Getting a job?


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Hi fellow DJ's, this is just something that has been bothering me lately. I was wondering wether or not it would be a good idea to get a job. Here are the Pro's and Con's that i have thought of but i might be leaving some things out?


1. You get money to help you buy things that may help you demonstrate class, nice clothes, jewellry, etc.
2. Your social skills will get better if you are seving people, which helps you on your journey to DJhood.
3. Expand your social circles if you work with other people you age.
4. Give's more oppurtunities with HB's if you work with them. To them you can start fresh and they will never know the old AFC you which would be an interesting experience because you could compare and contrast how these girls react to you compared to the ones at school.
5. May help with future career prospects.


1. Less time to do home work so your grades may go down. Your time might be better spent doing homework rather then just getting money. Remember "Sacrifice the lollypop today, for the bicycle tomorrow".
2. You may miss out on social occasions with your friends, which could be great oppurtunities to use your DJ skills.
3. Less work means less stress and it would be easier to relax and feel comfortable.

Any thing else to add to my list?

What do you think is better? Employed or unemployed.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2002
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Employment... you dont HAVE to work your ass off, some places are flexible in scheduling... like currently coz its almost finals time, i have one shift a week... and my manager's cool in changing shifts and stuff...

The extra inflow of cash is always good


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
I have learned what JOB stands for.... Jorney Onto Brokeness.... Just Over Broke. I had many jobs in my life and never got payed what I wanted. I have found something and realize that a "job" would never get me where I wanted to be. I will never work at a job again. I'll admit, it taught me skills, and helped me build capital.... for making barely enough money.... so now I own my own business... self employed. I get payed what I'm worth and not what other people think I'm worth. Tell me any "job" that can pay $500 an hour. Dont work hard... work smart.

Ronny_Neumonic II

Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Demon
"Job"? Anyway, $500/hr. is a mid-range lawyer fee.
But how often does that come about? And how much does he lose through taxes? How many lawers do you see driving lamborginis and ferarris? No offence to anyone, but thats how I see it. $500 an hour for a business owner, but the difference is, owners dont work, they hire employees to work for them. I felt like sleeping in late this morning. I made more money while sleeping as a business owner than working at any job I have ever had.


Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
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Ann Arbor, Mi
Kaizen, your the guy that does MLM right? How old do you reccomend to be to start it? And what does your business do?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PiHiPlaya
Kaizen, your the guy that does MLM right? How old do you reccomend to be to start it? And what does your business do?
When doing MLM, you own a franchise. Which is your own business. To own a business or corporation you must be considered to be an adult by the government. How old would I recomend? I would recomend learning about the MLM industry as soon as you can. If you want to be a part of the industry, then when you feel you're prepared, then try it then. I started when I was in my early twenties. I wish I knew about it when I was 18. As for studying the industry, do research from PUBLISHED material because they are unbiased facts and not opinionated. What do I do? Communications. PM me if you have anything that is off topic from this thread. Hope that helped.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
Reaction score
"To own a business or corporation you must be considered to be an adult by the government."
Untrue for most companies. However, it is true for businesses that deal with alcohol, adult clubs, real estate, insurance, etc.

I own a print communications and advertising firm that is registered as a Limited Liability Company. We have several very large clients as well as plans for open employment in the near future. I'm 17. California state law recognizes the age of 18 as adult age, but my age has not affected my business legally.

By the way, $500/hr. really isn't that much if you own a business.


The typical family lawyer charges about $150 per hour which also happens to be the rate a senior-level graphic designer would charge. Rates for lawyers of $300/hr. are also fairly common... I'm speaking from a San Diego, California standpoint so the commonality of certain things may differ where you live.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2001
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Jacksonville, FL
Jesus Christ, you guys are talking about owning your own business, and I'm an umpire for Little League. Oh well, i'll stick to my $25 an hour and be happy.


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by TheSplat
Jesus Christ, you guys are talking about owning your own business, and I'm an umpire for Little League. Oh well, i'll stick to my $25 an hour and be happy.
WTF Splat u get $25/hr for umpireing Little League games? I used to do it and only got $10 a game! You must have been with some rich kids or something, lol.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
I live about an hour north of San Diego in the Los Angeles area. To my understanding, you have to be considered an adult to own your own business for legality reasons. Being 17 and owning your own business is very possible if you co-sign the documents with an adult or gardian. As for $500 an hour not being that much for owning a business? This is what it calculates to at the end of the year after expenses and investments. How much did it cost to start up the business that you own? And how much have you seen profit after all investments and expenses were subtracted from your anual income? Keep in mind that I am affiliated with a billion dollar company. I purchased and opened several franchises and payed for research and development, 24 hour customer service, rep service, pay role, and use for a customer traking software wich costs over a quarter of a million, along with many other things. I have profited quite a bit considering how much I have invested. Look at such companies as As big as they are with all the money they make, the investors have yet to see profits. They are still waiting to make back all the money they have invested. They are still in the red. I have already hit green within the first year in business. could only wish to say they profit $500 an hour. Now that my first year is out of the way, this year my income is not only projected to increase exponentially, but I have already hit green so I there is no subtraction of investments anymore.

As for those lawers, thats fine that they make as much as they do. But how often is that income they way it is, how stead is it and how much to they have to work in order to do it? My point? I can easily make more... but I dont have to work. I can do it in my sleep... literally. I will be retiring no longer than 5 years from now. Why is it that I see some lawers that are senior citizens? Its a rhetorical question. I'm sure you get my point.

BTW, I might expand my business in San Diego in a few months when I have covered the LA area. Either that or go up north towards San Jose.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
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No, I never had to co-sign any agreements. Now if you want to start boasting, I can do that, but I don't really care much for it.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Demon
No, I never had to co-sign any agreements. Now if you want to start boasting, I can do that, but I don't really care much for it.
I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, buddy. I'm simply trying to make a point. I wasnt even really boasting. I was simply stating facts to make my point. If I really wanted to boast, I would talk more about how much money I have made which I never really did, and how much I will and what I've bought, but whats the point? I hope you dont think the purpose to my post was to boast. I was trying to make a point and I hope you understood that. You said $500 an hour isnt really that much? I'm not going to boast, so I'm not saying this is me, or my income so no one assume that this applies to me or is my income claim. Lets brake this down. 24 hours in a day, 365 days a year, $500 an hour..... 24 x 365 x 500 = $4,380,000.00 If you dont feel that that is not alot for owning a business, then I will seriously drop what I'm doing and work with you.

If you do fully own your own business all by yourself as a minor, then, good for you. I'm just saying that from my understanding, you had to be 18. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. I'm simply saying that, that was my understanding.

After all of this, I really hope you did not take any offence, because that would mean all my time posting these post was a waste of time. All I want to know is if you agree or at least understand the points I was trying to make.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
Reaction score
I really don't see why telling us that you're affiliated with a billion dollar company is of any relevance to the topic. Anyway, $500/hr. is a lot if you actually worked 24/7 for 365 days per year. I'm talking about individual salary not annual corporate profit.

I can just as easily say that I work with multi-billion dollar clients, but again, I don't see the relevance of that fact. And yes, of course, I understood you perfectly well.

Which MLM company did you say you owned?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Demon
I really don't see why telling us that you're affiliated with a billion dollar company is of any relevance to the topic. Anyway, $500/hr. is a lot if you actually worked 24/7 for 365 days per year. I'm talking about individual salary not annual corporate profit.

I can just as easily say that I work with multi-billion dollar clients, but again, I don't see the relevance of that fact. And yes, of course, I understood you perfectly well.

Which MLM company did you say you owned?
Thats exactly my point. A business owner doesnt get payed salary. I get payed 24 hours a day and work whenever I want to and get payed even more if I choose to work.

The reason I mentioned being affiliated with a billion dollar company is because the contracts with them are extrememly expensive. For example opening up a McDonalds franchise. It costs about $1,000,000 to open one up. Dont quote me on this, but the contract with McDonalds to be a part of their franchise is the majority of that cost. So my point is simply this... the bigger the company, the bigger the contract, which means it costs even more for investments.

I own several franchises from the marketing branch of Lightyear Communications.

After all of this, do you get my point?
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Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
Reaction score
Business owners are salaried employees.

There are few careers in business which aren't salaried such as investors and leeches.

Do you have any connection with Kaizen Environmental Services, Inc.? And why is it that the tone of your rants are so... "I'm better than you are"-like?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Demon
Business owners are salaried employees.

There are few careers in business which aren't salaried such as investors and leeches.

Do you have any connection with Kaizen Environmental Services, Inc.? And why is it that the tone of your rants are so... "I'm better than you are"-like?
An owner is not an employee. I have no boss, or supervisor. I do not report to anyone other than the IRS. In the "corporate hierarchy", no one is above me. I cant be fired because no one has the authority to do that to me. If anything, I am an empoyer and I hire people to work for me. Now these people that I have a pay role have a salary. I dont have a salary.

n. pl. sal·a·ries
Fixed compensation for services, paid to a person on a regular basis.

As a business owner, I dont have a fixed compensation for any services. I dont work. I pay people to do that for me and I have a fixed compensation for their services.

I have no connection to Kaizen Environmental Services. I chose the name Kaizen because I believe and I go by that business philosophy and I also apply it to life.

I apologize if all you see from my posts as being "rants" and as far as my "tone" being condescending? If I did, then again I apologize but I didnt do it intentionally. I was just trying to have an intellegent conversation.

After all of this, can you please answer me one question? Do you understand my point? At least let me know if all of this is geting somewhere.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Demon
Business owners are salaried employees.

There are few careers in business which aren't salaried such as investors and leeches.

Do you have any connection with Kaizen Environmental Services, Inc.? And why is it that the tone of your rants are so... "I'm better than you are"-like?
Something crossed my mind. If you are a business owner and you get a salary, then it can only be one of two things... either you are not a true owner and someone higher pays you, or you are the owner but you included yourself in your own pay role, which wouldnt make any sence to me. If you did this you are losing alot of money on taxes. I only filed a 1099, and if you are also on your own pay role, then you would have to file a 1099 and a W-2, and you would have lost all of your benefits and tax right offs if you filed a W-2. When you filed your taxes a couple months ago, which tax form did you use?