Getting a girl back


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2005
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drak_ool said:
Styleman, I'm sorry you are in this fvcked up situation and your feelings have gotten the best over your brain. One day (w/er you get her back or not) you will wake up from this bad dream thinking "what the hell was wrong with me?"

Dude, I read your OP and I read most of this thread, so I understand your situation. I'm not giving you advice on what to do with this chick because you don't want to listen to anything that is contrary to your views.

However, like others have pointed out before, there are massive incongruencies in your story. You claim you're on top of your game, yet you tell a girl that treated you like shyt that you love her? You say you're drowning in pvssy, yet you want this psycho bytch back in your life?

I will tell you this much: if you were truly the DJ you think you are, this thread wouldn't exist. You say in your first post you don't know why things ended, but take a good honest look at yourself and the way you've been acting around this girl, and maybe you can find the answer on your own...

Okay, you're starting to make sense to me.

Perhaps when I say I don't want some people on an internet forum to make judgements on a girl I may one day marry, I make sense to you.

I agree, I should not have told her I love her.

I agree, I am giving this girl more attention that I should be.

It doesn't really change the fact that I want her.

I don't think being driven by my feelings for her is a bad thing. I just need to balance them so that I don't appear desperate to her.

Whilst I am asking for this kind of advice from anyone who may be more experienced, all I am getting is that I shouldn't peruse this girl. How much more clear can I be, I want to peruse this girl. I do what I want...

I appreciate what you're saying. I can see your trying to help me, life isn't perfection, so what if I date this girl again... there are two outcomes...

1. I realise that she's a psycho and you guys are all right
-no loss

2. She falls in love with me, and does not treat me like her doormat.
- gain

or I can do what a lot of you are saying and forget her

3. Don't persue her anymore, forever live with the fact that she could have been the girl I marry and spend my life with

I think I'm happy with options 1&2 thanks!!! :cool:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score

You are not getting the advice you want on this post because what you propose to do goes against almost everything advocated as "the right way to do things" on this site.

If you went to a pilot's web site and asked those guys for advice on flying into the side of a mountain you would, I'm sure, get a like response.

Even the guys on this site that seem silly, dated, or abrasive are trying seriously to help you save you from yourself and the potentialy devestating consequences of your proposed actions.

You seem to be like a drounding man who is blaming the liferaft he was thrown for his inability to swim and inevitable demise..

Good luck

Over and Out.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
the way I see it, the reason no one is willing to help is that by pursuing this girl, you are doing everything we have been told NOT to do by the DJ community. It's like going on a hunting forum and asking how can you nail some endangered species. All those guys would feel offended that you are even considering doing such a terrible action.

as far as option 1, it seems that everyone here already realized this girl is a psycho, except for you.

Option 2, she can very well fall in love (or pretend to), get you back, get you to marry her, then after a couple years you'll be here making a thread about divorcing and losing half your money.

Option 3, neither I nor anybody on this site can understand how you still consider her high quality to the point of marriage after the amount of disrespect she poured on you.

But you don't wanna hear any of that, do you? So I'll stop with the preaching, you're a grown man.

As far as getting her back, it'll be pretty easy. Go no contact on her for a month. She will try her hardest to get in touch with you but you must not bulge. After a month, pick up the phone next time she calls you. Tell her you want to meet with her. Sit her down and lay down your rules for the relationship. Be firm. Don't back down and don't apologize for anything. She is free to either buy in, or walk away. And of course she will buy in...

What you SHOULD do during that month is to go out and just have fun, meet other girls. This will help you put into perspective your relationship with your EX. You will stop thinking about her so obssessively. And maybe, you will realize she was not the girl for you. If not, just follow the steps above.

EDIT: damn, i didn't realize the guy above wrote almost the exact same thing at the same time as me...


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
styleman said:
Perhaps when I say I don't want some people on an internet forum to make judgements on a girl I may one day marry,
You don't want us making judgements on a girl whom you might marry one day.

Well what did you think was going to happen?

You say....

that you two argue daily...
That she gets "ratty" with you and swears at you...
that you changed your Facebook password and she threw a tantrum and swore at you some more...
that you've REPEATEDLY ask her to get back together,to which she replies,"I'm not your girlfriend",which in essence means NO.

You said ALL THAT in your original post,then in reply #3 you had the nerve to say....
styleman said:
Well,clearly you're only hearing the bad things about her...

YOU'RE THE ONE who brought all the "bad things" up.

What did you think was going to happen? That we'd ignore all the childishness,swearing,and temper tantrums and go,"Ok,now here's what you need to do in order to get her back"????

You could have just as easily left out all the negative things about her (that YOU mentioned),and simply asked how to go about winning her back.

But all that doesn't matter now. You've made it PERFECTLY CLEAR that you want this girl. So now the issue isn't her character (although it should be),it's how to get her back.

I don't know what to tell you man. It seems like you were possibly on the road to making that happen,I mean you even got her to say that she wanted you back.

To me,at that point all she needed was a bit more ignoring,a bit more of you throwing in some attraction based convo,a bit more agressiveness from you,a little more sexual innuendo,and you at the least would have gotten a physical/sexual interaction going with her that could have lead to returning to dating,but when you pulled out the "I love you" card,you INSTANTLY destroyed any and all progress you had made.

I suppose you could go back to doing what you were doing that originally got you to the point right before you told her you loved her,but I hope you're a patient man,because "I love you" stays in a woman's head for a long,loooong time.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
First of all your forgetting a 4th scenario which you are still in love with her, some miracle happens where you take everyone's advice and get her back, then she dumps your for another guy and you jump off a bridge.

next time she calls you say, I just said I love you so you would shut the h*ll up and let me sleep. Good bye.

and go no contact for a few weeks, when she begs to see you again... and I mean BEGS, go on a date with her and act the way you did when you first met.

However this will not happen because you are so worried about what to do and how not to screw up getting her back. You need to go on some dates, sleep around and stop caring so much. Then you need to go out and have fun with her like you did in the beginning and dont even mention a relationship.


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2009
Reaction score

You WANT the girl back, then go for it. We can tell you a million reasons why you shouldn't do so, but it wouldn't register in you because you have already CHOSEN to go ahead and get her back.

I've been there, done that. At the end of it all, I got a little more hurt, a little more jaded, and a little wiser. So, it MIGHT NOT be a bad thing to go ahead and get this girl back. Some people learn the hard way :p But I understand, deep down in us, when we read advice about not getting the girl back because it is not going to work out, we have a voice nagging at us and telling us - but this girl is different, i am different. my game is tight and i will make it work out somehow.

So, since you asked..

When you get into a "verbal tussle" with her, and decide to end the convo aka hang up, tell her you are not talking to her until she has straightened out her thinking and stopped being like a pendulum, swinging back and forth.

Tell her, if she says that she wants you back, that you will take that into consideration, because you have shared some great memories with her, BUT there's gotta be some positive changes in her behaviour before you will take the plunge again.


Tell her you give you and her 2 weeks to see if it works out.

But I've gotta say this. Like all the other posters whose golden advice you ignored, I think it will not work out. From experience, even if she "tames" herself and curbs her bad behaviour, puts up her best behaviour and gets back with you, all these will last barely more than 2-3weeks before the inner terrorist in her gets unleashed again.

So if you want this, and you want her back, and you want to keep her. The key is to blast her ass off the pedestal and i know you are going to tell me you did not put her on one. But think of it this way, the reason why u want to get back with her, and why you are refusing to listen to our advice is because you have fallen in love with a mental image of her you painted for yourself. Reality is far from that image, judging from what you've told us in your original post, but yea I've been there done that too.

At some point, I told my girl not to take my niceness towards her as weakness, because I will bail out from her life faster than she blinks her eyes if she throws me disrespect and takes me for granted.

You CAN get her back, alot of pain and effort will be in store, and you gotta start by shifting the focus back onto your own life. AND STOP LOVING HER. She's gotta earn that love again.

Here is a little quote from u :

1. I realise that she's a psycho and you guys are all right
-no loss

No loss? Time, attention, energy, are vital resources to us men. Tell me, if you manage to "salvage" this r/s for another half a year before hell breaks loose again, would this half a year be returned to you upon breaking up? No. So you better make sure you are living life on your own terms in the time that you are attempting to get back with this girl. and your own terms does not refer to you getting back with the girl. No. that is not success. Success is living your life to the fullest, and then enjoying the girls that come along.

2. She falls in love with me, and does not treat me like her doormat.
- gain

Yada Yada. You want this? Then kick her off that pedestal. She is treating you like a doormat because you are presenting yourself to be one. That's why she plays with you and ****s on you with all that drama, on a daily basis. She knows she has you twined around her fingers and she can do whatever she wants because you want her back. STAND UP FOR URSELF. Set your boundaries and be clear what you want, and what you dont want from her. **** on her if she crosses these boundaries. Gain her respect, and you will get her love. Don't buy into her frames ever.

Of course, I would have to remind you that there is a possibility you are wanting to get back with her because of a bruised ego that she doesnt love a great man like you. I've been there and done that too.

or I can do what a lot of you are saying and forget her

3. Don't persue her anymore, forever live with the fact that she could have been the girl I marry and spend my life with

You can also pursue her, keep on doing it for years, and then wake up one day realizing that many other great women you could spend a happy life with and marry have passed you by, and it is all too late. TIME is both an ally and an enemy.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2010
Reaction score

Wake up and smell the coffee...It's over...You need to get rid of her and move on.
