Girl leaves because I was on Roids, acceptable reason??


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by italostud
Mr. Harris, you seem to have taken this too personally. We are discussing drugs and their side effects, not my "inner game".

Your inner azzhole has revealed itself.

Get a grip.
You's kind of hard not to be disgusted with what you and another are spewing on here. Think about it for a minute. What kind of teen boys are reading this site? A lot who are insecure, lack confidence, desperately want to appease their ragin hormones by attracting girls...on top of that, teenage boys think they are invincible. Those of you who don't give a rat's a$$ about your own health and are attempting to excuse and justify your own use or desire to use are sending a HORRIBLE message to some VERY impressionable kids. Smarten the f*ck up...remember who might be actually listening to you. Coming on here and claiming using steroids is safe is a lie and you know it. You know full well what the risks are and just because some of you choose to take them does NOT mean it's okay to sit there and lie your a$$ off to a bunch of teenage boys.

As the mother of two teenage boys, damn straight I'm going to be loudly opposing what you're saying. It's IRRESPONSIBLE.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2004
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Well Wyldfire, though I respect your ideas of what is wrong with the situation, let me clarify some things:
1. I spent three years researching this stuff before I even decided I was definitely going to take the plunge. If there is one thing I found out, If used in moderation (which is what I did) there are no harmful effects....Why would they give this to treat Aids, cancer, etc.
2. I am not a cheater. My body is great as it was, I just wanted to see what the effects would be like. I will not take steroids again, it was simply an experiment.
3. I got my bloodwork done after it. Everything was normal if not better and I NEVER had any depression post-cycle, because I took the proper steps to avoid such a problem.
4. Infertility? possibly with heavy long term use (again, moderation is the key). Shrinking of the testicles is temporary, because your body is getting its testosterone from an outside source, therfore, your testicles stop producing natural testosterone. This is brought back post-cycle with the help of Clomid.
5. Inability to get a full erection???? BULL****!!!!!! I couldnt keep my **** down for the life of me. I felt like I was 15 again!!!
6. All needles/syringes are sterilized and packaged, used once, and thrown out... so where is the hepatitis coming from?? only idiots that do not research and properly prepare for something like this.

Ill gaurantee you this. My **** is just as big as a skinny guy you're looking for and I will live just as long.

It kind of sucks that roids get such a bad rap from retards that didnt take the time to research and prepare and instead just did whatever to the extreme.

Again, im not tryin to flame anybody's opinions on roids. you think what you want, and thats cool. but i would suggest not to stereotype all people that do it...there are many educated people that take the necessary precautions before engaging in an activity like this.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
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"they give this to treat Aids,"

Exactly, this was one of the documented studies done by a medical doctor who himself used the stuff. I read his report over 10 years ago on how he was able to increase his T-cell count and all that.

To centurion: I have read more than a few book on it. I had to in order to advise my clients on the proper cycles to use.

Your forgetting that I am from that environment. As I said it was my job to know so that I could fully advise my customers.

To the other readers. Notice how these guys will always say that if you use in moderation or that it might cause this or that.

Proponents of steroids will use this kind of jargon to justify their own useage.

And yes I have made it a personal argument. I have agreed with the other side's comments on moderation and even stated that you should use with the help of a medical doctor and to get your blood pressure checked.

Do research on the effects on cholestorol levels if your not sure on the heart effects of roids.

Don't just take the jargon that is put out by users who believe that they are taking all the precautions that they can. Or regurgitating information spinning around the roid website forums.

Yes your nuts will shrink up. It is a medical fact. When your taking testo from an outside source the body no longer needs to produce it, so they shrink.

Now these guys would have you believe that it's very minor...bwahahahaha....any shrinkage of your nuts is not minor in my book, what say you guys to this?

Having erectile disfunction isn't minor in my book either. Notice these guys are not talking about how their penises have shrunk? Notice italio hasn't said one word about his own problems or conditions...

When I said that most users do this because of inner game problems I was speaking from fact. A well adjusted man wouldn't need to get fake increases in size and strength.

To throw drinking and other drugs into the pot is confusing the issue. The issue is Steroids, not drinking or cocaine or any of the other drugs out there. We are talking about one thing and one thing only.

Do your research before you use. And don't just go to those websites that promote using and minimize the risks. Do real research.

Italio has not once stated his qualifications to speak on this matter, nor has anyone else on this thread. If we had any medical doctors on this forum I'm sure they would agree with me for the most part.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
As a woman I have to say that any guy who uses steroids is simply undateable. Here is why:

1) Miserable demeanor
2) Cheater...not willing to WORK to get results.
3) Breaking the law (steroids ARE illegal in this kind of case)
4) Who wants to get involved with a guy who is going to DIE 20 or 30 years before he otherwise would because of the damage to his liver, heart and prostate? And of course the depressions and suicide.
5) Risk of infertility, shrinking genitals, inability to get a full erection.
6) Injecting drugs of any kind into your body is f*cking disgusting. Needles are a risk for HIV and thanks, I'll pass.

Guys who use steroids have far more problems than they're worth. Give me an easy going skinny guy with a nice big d*ck who is going to live as long as me any day.
sounds like a discription of a "bad boy"
let me tell you why

1) aggression is a sign of power. women like aggresive men who are strong.

2) A man who wants power doesn't play by the rules he breaks them. Women find power and strength attractive.

3) what is wrong with breaking the law a bit? :) ohh sounds dangerous.

4) Women don't worry about that they just go with their emotions.

5) this won't happen unless you abuse the roids. Trying it a few times to gain some bulk doesn't do that.

6) who the hell would use a dirty needle?


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
As a woman I have to say that any guy who uses steroids is simply undateable. Here is why:

1) Miserable demeanor
2) Cheater...not willing to WORK to get results.
3) Breaking the law (steroids ARE illegal in this kind of case)
4) Who wants to get involved with a guy who is going to DIE 20 or 30 years before he otherwise would because of the damage to his liver, heart and prostate? And of course the depressions and suicide.
5) Risk of infertility, shrinking genitals, inability to get a full erection.
6) Injecting drugs of any kind into your body is f*cking disgusting. Needles are a risk for HIV and thanks, I'll pass.

Guys who use steroids have far more problems than they're worth. Give me an easy going skinny guy with a nice big d*ck who is going to live as long as me any day.
Again you mentioned big ****. We already went over that:rolleyes:

Everything else you said is possible but the thing you mentioned about dying within 20 - 30 years is complete bull****. Many people will die within the next 20 - 30 years and believe it or not they all don't use steroids. Then you mention the suicides. There have been a whopping 2 and there is no proof the juice caused it seeing as how thousands committ suicide every day. They must all be on the juice:rolleyes: As for cheating it is only cheating if your competition isn't doing it.

You would never date a steroid user but you would stay with a guy that abused you for 10 years lol

BTW I there is a guy at my gym who is 71 and has been taking light doses of steroids since the 60's and is perfectly healthy and strong as an ox for his age.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Centaurion
Sorry Wyldfire. You are out of your league here. Just like guns or any other substances out there, AAS don't kill people - people kill people.
Sorry, that argument is faulty.

A gun is a mechanical device that fires projectiles, the proper recreational use of which is detrimental to no one. Guns also have legitimate defensive applications.

Anabolic Steroids are substances that help in massive muscle recovery, for those wishing to build a more intimidating physique. Steroids, like any other street drug, have very scary and very well-documented "side effects". It's why they're illegal. It's why Ephedra is now illegal. Substances that can be easily ABused unwittingly by consumers, with very real and very dangerous consequences.



Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
My fiance' that was murdered used to bench press over 500lbs. He never touched steroids but knew many who did. He was VERY heavy into body building and did it the old fashioned way...through hard work. He was VERY vocal about how bad it is to use steroids.

Again...people who take steroids are L-A-Z-Y
Theya re lazy depending on their reasons for using. If they use to look good for women than yeah they are lazy cheaters. If they use for bodybuilding competition where they allow drugs it is not cheating.

Don't believe everything you hear from the guy that is ****ing you. He could've been natural or maybe not. I'd say no.

Your boy Jean Claude Van Damme juiced so I guess you wouldn't date him. Many celebrities use for movie roles. What a shocker:rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by MrHarris
Well said. My sentiments exactly. El-lamo's who don't want to put in the hard work and time that it requires to build a good solid foundation.

Anyone can get huge on roids. All you do is get a shot in the ass, which is just gay to me.

The guy who is ranting about it's not about size or penis size or women that sounds just gay to me. (fanatic)

Get help for your short man complex and penis envy from a qualified therapist and don't try to over compensate with roids.

It must be real cool for you to hang with the boys in the gym shooting juice into each others ass's, admiring your physiques and getting that rush from a heavy duty program...drinking beer with the fellows....driving pick up trucks real fast cause you feel like gods....yeah it must feel real good to feel on top of the world hanging out with your boys...going to bars with your shirts popped open....leaving with your boys and admiring how you dissed some 110lb girl...

You know what...

You guys can keep that picture while I go get the women since what's missing from the above picture is women.

Not that I'm saying you ain't got a girlfriend or anything like that...but don't you think your saying it's not about the women is kinda weak and gay...cause in the end it's always about the women for you cheater types.
Nothing more entertaining than ignorance. It's idiots like you that cause people like Wyldfire to be so ignorant.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
I want a girly girl who will feed me my flitstone roids pills.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
You's kind of hard not to be disgusted with what you and another are spewing on here. Think about it for a minute. What kind of teen boys are reading this site? A lot who are insecure, lack confidence, desperately want to appease their ragin hormones by attracting girls...on top of that, teenage boys think they are invincible. Those of you who don't give a rat's a$$ about your own health and are attempting to excuse and justify your own use or desire to use are sending a HORRIBLE message to some VERY impressionable kids. Smarten the f*ck up...remember who might be actually listening to you. Coming on here and claiming using steroids is safe is a lie and you know it. You know full well what the risks are and just because some of you choose to take them does NOT mean it's okay to sit there and lie your a$$ off to a bunch of teenage boys.

As the mother of two teenage boys, damn straight I'm going to be loudly opposing what you're saying. It's IRRESPONSIBLE.
But you'll let them drink right? You don't belong in this thread, go back to answering the question like "Some girl smiled at me, what should I do?":rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by HKgunslinger
Sorry, that argument is faulty.

A gun is a mechanical device that fires projectiles, the proper recreational use of which is detrimental to no one. Guns also have legitimate defensive applications.

Anabolic Steroids are substances that help in massive muscle recovery, for those wishing to build a more intimidating physique. Steroids, like any other street drug, have very scary and very well-documented "side effects". It's why they're illegal. It's why Ephedra is now illegal. Substances that can be easily ABused unwittingly by consumers, with very real and very dangerous consequences.

Ephedra lol that is banned because that fatass Steve Bechler died of heatstroke while using it. Funny how people don't realize his brother died of heatstroke without even using ephedra.:rolleyes:


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fatality
Theya re lazy depending on their reasons for using. If they use to look good for women than yeah they are lazy cheaters. If they use for bodybuilding competition where they allow drugs it is not cheating.

Don't believe everything you hear from the guy that is ****ing you. He could've been natural or maybe not. I'd say no.

Your boy Jean Claude Van Damme juiced so I guess you wouldn't date him. Many celebrities use for movie roles. What a shocker:rolleyes:
Seeing as he admitted to taking other drugs before us meeting, I highly doubt he'd lie about steroids. He was natural because his upper body was far more massive than his lower body.

Just because I think Van Damme is good looking doesn't mean I'd date him. Rumor has it he's an a$$hole and woman beater, he's definitely not anyone I would date. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy looking at him.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fatality
But you'll let them drink right? You don't belong in this thread, go back to answering the question like "Some girl smiled at me, what should I do?":rolleyes:
First of all, I don't typically try to "parent" the men I get involved "letting" or "not letting" him do anything wouldn't apply. I will say that I don't like heavy drinking (some wine with dinner or a beer on a hot day in moderation is okay) or ANY drug use. I'm VERY anti-drug use.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
Seeing as he admitted to taking other drugs before us meeting, I highly doubt he'd lie about steroids. He was natural because his upper body was far more massive than his lower body.

Just because I think Van Damme is good looking doesn't mean I'd date him. Rumor has it he's an a$$hole and woman beater, he's definitely not anyone I would date. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy looking at him.
He didn't admit because people like you give a pass for recreational drugs and alcohol but if a guy does something that could actually improve himself you and other people put him down.

"He was natural because his upper body was far more massive than his lower body."

Ah ignorance at it's finest:D . It's called leg training. If you don't train your legs they won't grow with drugs or without.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fatality
He didn't admit because people like you give a pass for recreational drugs and alcohol but if a guy does something that could actually improve himself you and other people put him down.

"He was natural because his upper body was far more massive than his lower body."

Ah ignorance at it's finest:D . It's called leg training. If you don't train your legs they won't grow with drugs or without.
First of all, shouldn't be so quick to pull your silly-a$$ "people like you" nonsense. You don't know me and don't know what I do or don't give a "pass" for.

I despise ALL abuse of drugs...period. Everything from weed to pill popping...AND steroids. I don't despise the people who have problems with substances, as many people I know have struggled with this issue. But I sincerely DESPISE what substance abuse does to a person. I don't view a glass of wine with dinner or a beer after mowing the lawn in the same light as getting stumbling down drunk and wallowing in your own vomit or getting behind the wheel smashed out of your melon.

You are advocating the illegal use of steroids which often leads to abuse of steroids, which is harmful to those who do it. Due to my feelings about what substance abuse does to a person, yeah...I find your POSITION on this issue to be rather disgusting.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
First of all, shouldn't be so quick to pull your silly-a$$ "people like you" nonsense. You don't know me and don't know what I do or don't give a "pass" for.

I despise ALL abuse of drugs...period. Everything from weed to pill popping...AND steroids. I don't despise the people who have problems with substances, as many people I know have struggled with this issue. But I sincerely DESPISE what substance abuse does to a person. I don't view a glass of wine with dinner or a beer after mowing the lawn in the same light as getting stumbling down drunk and wallowing in your own vomit or getting behind the wheel smashed out of your melon.

You are advocating the illegal use of steroids which often leads to abuse of steroids, which is harmful to those who do it. Due to my feelings about what substance abuse does to a person, yeah...I find your POSITION on this issue to be rather disgusting.
I sense anger, you must be on the juice :D

You said he did other drugs before he knew you. Would you have dumped him if he said he did steroids in the past?


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fatality
I sense anger, you must be on the juice :D

You said he did other drugs before he knew you. Would you have dumped him if he said he did steroids in the past?
No...not for doing them in the past...but if he were doing them then, yes, I would have broken up with him over it. Seeing as he was constantly ranting against them worse than anyone has on here...I'm confident he never used them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
Does it really matter?

At the end of the day, she left him.

The question is.. does it matter to you wether she left you for this reason or not?


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by italostud
Mr Harris: I think you mean Dianabol, not dynabol. When Arnold was training Dianabol was very popular and those guys would pop them like crazy. Taking much higher dosages than most bodybuilders do today.

As for depression: There is a mild depression you can get when you come off IF you don't use something to get your natural testosterone levels back up. But to say that "Kids are killing themselves from this depression" is ludacris.

As for the "compensating" issue: It may be true that some people use steroids due to the fact that they feel inadequate. HOWEVER, most people that use them are simply trying to surpass their genetic potential.

As for the quote about the man's penis shrinking: Uhm, maybe he couldn't get a full hard on because of the drugs he was using(Deca does this if you don't take test along with it). It doesn't mean his penis "shrunk". I mean, if you don't have an erection, do you look at your penis and go "OH MY GOD IT'S SHRINKING!"

Mr Harris: You claim that it's your business to know all of this stuff and you seem to think you're very educated on this topic. But by the sounds of your posts, I can tell that you don't know as much as you think you do. Most of your facts sound like they came from an after-school special on steroids. Just curious, what is your occupation? Maybe you'd like to back up some of the stuff you're saying. Please don't tell me you're a "personal trainer" because we all know how much most personal trainers know....
damn...we all know you juice!! i think everyone on here defending steroid use juices!! hahaha i guess im one of them...


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ken785
damn...we all know you juice!! i think everyone on here defending steroid use juices!! hahaha i guess im one of them...
<<<<<< future juicer