gf getting to be really good friends with guy at work


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2007
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I was a chump for a chick like this for a while. She was constantly talking about other guy "friends" and manipulated me into thinking I was insecure if it bothered me. After I had enough and dumped her, I found out/realized she was fvcking several of them. One of them grabbed on of his buddies and kicked my door down and tried to stab me, cuz my GF was apparently banging him, but constantly telling him how much she loved me etc. so the guy flipped out.

Anyway, the point is, some chicks will be halfway blatant when cheating, telling you just enough to play the "im being honest, so you dont have to worry card" AKA: "If I was cheating on you with him, why would I even tell you his name?" Some kind of weird chick psychology that they think works, or something. Dont fall for it. She's cheating.


Master Don Juan
Jun 12, 2006
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This is a sh*t test of course in which any reaction at all you fail.

Remember you will never lose a woman who remains attracted to you.

Why and what got her attracted to you? Get back to doing what you did in the first place to attract her.

Women smell insecurity and it turns them off. You combat this with strength, with showing you are rare and have options yourself.

Seriously, you've obviously grown complacent in this time with her. You've stopped doing the things that drew her to you. Get back to doing that!


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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grinder said:
This is a sh*t test of course in which any reaction at all you fail.

Remember you will never lose a woman who remains attracted to you.

Why and what got her attracted to you? Get back to doing what you did in the first place to attract her.

Women smell insecurity and it turns them off. You combat this with strength, with showing you are rare and have options yourself.

Seriously, you've obviously grown complacent in this time with her. You've stopped doing the things that drew her to you. Get back to doing that!
Read post #41.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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MacAvoy said:
I'm not sure how emotionally involved you are compared to her but after listening to Motown and re-evaluating my situation, one thing comes to mind RT's Cardinal Rule of Relationship "In any relationship, the person with the most power is the one who needs the other the least". If you truly want to save this relationship, your going to have to take the ultimate risk.

I think you need to dump her. Start dating other women (you don't have to f close them), just get out there. Tell her the relationship has gotten stale, that she's not what you pictured in a women and say your moving on. Heck I would try to not say anything at all. Give no excuse, let her mind wonder, imagine etc...

If she truly had interest in you, she'll do whatever it takes to get you back. However don't take her back immediately, make her work for it. However I'm willing to bet that your not willing to do this so get prepared for the inevitable.

You can try my previous advice but I doubt it'll be as effective. However you can try it for a week or two, then do the dumping thing. However I think going straight to the dump will be the most effective.
This is THE advice you need to follow...except for the "taking her back" part given your past history with this girl.

And don't let ego get in the way, my friend. It will hurt you more than help in these types of situations.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Dash, care to give us an update?


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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Call me crazy or old fashion but I think her going out for walks with a guy and going to get a movie with him is being disrespectful to you. You are the man in the relationship and if something like this is bothering you let her know about it. I would discuss the situation with her. Tell her that you are not jealous but think its disrespectful. And if she gives you crap about it than you start keeping your options open with other woman. If she gets a bad attitude with you than you drop the cvnt.

Embrace your manhood and don't follow feminism. The real men will always be winner in life and with woman.

Our feminine era says
Its ok for woman to go out alone on lunch breaks male coworkers.
Its ok for woman to travel with male coworkers for business.
Its ok for woman to hang out and get drunk with there platonic friends.
Its ok for woman to have sex with another guy 1 hour after her bf broke up with her.
Its ok for a woman to put her career over her family.
Its ok for a woman not to clean and cook.
Its ok for a woman to fvck 100 guys before marriage.
Its ok for a woman to cheat on her husband and still hit him for child suppport.
Its ok for a woman to d1ck tease you and leave you with blue balls.
Its ok for a woman who is married to a guy to refuse him sex.

Let me tell you if you are a man than these fvcking things are not okay. These fvcking things are wrong. Every single one of us should not accept these things, yet many of us do. Many of us have been feminized yet don't even realize it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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If the guy were platonic (some guys are total wusses and are no threat--just an ego boost to the girl)I wonder if he would be brought up.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
reset said:
If the guy were platonic (some guys are total wusses and are no threat--just an ego boost to the girl)I wonder if he would be brought up.
I would say it depends on the girl. She could use that to **** test you to see if it would bother you. You'd expect that if she's totally committed to you, then she wouldn't bring it up just as you wouldn't bring up a female coworker who you have no interest in but are just good work friends with. See the logic? I think OP's situation is farther than a **** test though.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Judging by history, apparently Dash is one of these guys who just doesn't listen, and learns things the hard way.

Plus he hasn't even been back in here to give us a response or an update.