Georgie Z shot in the face (minor injuries)

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Jaylan said:
Thats rich lol. Respect? What respect did you see in the flame wars that were constantly occurring in the AE section of Sosuave? What I saw was constant insults and trolling whenever people disagreed with one another.

And Im not here for such immature debates. Im here to talk about women, the main point of this forum. So actually, I won't be talking to myself at all. Anyways, Im moving on from this topic.

Those people are gone, right? So how does leaving advance the discussion? Isn't one of the major tenets of "the struggle" is the lack of inclusion? Is it because the ban got rid of your compatriots and now you feel like a minority? Sounds like you and Tenacity have something in common.
Tenacity said:
^^^ This right here, but the BIGGER picture is more telling. Forget banning us from a debate, what is the Left going to do when the Right start moving out of the US altogether?
Like all of the people who actually keep the motor of the world going? Not the paper pushers, lawmakers, lobbyist or line personnel; but the creators, innovators and inventors? What if they all left the rest to fend for themselves? Now that would make a good story.

backbeat said:
lol @ u bringin up politics. u do the same sh@t when u agrue n insult ppl n here n posts. nice way to sneakily shame ppl n a post. gettin tired of this political sh@t n here u ppl doin.
Explain how that would make someone feel ashamed.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2014
Reaction score
Danger said:
Rules for Radicals. It is all in there and it is the playbook of feminists, which are leftists by nature.

I am not insulting anyone, I am pointing out the playbook of the anti-red pill group, they just happen to be aligned with your ideology.

They do not keep their playbook a secret, so I do not see why you have such an issue with my pointing it out.
ur pretty radical from wut i seen u write. n then u want to talk sh@t to others lol. u callin me a radical a feminist. aint that insultin me lol? u dont even no wut my ideology is. u insult ppl n here all the time so yeah. cuz u tryin to start a fight like u always want to argue with ppl talkin politics n sh@t. we dont need politics sh@t n here so u can argue with ppl. jus tryin to avoid fights n this thread with u goin off topic to insult ppl. keep the peace man. keep the peace.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2014
Reaction score
Danger said:
If you did not like my statement on the tactics of leftists and the book "Rules for Radicals", then it seems a high probability that you are leftist, so I made that assumption.

Nowhere did I call you a feminist, I merely said feminists are leftists (all collies are dogs but no all dogs are collies), but since you assume that means I called you a feminist, then clearly you ARE a leftist and my assumption was correct.

I have never been called a radical before but I suppose by the far left groups I would be considered that. It is a strange world indeed when someone who believes in "true" equality and the rights of men is considered radical. Just a sign of the times I suppose.

ur jus itchin to argue with sumone. aint ya? u jus want to argue n insult ppl n here goin on multiple page threads talkin bouit nothin cuz that is wut u always do n here. i aint gonna give u the satisfaction of that. nobody likes to be called names that they aint n i dont need to b called names like feminist radical leftist by sumone like u. that does not make me a leftist but u obsessed over politics n callin ppl names n leftists n sh@t. no need to be callin ppl that in a forum bout women tryin to start fights like u want bout politics. enjoy ur arguments cuz i aint havin one with u. go argue with urself. lol.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Alright, is it just me here thinking we're actually trying to have an "open and honest [civil] discussion" (d@mn, I hate clichés) and now no one with an opposing viewpoint wants to take part?


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2014
Reaction score
Danger said:
When I am right, I stick to my guns.

I am not here to argue with you, I have not called you any names, I merely made mention on the leftist ideology playbook called "Rules for Radicals". It is well known and they are quite proud of using it. It is the methodology of the feminists and SJW's who are all leftists. So again I don't understand why you are so angry at me? Maybe you are trying to get me banned?

If you don't want to argue, then why do you keep calling me names? I mean I see a history of you doing that constantly, so maybe my question is already answered....
u took i said out of context when they talkin sh@t to me here. look at wut u doin n sayin to others n ur history. had to respond to this. done with this convo with u.

Danger said:
White knighting for those girls won't feed your sex starved penis my tiny little friend.
Danger said:
No wonder the white knights like yourself never get laid, you can't figure out how the world works.
Danger said:
You are seriously sex starved and fvcked in the head to run this kind of rationalization.
Danger said:
But then, you're a mouth-foaming feminist who declares the man evil whether he is being smashed by the mirror or the one doing the smashing. Take a bon-bon and calm yourself down sweetheart
Danger said:
You sure about that cupcake?
Danger said:
Show me the link pu$$y
Danger said:
you are a pu$$Y
Danger said:
you are a yellow coward
Danger said:
Limp-wristed lefties like exception
Danger said:
your sex starved penis


Jaylan is the king of troll-bait threads. He starts them in a polite manner, I'll give him that. He's also intelligent and can write a decent piece.

I also think he gets off on arguing with people. Why else would you do what you do, Jaylan? Why would you keep baiting tits and stagger in? Oh yeah, just so you can neg-rep them later...

You're soft. Tighten up, lil buddy.


And to preempt your rebuttal: no Jaylan, I wouldn't say that to your face in real life...I'd recognize that you're a b1tch and I would avoid you from there on out.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
TyTe`EyEz said:
And to preempt your rebuttal: no Jaylan, I wouldn't say that to your face in real life...I'd recognize that you're a b1tch and I would avoid you from there on out.
Tough guy calling someone a b1tch in a public forum without any provocation.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
smh, I had to address this

TyTe`EyEz said:
Jaylan is the king of troll-bait threads. He starts them in a polite manner, I'll give him that. He's also intelligent and can write a decent piece.

I also think he gets off on arguing with people. Why else would you do what you do, Jaylan? Why would you keep baiting tits and stagger in? Oh yeah, just so you can neg-rep them later...

You're soft. Tighten up, lil buddy.
Yeah, I totally bait them with current events....and polite OPs...but they arent trolling when they constantly insult people and make the same racist threads and posts over and over :confused:. Thats fantastic logic right there. The person being polite and trying to have a mature discussion is the troll...but not the posters who consistently insult, shame, and use slurs when responding to someone.

Fact of the matter is that they were not the only ones banned. Some of the people they argued with frequently were banned as well. Members from both sides of those frequent arguments were banned. Also, Im not the only person who escaped banning despite getting into these ruckuses with the now banned members. It seems like you were really emotionally invested in those posters, yet have the cheek to call someone else soft.

Move on.
TyTe`EyEz said:
And to preempt your rebuttal: no Jaylan, I wouldn't say that to your face in real life...I'd recognize that you're a b1tch and I would avoid you from there on out.
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
no you are a troll
To each their own opinion. My previous post remains fact however.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
Also, the biggest way to screw up your professional life, is posting hateful things on the internet that can be linked to who you really are. Be smart and protect your identity if you are going to continue with the posting style you've exhibited during your time on this forum. Part of the reason people dont put all their personal info on a website like this is because its rather to easy for certain people to come after you if they dislike what you say. There's actually a tumblr blog dedicated to getting people fired who've posted racist stuff online...and its worked too.
Beware DANGER and others posting on this forum.


Jaylan, when I said you were polite, I meant it facetiously...

I believe you're an expert in what won't get you banned.

Tits has always called you out on your femininity, and the feminine blogs you frequent...Maybe I can help you find the testosterone you're looking for. I hope so!


Jun 4, 2015
Reaction score
TyTe`EyEz said:
Jaylan, when I said you were polite, I meant it facetiously...

I believe you're an expert in what won't get you banned.

Tits has always called you out on your femininity, and the feminine blogs you frequent...Maybe I can help you find the testosterone you're looking for. I hope so!
You and Jaylan both should be banned.