It happens to all of us, but when you're ghosted after going on a date and talking back and forth do you ever confront and call them out on it? If anything to make them feel guilty so they don't do it to another guy.
Make them feel guilty? For what? Rejecting men? Being female? The only reason that thought exists is because you have an attachment to her affection. It’s a neediness that needs to be eliminated.
Yea never had this problem 12 years ago ghosting as much as it is now. Wasnt as common. To stand someone up on a date as well.
Then you need to evaluate the past 12 years. Women have followed their biology for thousands of years. The manipulation of weak men, nailing down cucks for resources, then sleeping with the men that turn her on behind the cuck’s back has been going on since the beginning of mankind.
Instead of blaming the women for being female, and calling her out on something she’s going to do anyway, you need to analyze how you’ve changed in the past 12 years, because I guarantee that’s where you’re problem is, and it wasn’t a positive change, because back then women were more attracted to you, evidenced by the fact that you weren’t rejected as often.
I didnt use old much or talk to any girls during that time because I was focusing on her because she said she wanted to go out again.
That’s where you fvcked up. You immediately latched on to the first woman that showed affection for you, and forgot about all others.
Just move the fvck out before you grew old enough to not have children. Move now, run away...... Go to Orlando, Miami, Tampa. Just move and dont look back.....
Listen to this man, biggoal. He’s right. I’ve lived in the middle of nowhere most of life, where the only available women were fat small town girls with every desperate guy trying to bed them. Get out of there. Run fast. Run far. No excuses. Just go, because your inaction on your life and your location is turning you into a needy wimp no woman wants to be around.