You obviously have never suffered from social anxiety, and as such I don't think you have room to make such a bold statement.Originally posted by Sazuki
The people who have classified 'social anxiety' as a sort of inborn or naturally untreatable disease, are in my eyes MATERIALISTIC CRIMINALS. I don't care if they are well-intentioned or not.
So please, explain to me how it is that someone who is raised around others who have ansolutely NO problems whatsoever as far as anxiety or social anxiety goes, can turn out to be the opposite? Your "nurture" theory holds little weight in explaining how ONE person in a family of six managed to get stuck with feeling like he is always under a spotlight, while the others live completely free of these feelings.
At least in my case, it isn't some kind of traumatic experience or learned behaviour that caused my problem. It is a CHEMICAL IMBALANCE in the brain that an anti-depressant helps to correct.
This statement shows me that not only do you not know what it is like to suffer from social anxiety, but you also don't know what these medications are all about.There is also a thing such as morals and ethics in this world. Is making money a bad thing? NO! But creating an army of western zombies high on their prainpill supply is very unethical and immoral to me. It's dehumanizing.
I don't walk around like a zombie. I walk around happy to be ME. I walk around without constantly having to overanalyze each little word or action to make sure I don't say or do the wrong thing. I feel NORMAL. I feel HEALTHY. I no linger feel like I am different from everyone else. It GREAT!
Again, you are not talking from knowledge of the product, but of a general prejudice towards medication. The fact is, SSRI's have the potential to CORRECT the problem. It isn't just an expensive bandage.When you patch that up with some pills you are robbing yourself of true growth. It's the quick fix mentality. It's cowardice, it's escapism, it's running away and hope it never catches up with you.