Long story short i met her at work ( i dont work there anymore ) we flirted alot.
She acts like shes super keen back when i worked with her she would ask me who im txting , i remember once i was tlking to a chick at work and shes asks me who is that how do you know her ? Asif shes jelous
Anyways tho ive tried msking plans with her multiple times and she keeps giving excuses.
Anywahs the first 2 times i tried she gave me excuses i knew it was BS the medium is the msg if she wanted to meet me SHE WOULD i know so i stoped msging her. But then she would msg me and start a convo and ill try again and she would come up woth a excuse or avoid the question.
1 day she msged me randomly she was drunk and she was like sooo when are goijg to come see me come see me now

. And i was literally finshing work in 30 mins and i was like alright ill be there in 30mins whats your adress then AGAIN she gave a excuse but then she goes i wsnt to lick your abs but she wouldnt meet.
I got fustrated i played it cool but then i tried making plans with her again ( since she literally told me when am i going to come see her ) so you woukd think she would make plabs but no i tried snd she wouldn't give me an answer and made excuses again.
So i stopped msging her again and 2 days later she msgs me gojng she misses me at work because i left and a few hrs later she puts up a snapchat going who wants to meet up for drinks so i replied and said ye lets go for drinks AND SHE IGNORES ME. so at this point ive literally tried making plans with her like 7 times shes given me excuses every time but she keeps starting convos with me flirting and putting up snapchats and insta stories wanting to apparently hang out with somone and when i take the bait nothing she doesnt meet.
So anyways after all that i got pre fustrated with her and im not msging her 4 days we havent msged and SHE MSGS ME AGAIN and starts a convo i havent opened up her snapchat yet but i literally dont want to evwn tlk to her if shes not going to meet i dont see the point.
So what should i do guys ? And why does she flirt why does ALWAYS send me msgs FIRST but never meets. Is she just a attention ***** ? Or should i still tlk to her casualy and try to get her out again or what ?
Tbh i am pretty fustrated with her and anoyyed i feel like soon ill probably tell her off because its anoyying as ****.
Ps : she uploads pics in gstrings on snapchat somtimes so shes that type of girl definitely has been around thats why i woukd thibk she would just meet up . In my experience any girl thats acted like that with me WILL MEET UP but not her ?
Shes 18 and im 25