You have no clue who this person is. I do as I've spoken and gotten to know her over a somewhat lengthy period of time now. So its a bit odd for you to kind of discount my account of who she is and how she comes across. This isn't the type of girl who's out to string me along. She hasn't even shown one sign of flirtation in all of our 10-12 conversations we've had. Beleive me, I know the type of women you are referencing. They are out there at work. They use their beauty to get attention and all that. This is just not her. She's genuinely nice. Maybe even too nice. As a side note, under no circumstances would I ever go the kino route in the workplace.
Well, again, it really wasn't even until quite recently where I finally felt we had rapport of a really solid level of where I'd even be comfortable asking her this. Then on top of that, again, our breaks are usually not at the same time. Yes I could work it out to where I took a break with her, but I'm also only working in her office on average of 2-3x a month and when I do, our hours aren't even always the same. She's more of an office person, I'm a repair/tech guy that only goes in there when needed.
I agree at this point that the offer to "go out" should be done during work hours. Lower pressure, easier thing to ask, etc. Since I usually already have had lunch by the time I show up to her office, I'm going to ask her to come get coffee with me down the block. Asking for a more elaborate type of thing outside of work hours grabbing a drink just doesn't feel quite right to me yet. I feel like people might see "6 months", but in reality, again, its only been about 10-12 (sometimes brief) conversations where only recently things picked up. For perspective, we have never even exchanged phone numbers. The bottom line is simple imo- if this chick is even the slightest bit interested in anything more than a platonic/friendly co-worker level, she'll make sure she goes to that coffee shop with me, and if for some reason she can't, I'd assume she'd counter in some way shape or form (i.e. "Definitely next time").
I know some people, myself included, might think that a simple coffee down the block during work hours just won't give me any sign into how she's really vibing me, but for me its more about taking that next step and finally breaking out of the constant conversations within the office work walls. Then if this goes well, asking her to get drinks sometime would feel that much easier and more organic.