therapy in the late 30's in some males.

Also are you aware that there are people who have trouble "jump starting" as it's called their bodies own production after a cycle?

Now I don't know about you....uhh actually I do know about you, but to the average man messing with your nuts is way too much stress for me just for some fake size that will shrink when you quit. Like woooo!!! who really cares this much about bloated muscles when your messing with your nuts!!!

Are you crazy man????


I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I know everything about them, cause that is not the case. I have not read up on female versions very much as you seem to of done.




Now I want to ask you one more time.

What is wrong with you that you feel the need to use this stuff?

Do you have a short man complex or is it the other main reason that your joking about and using as a misdirection attempt.

WHY DO YOU USE THEM and be honest.

Please do not respond with the old canned for recreational purposes answer that so many juicers spout off. God I can't tell you how many times I've heard that old line italio.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MrHarris

I am not concerned with everyones penis, only you the juicers.

Lol, sorry but that's too funny.

And the reasons are self evident. I am also pointing out another reason why you guys use the stuff. Cause you lack real game. You try to make up for it with shot's in the butt of roids

Again, where are you getting this? Blatant generalizations make you sound sooo educated.

Then you made this statement:

"BTW testicles grow back after cycle"

Are you aware that you destroyed your whole argument here? Probably not. You just pointed out that everything that I said about nuts shrinking was true.

How did I destroy my whole argument? I never denied that testicles DO shrink while you're on cycle, I also mentioned that they grow back after. Where did I destroy my argument? Lol, are you even reading what I'm writing? Please go back and read my post. We actually agree on this particular nut shrinking issue lol.

Not many people know that the nuts product testo. Which is what causes errections in men. If you don't have enough testo in your nuts how are you going to achieve a errection?

Well, actually, I can see you don't know that much about roids. Your ignorance shines through in this particular passage.

When on steroids(testosterone), you will have NO PROBLEM getting an erection. You have many times the natural levels of testosterone in your bloodstream. Your body doesn't care whether it came from your nuts or an outside source, all it knows is that it has a lot of testosterone, therefore, you should have no problems getting an erection. Testosterone acts the same way when it's in your body, doesn't matter if it's natural or synthetic.

Are you aware that there are large numbers of men who naturally have lower than average levels of testotorone? Hence the need for testo therapy in the late 30's in some males.

Yes, it's called HRT(Hormone replacement therapy). And is becoming more and more accepted in the medical community when it comes to men.

Also are you aware that there are people who have trouble "jump starting" as it's called their bodies own production after a cycle?

The only guys that have serious problems with this are the ones who didn't order Clomid or HCG(nolva can be used for this too)

What is wrong with you that you feel the need to use this stuff?

Do you have a short man complex or is it the other main reason that your joking about and using as a misdirection attempt.

WHY DO YOU USE THEM and be honest.

My personal reasons, while they don't really matter, are: I've always been into physical activities, sports, weightlifting, you name it. I hit my genetic peak(or close enough to it) and wanted to get bigger/stronger/faster. I'm 5'11'' and my height, nor my penis size, nor my game have anything to do with my decision to use steroids. Of course I can't speak for everyone when it comes to this. Now I hope we can let this thread die and just agree to disagree.

You= Steroids bad
Me= Steroids not as bad as the media would have u think

Does that sum it up? I sure hope so because before this thread is done I'm going to develop carpal tunnel.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
Italostud, good posts.

I don't see why you are so obssessed with d*cks Harris. Maybe you want one, is that it?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Centaurion
Italostud, good posts.

I don't see why you are so obssessed with d*cks Harris. Maybe you want one, is that it?
No centurian I already have a full functioning one, thank you.


If your game is so strong why are you here? If your not competing in sports then why use them? Obviously at your age your sports are lets just be honest here.

You gave me one of those canned responses. But that is ok, I am not going to change your mind or any other users mind on the juice.

You gave away your position by your words. Think about a layman thinking about having to restart his nuts as you stated. That alone is enough right there to scare many away.

As far as erections are concerned, you haven't read everything it seems, cause impotence in one of the main problems with bodybuilders on the juice. Look in any magazine and you will find at least one article on that subject in each issue.

It seems that since your nuts are connected to your dyck they create the erection. When you inject testo you supply this long does it last in the body...????

I think you know where I'm heading here.

You seem to have done quite a bit of research as I said before on another post. I have left off information like (HRT-Hormone replacement therapy).and you supplied it so that show's me that you do know what your talking about from a research stand point.

The only thing you need to be honest about is the real reason why you use it, at least to yourself. "To thine ownself be true"

You have used all the proper words including genetic potential and all that...quite impressive for a layman. Those roid shops online must really be keeping you guys well educated. I mean you even knew about clomid and ****!

These are new developments in the juice industry. Back in "the days" you were assed out and shyt outta luck.

So keep on juicing it. When you need a good doctor to help you repair some of the damage let me know I will give you the name of Arnolds out in califorina.

As I tell my clients when I get into my 70's I'm doing everything. Steroids, smoking dope, driving fast cars, loose women, all of it, but right now in my early 30's life is too precious to take chances with. I want to have kids one day hopefully sooner than later and messing with my nuts is out of the question.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
So, what you are saying is that if you, ie do 500mg of Test a week, you will not be able to get a hard-on?


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
This thread has become redundant and petty...this one needs a padlock on it.

One last comment:

If someone wants to use steroids it's their business...but it's inappropriate and uncool to encourage others to use them. Likewise, it's just wrong to imply that they are safe when there is scientific evidence that points to many significant risks and side effects.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Now websites that support forums for steroids will tell you that the effects are always reversible. Nothing is always Italo. Your getting your info slanted from the sellers side.


Anabolic/androgenic steroids exert an inhibiting effect on the hypothalomohypophysial testicular axis (see chapter: The Significance and Function of Testosterone). This results in a suppression of the normal testicular function which may further result in a reduced testosterone production, a decreased spermatogenesis, and a testicular atrophy The degree of suppression depends on the duration of the steroid intake, the administered steroid, and the dosage of the steroid. During the beginning of steroid administration one may often notice an increase in libido which, in time can fall below normal standards"

As I said impotence is a common problem. Who wants to go get a shot of juice or other drugs just to get a hard on?


"In the category of the toxic side effects of anabolic/androgenic steroids, the potential effects on the liver are most apparent. These can manifest themselves in various dysfunctions of the liver. In the literature, cases have been mentioned where it came to a cholastasis (bile obstruction in the liver), a peliosis hepatis (bloodfilled cavities in the liver tissue, cysts), or liver cancer with the use of anabolic/ androgenic steroids."

"The risks:

Unwanted side effects associated with steroid use include irritability and aggressiveness ('roid rage'), acne, accelerated hair loss, and a bloated appearance.

In women steroids have a masculinising effect. This can lead to growth of facial and body hair, baldness, a deepening voice deepening, shrinking breasts, enlargement of the ****oris and disruption of the menstrual cycle.

For men the risks include erection problems, breast growth, shrinking testicles, reduces sperm levels and possible sterility.
Some of these side-effects, such as breast growth, can be irreversable without surgery.

Long term heavy use may damage the heart, liver and kidneys. Young people taking steroids may find their growth rate adversely affected.

Injecting steroids can damage veins, while sharing needles or syringes places users at risk of infection from HIV and hepatitis."


And :

Anabolic Steroids and the Male Reproductive System

AS are derivatives of testosterone, which has strong genitotropic effects. For this reason, it will not be surprising that side effects include the reproductive system. Application of anabolic steroids leads to supra-physiological concentrations of testosterone or testosterone derivatives. Via the feed back loop, the production and release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulation hormone (FSH) is decreased.

Prolonged use of anabolic steroids in relatively high doses will lead to hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, with decreased serum concentrations of LH, FSH, and testosterone.

There are strong indications that the duration, dosage, and chemical structure of the anabolic steroids are important for the serum concentrations of gonadotropins. A moderate decrease of gonadotropin secretion causes atrophy of the testes, as well as a decrease of sperm cell production. Oligo, azoospermia and an increased number of abnormal sperm cells have been reported in athletes using AS, resulting in a decreased fertility. After stopping AS use, the gonadal functions will restore within some months. There are indications, however, that it may take several months.

In bodybuilding, where usually high dosages are uses, after stopping steroid use, often choriogonadotropins are administered to stimulate testicular function. The effectiveness of this therapy is unknown.

Please read the last sentence. Promotors of roids would have you believe that you can ALWAYS jump start your gonads back into full function. This is not always the case as Italo would have you believe.

I would urge the kids reading this to do real research on the subject. Not the propaganda put out on the roid sites that are in full support of using what is known as a illegal drug to begin with.

They make it sound all good with words like "when used in moderation" knowing full well that young men will not use it in moderation. The old more must be better syndrome will kick in.

Talk to older men who have used it and do not use it currently before making a decision to take the cheaters easy way out. Never mind that bull crap about having reached your genetic potential stuff.

My continual posting on this thread is not to argue with Italo and the other two idiots, but to reach any of the young guys who are thinking about this path, in hopes of altering you to more safer and sainer route. Good old fashioned hard workouts.

Notice how those idiots have not given proof that their game with women is any better or even that they have any game?

Steroids is not a substitue to manhood!


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by MrHarris
Notice how those idiots have not given proof that their game with women is any better or even that they have any game?
I never said that I used AAS, and trust me when I say this, if I decided to use AAS, my 'game' would probably be the last reason for starting a cycle. I don't know where you have got that 'using AAS = trying to compensate for being short/a short d*ck/game' cr*p from.

And also, why do you try to start sh*t by resulting to personal insults in almost all of your posts? Are you trying to compensate for something?

For your information, I'm 178cm (~ 5'10-11, not sure about the conversion) weighing around 220lbs. I've been training since I was 16, and havn't touched any AAS's. Currently I'm dating an older woman, and all around, I'm pretty happy with my game.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Mr Harris - you again mention how alot of bodybuilders are infertile yet just about every one of the top pros of the last 30 years has kids.:rolleyes:

You want us to prove that we have game. Well last time I checked we are on a message board so how would we go about doing that genius? Unlike a desperate chump like you I'm not constantly concerned about women.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Kuipers, H. (1998). Anabolic steroids: side effects. In: Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine and Science, T.D.Fahey (Editor). Internet Society for Sport Science: 7 March 1998.

Is that enough for you?

Why don't you just google it search for steroids side effects and get the real truth. Not what is put out by the sellers or promoters.

You kid are a tool by them. You pick up some of the jargon and read THEIR research and regurgitate it.

So I am to assume YOU have done your research on it and decided in favor of injecting your ass in favor of larger muscles the quick and easy way correct!

Knowing that when you come off most of it dissappears. Look at Vin Diesel in his latest movie.

So that means that in order to maintain your gains your going to have to keep using for longer periods correct.

And this is ok with YOU?

Is it really ok with you Centurion?

If you had a 16 year old little brother would you want him to start cycling also?

If you had a son would you want him to start cycling?