IMO, what MOST people miss when venturing DOWN this path of alternate thinking is they only gravitate to ONE conspiracy theory, or one conspiracy guru, like Alex Jones, and then just parrotting his stuff back to the people. Isn't that just as bad as buying the official tagline of the media and being one of their Patsies?
I've seen 10-20 different videos on google, maybe more, read countless articles, books, websites, pdf files, etc. I've read the Cooper book, I have Tsarions book, and even some at home that buck the trend of conventional, mainstream thinking. Not that I'm any better or worse, BUT, you only need your own 2 eyes and your free thinking mind to decipher things regarding 9-11. Yet, most people still parrott SOMEONE else's opinion, just because, as a society, EVERYTHING has to be APPROVED by some other PROFESSIONAL or MASTER.
If the physicists don't sign off on it, it didn't happen.
If the scientists don't buy it, it doesn't exist.
If the demolition experts don't speak up, then it wasn't possible.
If it's in the mainstream news, then it's true.
If popular mechanics says they're whack jobs, then it's totally true.
STILL, people exist with their own mechanized, robot, BORROWED thoughts. I'm not saying Jones is right or wrong, but consider what he says without the veil over your mind that it's "conspiracy theory," or whack information. Could he be a shill for the CIA, or Illuminati, or just someone to disseminate poor information to confuse everyone else? Absolutely. Maybe it's a Counter Psy-Op situation, in which MORE conspiracy info is released to confound, confuse, and belittle ALL other front-runners in this very controversial field. Wouldn't that make sense? Counter the free thinking site but funding a site that would give a NEGATIVE spin on the information and a NEGATIVE connotation.
DO we know WHY, truly WHY McVeigh's accident happened, yet all over terrorists events in the US were the part of islamic or arab fundamentalists?
Because the psychological implication would be, Anyone who counters the thinking of the government, anyone who speaks out against government party thinking is a whack job, lives in a basement freak, set to blow you up. That's why. If anything, it was a PSYOP, so that if I publicly stand on a sidewalk and talk out about what's going on, people will identify me just as threatening as HIM. OR Kaczynskis. Take your pick. All other attacks were the boogeymen of the middle east.
I would say the same is possible of conspiracy theories and counter information. Sites DO exist to discredit all other sites that seek to remain reputable. If one site is totally nuts, then people will come to identify THAT field by the most extreme case, rather than the fact SteveJones of BYU has risked his job as a Physics professor to explain the towers couldn't have fallen as people think it did. But people are so asleep they can't even fathom it.
9-11 was the most SHOCKING WORLDWIDE TELEVISED EVENT IN HISTORY. Sure, it was sad when JFK was shot, multiple times, but it wasn't visible to the entire country, OR world. An assassination is bad, but it isn't quite as based THINKING, "Oh my God, 4 planes were taken over by terrorists, flown into buildings, and in an hour, they fell." That shatters the CORE of people, because now it appears as if we are very vulnerable. The realm of possibility is there. Before, it wasn't as powerful at HITTING home. But those events, combined with being televised is a HUGE blow to the psyche. And since NOBODY knew wtf was going on, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder set in on many people begging for questions. Some people cried for days. Others quit their jobs. I recall starting and internship in financial services, and having to put it off for a year because I just couldn't focus. Going to the internship to talk about money seemed so pointless in light of what happened. And for days after THEY LEFT THE FVCKING VIDEOS PLAYING. Day after day, showing the shocking horror. That's like replaying the events of Rape to a Rape victim. They can't QUITE get over it if it's played. And if they can't understand why it happened, the victim grapples with reality. Until one fateful day, they finger 19 islamic fundamentalists, and they know this BECAUSE PASSPORTS THEY HAD ON THEIR PERSON's SURVIVED the crash, the jet fuel fires, and the fall of the buildings.
The American people NEEDED someone to finger, EVEN if cooler heads didn't prevail, they'd have their enemy, and EASY enough, it turned out to be the SAME boogeyman since the late 80's. Conveniently, they could finger Al Qaeda AND Bin Laden. Yet what they don't tell you was that Bin Laden's family and close associates has done business as far as the 60 and 70's with Bush. Would a Family who profits and invests with the current president, ATTACK the country he runs? And what the news sources also leave out was that Bin Laden was hired and paid for to Fight against the Soviets by creating a radical form of islam to counter them. Only when they were funded and the conflict was over, they were now left high and dry. Key pieces of information LEFT out that should be brought forward. Had this been DRILLED into your brain, people might think DIFFERENTLY about world events and 9-11. But it wasn't. Rather, the falling towers, the Patriots, the firefighters, NYC, freedom, liberty, the planes, the grieving survivors, were trumpeted around, to drum up support for what would be an unsubstantiated invasion.
So is it entirely possible people are SO brainwashed they can't even think? The time period for what they want you to believe was so long, they could give you anything, and most people would believe it. Because BELIVING 9-11 was 19 islamic fundamentalists FEELS better than the idea of some internal plot for evil means, right? I mean, EVERYBODY wants to wear badges of honor, and NYC NYPD NYFD hats and shirts and bows on their car. It looks great and its stylish, but is it the corret story? They BRANDED 9-11. It's forever etched in our memory, yet we can't forget those lost, but we can remember them in honor by KNOWING full well what happened truthfully.
You guys can believe what you want, but for a few years, I fully believed only one story, and only believed and read what was in papers. I stood before the TV set as WTC 2 was HIT, and was there when it fell. Some, only saw it happen on recorded TV, but I saw it live. Perhaps my inherently skeptical nature immediately triggered an alarm of BS that the towers couldn't have just fallen PERFECTLY by an IMPERFECT contact from some plane. Nonetheless, I hadn't come around to thinking differently, or freely, or independently, or conspiratorially, or whatever, till 2 years or so ago. And most people who bring up counter arguments ONLY parrott the original line because they can't have their reality shattered, anymore than AFC wants to realize a girl wants to be fvcked, fvcked hard, and generally by a BAD guy, rather than the GOOD guy.
In this case, it isn't about ONE video, or ONE guru, or ONE book, it's about the idea of Freedom, the idea of what happened that day, how people who died, probably in vain should be remembered, what should be done, where to look for information, and how to sort out the facts. If Freedom Liberty and Truth ONLY comes down to what the PROFESSIONALS tell us, we TRULY have lost ALL sense of independent thinking an autonomy, and perhaps we ALL should look elsewhere for what is common sense and basic logic. As an American Citizen and Patriot you needn't have a degree in certain topics to be versed or to ask questions and get answers.