I'm not ignoring your other points, but I'm choosing to address this one because it's closest to my original point. You're saying being upfront greatly decreases your chances of getting friendzoned?
yeah. GREATLY decreases it.
But understand something......
Avoiding the friendzone
DOES NOT MEAN YOU AUTOMATICALLY GET THE GIRL. You're just avoiding ONE of the many possible roadblocks to getting her. Just because you avoid the friendzone doesn't mean you can't screw things up in another area.
What are you basing this on?
My PERSONAL expierence.
Let's say I see a girl,think she's cute,and want to ask her out. If I'm upfront about that,and she's interested,I have a date.
If she rejects me,I move on to another girl.
THERE'S NO FRIENDZONE THERE. It's averted. I think you think avoiding the friendzone means you GET the girl.
No it doesn't.
Again, you're making the assumption (like the other poster) that once a certain amount of time has passed, she's no longer interested because you run the risk of falling in that zone. How much time has to go by before this happens? I asked this earlier and never got an answer... from anyone.
I have NO IDEA what you're talking about. We're talking about approaching a girl you've NEVER SEEN BEFORE....uhh....
Or do you mean seeing a chick,chatting with her from time to time over a period of days/weeks about random topics,then one day,after a few weeks or months of fluff talk,you
FINALLY decide to show your interest?
If it's the latter,then yeah....you run a greater risk of getting friendzoned. I
But let's look at it from the perspective of "making your intentions known right away". This applies to many men across the world who go out every weekend to the bars trying to get laid. The vast majority of men don't get a ONS this way, or even a date. We all know this.
Sir.......there's a difference here. We need clarification on what "showing interest" means.
I MEAN.......to get a chick to GO OUT with you. That IMPLIES sexual interest.
are YOU talking about? One night stands? You don't approach a girl at a store,or a chick at a counter to get a one night stand. At least,I don't.
I mean to get her number,call her in 2 or 3 days,set up a date,then go out.......not try to have sex with her 3 or 4 hours after you first meet.
This is REAL LIFE.......not Cinemax.
I've been a member on this forum for a very long time.
Yeah? Well check out
MY join date.
I've read the posts about c0ckblockers, Attention wh0res, flakes, etc. I've been going to bars 15 years and have experienced this myself, and so have my friends. Now in that situation, you don't really have a choice but to be direct. But, that isn't the point. We're not talking about the situation, we're talking about the behavior of being direct.
We're talking about being direct? Ok. I thought we were discussing whether the friendzone was a myth or not.
Look at Tinder. Most guys have to swipe 100 times to get a single match. And the match they get usually doesn't even respond.
I'm on Tinder,so yeah.......I know.
You're probably thinking "that's because she's talking to the other guy she matched with". Guess what? That guy is thinking the same thing about the first guy.
So if your best chance is to be upfront and direct, why does it result in rejection over and over for most guys?
Ok......and again.....
I'm talking about AVOIDING THE FRIENDZONE. Sir.....Tinder is A DATING SITE. That's the WHOLE POINT of being on there...even the women know that. If all you said was "Hi" to her in a
message,she KNOWS WHY.....it's cause you're expressing interest. If you said hi to a girl in real life,she might just think you were being polite.
I'm saying being upfront in REAL LIFE is your best way to avoid getting friendzoned,and possibly sparking interest.
On Tinder,just your presence ALONE implies you're seeking companionship.
This usually stems from not knowing the woman.
Yeah....that's what we were talking about......
right? I'm talking about getting the interest OF STRANGERS......not women you've already spoken to and had contact with.
They've never crossed paths with her and unless they jump into action, they will never see her again. It's basically "shoot your shot." And there's nothing wrong with doing that, but it almost always ends in rejection.
Well,if you know of some other method that doesn't always end in rejection,I'm open to it. Tell me....I'll listen.
So the advice they get from the internet is to be bold and direct, to avoid falling in the friendzone. So now you have guys going up to women they don't know, announcing their interest, and putting pressure on a woman who's never met them before, or barely knows them because you think this prevents you from falling in a "zone".
THIS.......is a GOOD POINT. This is something I had to learn the hard way...the whole "putting women under pressure". You're 100% right on that one. But asking a girl out at
ANY POINT can put her under
some pressure. I think it's better when you two DON'T KNOW each other. If it's after weeks and weeks of talking and interacting,she may want things to remain as they are between you two and not want to "mess things up" between you and her.