From what I've read and observed what other men went through, here is what I understand of it.
Very often these women develop very intense attachments to you but with it occurring in a timeframe that it would be inappropriate,
@harrison9876 even mentioned this in his original post. It's like you had a few dates with her and she is already saying she loves you or wants to be around you all the time, texting you constantly, etc. They also tend to be hypersexual, I'm not really sure why this is but I always had the feeling it was to please the man so that he doesn't leave. Without writing an entire essay, I feel like the trend is behaving in a way where intense emotions fluctuate. First they love you and want to please you in every single manner, then when they feel you have left them or are unavailable, they totally hate you and you are the worst person in the world.......only for them to swing back the other way.
Just read some of the stories on this forum and you'll see a pattern.