Getting a job?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
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Hrm. I haven't filed any tax forms because I haven't had to yet. It doesn't make any sense to me to not include yourself in the payroll. Mind you, I'm a new business owner, and I run a small business so I may not know what I'm doing (with taxes and anything to do with numbers). My business is actually going to really start in the summer (e.g. buying an office, registering, etc.). I figure when the time comes I'll just hire the right people so I don't have to do all that extraneous junk with numbers.

In February, I think I would have had to file a 1099 and a W-2 since my company isn't registered yet and if we didn't request separate checks. We actually haven't acted as a corporation yet because we're still getting started.

Where did you say you live? Perhaps we can get together and you can help me out a bit. There's a guy from Sweden moving his design firm to San Diego and he promises to help me as well.

How do you know how much you make if you don't set your salary?

I have a book called The Creative Business Guide To Running A Graphic Design Business which has helped me a lot. I think it says in there to set your salary, but I'm not sure. I'll have to get back to you on this. I just woke up from a 24hrs. sleep... :cool:

I think the payroll scheme is a bit different for graphic design firms since the profits from projects are split amongst the employees and the company.

By the way, a corporation is a separate legal entity. It is the business owners' boss as I understand it.

Why do you keep asking if I understand you? I'm 17. I graduated high school when I was 16, and this is my second year in college as an Advertising/Marketing/Merchandising triple major. Please don't ask me if I understand you. I understand you perfectly.

Note: I think we should take this conversation to PMs, IMs, etc. Whatever is private.

tracy Jaks

Don Juan
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
JUst wondering, what is your franchise?? how much did u say u made a year again? sure all that goes straight int your account?