Funeral Pick up! HB9!

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Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
skip2mylou781 said:
his story is a joke....he's a joke......talkin smack on sosuave is his life calling so dont worry bout him.

BUT, its funny to me that me talking about success with girls is automatically not believable cuz what, u expect all guys to b a loser like u whos bad with chicks?? think b4 u mention me next time
Hmm, and I did think before mentioning you. I'd actually sided with you in some of those arguments you've had in the past so I don't need to hear that. Note that I said "the less and less I WANT to believe," meaning some belief already did exist. But if you want to immediately take the defensive and lose the people you had on the fence, then by all means. And making yourself feel better by assuming everybody else is bad with girls and telling them they suck is so 8th grade.

Tomatoes said:
Its the way you say things skip......Look at beards post for eg. It may be true. i bet my house on it that its not.....but it maybe.....but hes put it across in such a way hes bragging for compliments.....Its not what you right.....its how you right it. Its also sounding like you know what your talking about. I think thats why you get scrutny. I cant write FR for sh!t. They always sound abit strange......but I know what goes off and thats enough of a confidence boost for me. I dont need 3rd party social proof.

Sarge On!
That's basically it right there. You say it in a way that just begs to get flamed. Also, you focus way too much on the end results rather than the methods used to attain them. If you've noticed the classic threads or columns that get archived, most of them are long as hell but extremely detailed so something can be learned from them. Telling people you got a ton of HB's without any explanation won't do much for you.

End result = comes off as a braggart
Methods used = educator
DrBeard said:
Ok knobwashers here is some proof I got some fans!

She dont look so hot in that pic but she is in my myspace friends and she is a model!
Alright man you win. She is by far the best looking girl in that picture. Solid HB4. If only she weren't alone haha. And there's nothing a little photoshop can't do. I hope she's some sort of hand model. :rock:
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