george clooney should be your role model


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
last night as we do every friday night, watched real time with bill mahar. she has her shows and i have mine, that's one of the few shows i don't miss. anyway, george clooney waifs a guest on the show.

of course, she's all into him like most women are, one thing i like about her, she dosn't give me **** when i find a woman hot and visa versa anyway, i asked her just out of curosity not a, what does he have that i dont' type deal but just in general.. why do women, what to rape george clooney lol? this has always somewhat fascinated me. and kinda subconsciously she said "he's the total package, what woman wouldn't want to **** him?"

then it hit me.. george clooney is the face of the aspiring mature man. george clooney is to women what Marylin monroe was to 40 year old guys in the 60's. it's not becuase he's "hot" and he's a good looking guy, i admit. but i got to thinking about it, seriously, the guy is the real deal. he's 49 years old, probably in better shape than 90-95% of america first and foremost. he does take care of himself. he can dress himself. he's confident, smart as a mother****er if you actually listen to him, don't let the looks fool you, guy is smart as hell. the guy is extremely passionate about something toher than making money and ****ing women.
it takes work, to become that man. he didn't just wake up one day and become who he is. looking at him, there is no doubt about where women fall on his priority list in life. the man is 50 and could probably bag any 21 year ld he wanted. but there are alot of 50 year old men like that, my dad is like that. just goes to show, life is what you make of it.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2008
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Clooney should have played James Bond.. or should play James Bond after Daniel Craig.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Backbreaker,
With his background I think it would be hard to be anything BUT famous.....His Auntie was Rosemary Clooney,a film star(yer seen White Christmas ya seen Rosie)....a great singer...Jophil loves Mambo....Well Jo,Rosie sang "Hey Mambo,Mambo Italiano" in the fifties and she was great,very hard to find her albums today,"the poor People of Paris" was one of my favourites....Then there was his Dad...A TV News caster...George started off as A Radio Talk back host,so he learnt how to move quickly on his feet...George has a voice,that is God given...listen to Adolf there is a voice that even in an unknown language can have you Goose stepping in the Kitchen,Rooseveldt too had a shivering vocal quality that roused one,then Churchill....My God Churchill knew the power of words...His fighting on the Beaches Speech still raises the hackles on the back of my neck,to read his ultimatum to the French urging them to surrender their Mediterranean Fleet is an exercise in how words can convey Power....And Georgy Baby has that same mystical ability to influence,to persuade,to make you like him,advertisers use him to sell Whiskey....Another mystical ability is his being able to appear a rogue,but not beyond redemption...Oh Ladies suck that up,they all want to reform a rogue (Rather change a Leopards Spots)I suppose it is the inherent challenge....I just love his attitude to marriage....No way he will have Children before Fifty he boasted a long time ago....I think we should make him an honorary DJ.....still reflect on this.....he suffers from bleeding stomach Ulcers,that suggest that he lives with inner conflict...Is it worth it?


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
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Another great role model would be Lenny Kravitz.

The guy's 46 years old. He's in great shape. He still looks like hes in his 30s. He has homes in New Orleans, The Bahamas, New York and Paris. The guy can basicaly screw some young hot 20 year old whenever he wants and most of all he's passionate and makes kick ass music. Whenever he walks into a room wearing his shades...the guy just exemplify the word Cool.

Without sounding like a queer, his music is fvcken sexy and timeless Man .

If your a DJ starting out, stay away from away from that James Blunt and Emo sh%t they're pouring out these days and listen to Lenny's music and just soak in that sexy confident vibe he's pouring out.

Fly Away is a great song to wake up to and get you going in the morning.....but wait listen to his song.." Straight Cold Player" it only has one freakin line in the song...but it eminates his soul man.

check it out

Razor Sharp

Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2010
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Desert of the Real
Nice post backbreaker

Clooney is definitely one of my heroes without a doubt. But I think you missed the most important element of his mystique which gets girls panties soaking wet. Aside from being rich, famous and well-groomed, the guy is UNTAMEABLE.

For women it's not just about screwing the hot celebrity (believe me that helps!) Its really about climbing the f*cking Mount Everest of relationship challenges and getting someplace no other woman has. Men are not the only territorial beasts you know -in fact I'd venture to say that under the right circumstances chicks are MUCH worse

Truth is women love a challenge almost as much as they love something they know they cannot really have. With George they know that the white picket fences and "Happily ever after" don't factor into the deal, which sets the perfect stage for FANTASY. And once you have a woman's imagination centered around your sexuality, her p*ssy is pretty much yours, silver platter, shiny red bow and all. For once she has to WORK or something, a welcome respite from the drooling suitors who would sell their souls just to touch her jiggly parts.

The wildest and most free bird in the jungle is the ultimate prize for anyone who seeks to "cage" him.

This is the most valuable lesson to be learned from these golden bachelors

• Set your own standards, society be damned. Do what YOU want
• Don't bend those standards for anyone
• Be wild, untamable - UNPREDICTABLE
• Stop "falling in love", most of the time its just infatuation.
• Sex/relationships should never be your primary focus, just icing
• Make the life for yourself that you always wanted
• Stay in touch with your masculinity (Notice George always does macho roles, you wont catch him sporting dresses or acting the fool)
• Have fun with life

That last one is KEY - you can just tell when someone loves to be in their own skin and makes the most out of their limited time in this often harrowing experience called life.

Having said all that, I don't see him as a "template" of how I want my life to pan out. I really do like the idea of a family someday, and call me a hopeless romantic but I believe there is someone out there who is a good fit for me (once I am done being a complete and utter wh*re of a man of course).

That's just my perspective though - kids aint for everyone and if you relish the idea of banging young poon well into your 50's and not worrying about rugrats c*ck-blocking you, then yeah, he's an excellent role model.

To each his own


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Razor Sharp said:
Nice post backbreaker

Clooney is definitely one of my heroes without a doubt. But I think you missed the most important element of his mystique which gets girls panties soaking wet. Aside from being rich, famous and well-groomed, the guy is UNTAMEABLE.

For women it's not just about screwing the hot celebrity (believe me that helps!) Its really about climbing the f*cking Mount Everest of relationship challenges and getting someplace no other woman has. Men are not the only territorial beasts you know -in fact I'd venture to say that under the right circumstances chicks are MUCH worse

Truth is women love a challenge almost as much as they love something they know they cannot really have. With George they know that the white picket fences and "Happily ever after" don't factor into the deal, which sets the perfect stage for FANTASY. And once you have a woman's imagination centered around your sexuality, her p*ssy is pretty much yours, silver platter, shiny red bow and all. For once she has to WORK or something, a welcome respite from the drooling suitors who would sell their souls just to touch her jiggly parts.

The wildest and most free bird in the jungle is the ultimate prize for anyone who seeks to "cage" him.

This is the most valuable lesson to be learned from these golden bachelors

• Set your own standards, society be damned. Do what YOU want
• Don't bend those standards for anyone
• Be wild, untamable - UNPREDICTABLE
• Stop "falling in love", most of the time its just infatuation.
• Sex/relationships should never be your primary focus, just icing
• Make the life for yourself that you always wanted
• Stay in touch with your masculinity (Notice George always does macho roles, you wont catch him sporting dresses or acting the fool)
• Have fun with life

That last one is KEY - you can just tell when someone loves to be in their own skin and makes the most out of their limited time in this often harrowing experience called life.

Having said all that, I don't see him as a "template" of how I want my life to pan out. I really do like the idea of a family someday, and call me a hopeless romantic but I believe there is someone out there who is a good fit for me (once I am done being a complete and utter wh*re of a man of course).

That's just my perspective though - kids aint for everyone and if you relish the idea of banging young poon well into your 50's and not worrying about rugrats c*ck-blocking you, then yeah, he's an excellent role model.

To each his own

Bravo my friend!:rockon:

• Set your own standards, society be damned. Do what YOU want
• Don't bend those standards for anyone
• Be wild, untamable - UNPREDICTABLE
• Stop "falling in love", most of the time its just infatuation.
• Sex/relationships should never be your primary focus, just icing
• Make the life for yourself that you always wanted
• Stay in touch with your masculinity (Notice George always does macho roles, you wont catch him sporting dresses or acting the fool)
• Have fun with life


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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JCB said:
Isn't a huge Hollywood secret that Clooney is gay?
lul because any man who doesn't want to get married must necessarily be gay right? Sometimes I read the comments on TMZ and lots of women call him gay, because of course they're jealous of the fact that no woman can tie him down.

I think it's simply about being smart and wise. Let's face it, even if Clooney were just some average guy somewhere, I have a feeling he would have the same personality and would be dating chicks rather than marrying them.

Wisdom, knowledge and confidence.


New Member
Feb 6, 2010
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George Clooney is the real deal. No doubt. I like Tom Cruise too, but that is open to maybe more controversy. These are real men who have discipline and drive and determination. They take up causes and don't care about getting into someone's pants over their ambition (well, if it's along the way, hey that's another story). Not to say their sex life is probably not hurting. Dosen't matter. They actually care about helping people. Not shallow meatheads talking about where they are going to party later and fall over some shallow chick who isn't that hot anyway. Very astute post sir, well done.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
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George Clooney's previous girlfriends have included ****tail waitresses and soft-core porn stars. It's not as though he has the highest standards around.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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OFWHAP said:
George Clooney's previous girlfriends have included ****tail waitresses and soft-core porn stars. It's not as though he has the highest standards around.
LOL wut? where they hot? I mean it's not like the guy has to date a rocket surgeon or wants a ball busting wench. He wants a hot piece of ass that will do freaky **** and stay out of his business, someone who is just happy to be there. Sounds like he knows the score.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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your hero should be the common guy who get all kinds of hot women. clooney get women because he is on tv and has money. what about the common guy who gets women without using a crutch.

there are men no one knows about, are not famous who get hot girls all the time.

having a man idol or be some guys who want to be is being afc. like a poser. make youself the man you want to be.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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I disagree, I think every person needs somebody to emulate. I'm trying to develop a good tennis serve right now and I watch the best servers over and over and over. I'm not going to reinvent the serve, I'm going to do it the way the top pros do it.

Same goes with chicks. Yes, you could argue that Clooney has a different lifestyle because of his wealth and fame, but if using him as a role model prevents you from marrying some fat broad just because you're having a 5-year lull in your sex life, then it's a good thing to do.

Everyone should have someone to look up to, whether it's your dad or your professor or a celeb or an athlete. Your peers can often be inspirations but they can never really take the place of your "idol." Your idol has to be a guy whom you will never eclipse, so you can be 65 years old and still look up to him (or his memory).


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
He makes a sh*tty Batman, though. (was talking to a girl last night about this, believe it or not)

Clooney and Pitt in the remake of "Ocean's Eleven" is what I use as a prime example of "DJ" behavior.

Clooney is 100% confident in himself (sometimes to the point of arrogance), but it shows. You can tell when he wears a suit, for example, that it's not to try to make himself look better, it's because he has enough self-assuredness that he feels it's what he OUGHT to wear.

If that makes sense.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
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This is where I have to disagree. George Cloony can bang any girl because of his LOOKS, not because he goes to Iraq and speaks to troops or whatever.

He's incredibly handsome and is famous. That's why your wife wants to blow him. He is a rarity in that gray hair actually looks prefect on him, so he can delay the effects of old age.

It's looks and being a movie star, not his drive or personality. Certainly not his intellect either

Taylor Lautner, Robert Patterson, Zack Efron, etc, also can fck 99% of women on the planet....please understand it isn't because of their amazing acting skills or personalities....its because they are the cream of the crop in looks. Anglo-germanic hunks that are considered universally attractive. Thats what women want, and that is all the "whole package" contains


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
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I would say fame trumps looks in this case. George Clooney can be considered an attractive guy, but I know many women who consider him very average. Fame attracts women. Just ask Tommy Lee, Marilyn Manson, Kid Rock, or many professional athletes in general. These guys have no problem getting women, but they're lacking in the looks department. There are girls at colleges around the US who have sex with guys just because they're collegiate athletes.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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george clooneys fame and money make him a lot more appealing. he is put in movie roles were he portrays the ladys man. you got to be insane to think different.

just like kevin federline. britney spears made him famous and now women desire him.

how many women would marilyn manson get if he was not famous or did not have money.

rob zombie is another example.

george clooneys looks would get him initial attraction if he was an average guy after that its skill.

I get I am handsome all the time by many different kind of women. I am an average man. its get initial attraction after that your looks only go so far then it is skill. if I had money and fame there would not be a women I couldnt get.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
neither one of the three posters above me, gets it. at all.

If you still think in the mindset that, I need to be THIS to get laid or I need to be THAT to be laid, you dont' get it.

We should strive to be GC not becuase he ****s hot women I mean, don't get it twisted, lol, we all want to **** hot women, that's stating the obvious. But GC is the prototypical well rounded, well adjusted 50 year old man. He's not rich and anti social. He's not spent his entire life bagging women and now he's 50 and doesn't know how he is going to retire. He didn't' spend his youth eating 100% ****ty food and has to cry everytime he gets ready to go to the doctor. He's not 50 years old and listening to TV to develop his political opinions.

He's the perfect blind of looks, money, social life, intelligence, health, hobbies, etc.

And that in itself, is a a turn on. Being that well rounded is hot, I'm telling you. But that is a byproduct of being well rounded. guys who have their **** together get laid.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
squirrels said:
He makes a sh*tty Batman, though. (was talking to a girl last night about this, believe it or not)

Clooney and Pitt in the remake of "Ocean's Eleven" is what I use as a prime example of "DJ" behavior.

Clooney is 100% confident in himself (sometimes to the point of arrogance), but it shows. You can tell when he wears a suit, for example, that it's not to try to make himself look better, it's because he has enough self-assuredness that he feels it's what he OUGHT to wear.

If that makes sense.

Believe it or not, I just bought netflix yesterday lol for the first time ever. I downloaded everything I want, I said screw it why not. was looking for a moving to watch, i will watch this.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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I think the point of "looking up" to George Clooney is in regard to one simple thing: he doesn't let women control his frame.

It is for that reason I look up to him. Not for his "skills" in attracting women. There are a lot of men who, despite their wealth and fame, fall into traps laid by women all the time. For example, Tiger Woods, who made a $100,000,000.00 mistake by marrying a chick even though he was not at all cut out for marriage.

Clooney knows he's not cut out for marriage, and sticks to his principles and self-understanding rather than letting women take control. For that I look up to the man.