gf goes out with male friend...


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by chance
nope. all i know is that shes known him for a while and before she met me. i just can't help that lil tiny bit of jealousy. them laughing together and smiling together having fun. i only want to share that stuff between us. but hey, they're just friends right? lol.
As long as he's not an EX-boyfriend, I would not worry. Also, as long as she's know him quite a while before knowing you, I would not worry.

HOWEVER, if she starts meeting up with NEW guys, I would begin to worry and put my foot down on the issue (i.e, why is she going out meeting NEW guys when she is with you? This is unacceptable).


Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
guys guys, it's okay :]

we're hanging out again on the weekend. staying at friends house for two nights. i guess like someone said. i should be glad i'm in control cause she seems to not mind that i take control of every situation. she just agrees. she is excited too that i've made the choice and plan to do something together again this weekend. she also did help too with some suggestions. she got into it and i think she can't wait by the way she's reacted.

right now she's waiting for my phone call. check ya'll later :)