Originally posted by rgeere
Jariel, you should entirely disregard this thread and seek out the help of a psychologist that has actually counceled with people that have a fear of intimacy.
I think that if you listened to the advice that people are trying to give you here about this girl it will only cause you and her to get hurt because people here do not seem to fully understand the situation.
That's an arrogant and unfounded claim rgeere.
Why do you like this girl so much? Do you know her or something? It's like you're insisting to side with her and that it's not her fault at all that she's ignoring him. Again, stop making excuses for the damn girl.
IF she does have psychological problems, WHY, WHY should Jariel "see this through thick and thin"? Is he married?
To what does he owe her to put up with her psychological problems? Why should he not go find a more stable and mentally suitable girlfriend who is ready for him? Why does he have to cater to a girl's psychological problems? Are there not millions of other girls around him he could not find who are more level-headed?
Until you can answer all these questions, don't tell him to stick with and see a psychiatrist about it.
Case in point. He owes her nothing. Until he's married and takes an oath until death do they part, he has no obligation to put up with psychological problems (if they exist). That's my logic. I'm sticking with it.
Just because you get emotionally attached to someone, it does not mean you have to stick with them and owe them something. Sometimes it just doesn't work out. You're not a bad person for calling it quits.
This site is about growing as a man and becoming this ideal figure, the DJ. The DJ isn't a DJ because he can get a girl. A DJ is a DJ because he can get the girl he
Jariel, ask yourself: Do I want to put up with this and stick through it, or do I want a girl that is more stable and emotionally mature?