FR: Lust Wars IV: A New Hope


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.
Luke, listen to that man, you see where he came from? You can do it to.

I highly suggest downloading or buying wherver you can, "Think and grow rich". Its going to open doors for you man.

You are getting some world class advice from alot of REAL men out there man, be happy man that there are people that wanna see you succeed. Sure 75% of people on this site may have bad intentions, but there are people that wanna see you win man, because we KNOW that winning feels ****ing great man, and you are going to LOVE it. I don't wanna get all mushy and say they care about you, but think about it man, skip, me, espi, the truth, etc, we're all rooting for YOU man, and you see that people don't do this with everyone on this site. People are helping you man because you are at least getting out there and doing SOMETHING, even if we don't approve, it takes the balls that YOU have. Now use those balls with the newfound beliefs and the new YOU (and not changing yourself, but improving) and trust me man, you are going to be HUGELY successful. You've got determination, you've got logic, you've got intelligence ALL on your side, you just gotta learn how to apply it.

This is also another post I made for another forum or so, its alot of Pook influence in there with alot of what I've learned so I don't wanna say this is all me, but rather stuff that's been taught and stuff that I've learned:

What's a man?
A man's a guy who wants to follow his purpose no matter what. No woman, man, animal, or anything in this world will take him off his path. He's filled with such a desire to meet his own goals and fulfill himself, that the triats like confidence, charisma, etc, all come naturally. Its not about techniques or routines or games (as I once thought), but about being a man. And what defines a man? Its about getting out into the world and walking with conviction. Its about being totally happy with oneself, and wanting to see others happy when around him. Its about spreading this infectious joy to everyone around like a plague NOT because he wants their approval, but because he realizes that being happy is what life is about. Its about having respect, and making sure every one else knows that he will NOT tolerate this disrespect of himself or his property. What he worked for he esteems in high value. His friends are hand picked and selected by him because he respects, and admires their traits, yet does not look to them for validation. He is validated by his sense of accomplishment and sense of self.

Real men are at grips with their sexuality. They aren't running around trying to coerce a woman into liking them or trying to use all these different techniques to make these women like them. They don't rely on women for their sense of self. Women are not the center of their universe, they are merely another part of it, albeit an important part, but not a necessity. Women are attracted to a real man, not because he can hypnotize them into liking him, but because he says to the world, "World, this is me, and my life. I will take what I want from you no matter how much work is needed". Women are attracted to a real man for the simple reason that his desire is so strong and burns so brightly, that others have no choice but to accept his will. He does not apologize for his sexuality or his instinct, for he realizes that these very urges are not curses, but the beauty of nature, manifested in his own core, and he accepts this.

Real men don't need women, but they love to have women enjoy themselves. The smile that lights across a womans face, when they know that she feels totally fulfilled and at ease with them and feels as if she can only experience admiration, happiness, and respect when with him enhances his happiness. He knows that women will enjoy him, not because he can spit out some rehearsed line, but because he appreciates them as the beautiful creations they are. Sure women may be a pain, but after all, human beings are not flawless. He does not look for a woman without faults, rather, he looks for a woman to be his equal. A woman who will not only respect him, but will satisfy the same primal urges that have kept our species alive for so long. He realizes that the dating may be a game, its only as difficult as one allows it to be, for although women play games, its not to harm the male, its simply to make certain that he is truly a man. Destiny did not allow for the great men of our times to have easy lives. Thomas Edison did not get the lightbulb his first time. George Washington didn't become president without work. Martin Luther King did not just walk up to congress and say, "change these rules" and it was made so. A man realizes that tests are necessary for constant improvement.

Finally, a man is so sure of himself, that though he lives in his own world, he is still a man. He is no better than any other man or woman, he simply has realized his true potential. He looks upon the world through new eyes each day, and appreciates the value of the lesser recognized items. The way the grass sways in the cool wind, or how the leaves dance with each other in a hypnotic motion, and he realizes that though a tree may fall many times, or it may rain for days upon days, every moment of life is unique. One second of life will never be repeated EXACTLY the same ever again throughout time. He can throw the same ball against the same wall, but something in the world has changed, and it is this realization that allows him to appreciate and fulfill every dream and aspiration he possesses. He never, will settle, he will constantly push, constantly improve, and constantly desire. For desire is what fuels the success of man.

In the society we live in, men are no longer men, they are only a former shadow of what true men are, bent and shaped by the ideoligies of society, women, wussy men, etc. It is time for man to recapture his essence. His Core. It is time for men to rely on themselves for sucess, and no one else.

Men, rise up and take greatness from this world, no longer shall we wait and hope it walks into our laps. Spring forward and leap for the moon. As a great man once said, "Aim for the moon, if you miss, you will still be amongst the stars".
May 23, 2006
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Ok, current portfolio:

Delays in plans caused by following issues:
- A girl I really cared about - took a week break because I thought she was juggling me with other guys setting everything off by one week. Too much for me to handle. Talked to her today to straighten things out. As of 6:00 pm today, I'm back to normal and functional again.

She wants to remain my friend, and after 'dealing with her' and 'standing up to her' my confidence is back to 'normal' again, after experiencing an ego-bust last week.

- one 35 year old girl -- proceed to second seduction date, have to call her.
(practise, hb5).

- girl #-close at a store - contact-closed have her number - 8 days have passed. Less than 14 day maximum deadline for calling. Lives in a condo, no further info.

- secretary contact-close - have yet to add her to MSN, have her # too, again less than 14 day maximum deadline for calling. She's yonge and fresh Indian HB7 with an ambition to be a pharmasist.

- random church girl pick-up, approaching 14 day maximum.


The Enotalone site establishes 14 days as being an absolute maximum - and if you are not interested in dating now due to something, the girl should be called, and informed of situation.

Ideal times are 3 to 5 days, over 5 days, whatever initial attraction that occurred during the pick up of the number has probably dissipiated.


I have these numbers and do not know what to do. Should I go with a PRIMING date set-up again, go straight for seduction, or just see if they want to go anywhere.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2005
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Mike: So how long do I wait to call?
Trent: A day.
Mike: Tomorrow.
Sue: Tomorrow, then a day.
Trent: Yeah.
Mike: So two days?
Trent: Yeah, I guess you could call it that, two days.
Sue: Definitely, two days is like industry standard.
Trent: You know I used to wait two days to call anybody, but now it's like everyone in town waits two days. So I think three days is kind of money. What do you think?
Sue: Yeah, but two's enough not to look anxious.
Trent: But I think three days is kind of money. You know because you...
Mike: Yeah, but you know what, mabey I'll wait 3 weeks. How's that? And tell her I was cleaning out my wallet and I just happened to run into her number.
Charles: Then ask her where you met her.
Mike: Yeah, I'll ask her where I met her. I don't remember. What does she look like? And then I'll asked if we ****ed. Is that... would that be... T, would that be the money?
Trent: You know what. Ha ha ha Mike, laugh all you want but if you call too soon you might scare off a nice baby who's ready to party.
Mike: Well how long are you guys gonna wait to call your babies?
Trent, Sue: Six days.

Don't over analyze ****.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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OK theres no rules for call backs, but some loose guidelines.

You get her # on a Th, Fri, Sat, wait til Tues or Wed to call. Leave a message if she doesn't answer, but don't put the ball in her court, like "hi this is rocky_mtn, too bad I couldn't get a hold of you, I'll call you later". If you call and don't leave a message, she will see your call and wonder, so you can give her the "ping" without any pressure to take the next step.

Be aware of "the ball in your court". If she calls and you return her call, then the ball is in her court. If she doesn't return it, then the game is off. If the ball is in your court, then its your move, so decide wisely.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.
Luke man I have a suggestion.

Let's say you had a date with a girl the yesterday, and you REALLY had a great time. And you REALLY want to call her back the next day or the day after. Are you really going to STOP yourself because of some psychological rules?

Luke you can do ANYTHING and get away with it.

If there is a girl you want to go somewhere with, phone her up and just don't be AFC. Say something like, "Hey, what's going on, I don't have long but I was doing X and it made me think of you" (Let's say she's a florist and you were helping your mother garden, which, by the way could be GREAT as long as you don't say it in the wrong way), "how's it going?" "Great" "Nice, what made you're day so good?" (she may just say you calling her right then), Have some nice talk, and then say, "Alright well look, I've gotta run right now (especially if you have something fun to do or interesting like working out, look at a new home etc) I'll talk to you later". And just let her go, you can have a conversation with a woman. I think many men forget that if you want a girl FRIEND, you need to have the FRIEND part down pat.

Also, I had an idea for you. you are a real estate agent right? Why don't you take the girl to some really NICE houses you are going to sell and ask her about it, and hten you can drop her back off, it would be a quick mini date. My Father is a real estate agent which made me think of you so I wanted to toss that out there for you. Just phone her up and say, "hey what are you doing" if she's free go, "Great, there's this INCREDIBLE house I'm about to put on the market, come ride with me to see it, I think you'll love it, I need some opinions on how to fix it up anyway", and you've got a companion to come with you. Things don't have to be all scientific and stuff, but I recognize this can be hard, I just kind of got outgoing with this stuff recently.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Sorry I haven't been in on this thread yet...

- one 35 year old girl -- proceed to second seduction date, have to call her.
(practise, hb5).

- girl #-close at a store - contact-closed have her number - 8 days have passed. Less than 14 day maximum deadline for calling. Lives in a condo, no further info.

- secretary contact-close - have yet to add her to MSN, have her # too, again less than 14 day maximum deadline for calling. She's yonge and fresh Indian HB7 with an ambition to be a pharmasist.

- random church girl pick-up, approaching 14 day maximum.
Luke, is all of this stuff going on right now? Holy fvck, you're getting somewhere! You may not feel like you're getting anywhere yet, but you're not rotting away in your parents house reading that seduction book and watching star wars 24/7. Pat yourself on the back for getting out there!

I'm going to give you another little piece of advice. Don't read into these women just yet. You're trying to get used to having the opposite sex around you. Once you get comfortable around women, then you can start screening them all you want.

For now, just make it a goal to date as many women as you can. Learn from the women and I don't mean dating advice! Learn how to kiss and to touch from them. A woman will touch and kiss you the way she wants to be touched and kissed. Copy her, and you'll get places.
May 23, 2006
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Great ideas about the Real-Estate part - creative dating concepts - I have access to show ANY home, including multi-million dollar mansions, where only I know the secret lock-box combinations.

Many fantasies have occurred in the past, in particularly around March this year of taking a girl in a mansion or something, under the guise I'm showing her, and then doing some quickie real fast, throwing the condoms out, and you are like out in a few minutes like a real showing. Well, I'm glad I didn't do that, on a FUG, or another girl I toyed with that idea with. I ain't going to risk my license on no nonsence.

But, showing homes, and pretending to sell them to my dates, sounds like a novel idea. Great idea.
May 23, 2006
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Desdinova said:
Sorry I haven't been in on this thread yet...

Luke, is all of this stuff going on right now? Holy fvck, you're getting somewhere! You may not feel like you're getting anywhere yet, but you're not rotting away in your parents house reading that seduction book and watching star wars 24/7. Pat yourself on the back for getting out there!
Sure, you are the guy that advised me to attack contact-close phobia, now I'm intending to follow up on my contact closes before I go for more. As you suggest, maximizing all dating/hang-out opportunities to learn things - that's what I'm going to do.

Desinova said:
I'm going to give you another little piece of advice. Don't read into these women just yet. You're trying to get used to having the opposite sex around you. Once you get comfortable around women, then you can start screening them all you want

For now, just make it a goal to date as many women as you can. Learn from the women and I don't mean dating advice! Learn how to kiss and to touch from them. A woman will touch and kiss you the way she wants to be touched and kissed. Copy her, and you'll get places.
Sure - that's exactly what I intend to do here.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Sure, you are the guy that advised me to attack contact-close phobia, now I'm intending to follow up on my contact closes before I go for more.
Good stuff! Sometimes it's best to take baby steps to get where you're wanting to go. Although you may be going at a slow pace, you're going to get there eventually!

Keep up the good work, and try to have fun while doing it. If you're not having fun, all of this stuff will seem like work, and you won't want to continue doing it.

Take these women to some of your favorite places (if you have any). If you don't have any favorite places, try to find some. Embrace your passions (no matter how lame they are) and be ecstatic about them. Take your date to a novelty shop where they sell Star Wars crap, and let her see you get excited. That excitement will transmit into her body, and she'll get excited too. Well, maybe not about the Star Wars crap, but possibly about being with an happy, fun, and exciting guy!

The date isn't necessarily about what you do, it's about how much of a good time you have! Lead the woman into your world, and she'll follow.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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one day you will meet a girl that is as nerdy and introverted as you are, and you won't feel comfortable hanging out by yourself anyymore, because it will be her that you have so much fun hanging out with. She will seem even better than your mother. But finding that women will take work and more work. Keep at it, one day you will find the one for you. The "one" goes against all the DJ principles, but for many of us the "one" will be what we are looking for.
May 23, 2006
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One date set for next week Thursday evening with other contact.

--- ideas: activity date - church volleyball - invite her along to it - may help gain social rapport with other group people to show I have outside social life, and give an excuse to introduce her to other girls in the group - possibly social proof.

or...evening seduction date......

So far dating sketch as follows:

Saturday: HB - friend <I want LTR, gave SOI, she can only offer friendship - possible 'friendzoned', would like a k-close through> - evening - for romantic efficiency, evening dates should be held at a park while the sun is setting, or by the water if it's close access to one.

Tuesday evening - UG1 <no romantic/sexual interest - movie buddy: exactly have about 2 movie girl-buddies, both are UG's - this one is UG1, other buddy is UG4> - friend - movie date - proposed to see a movie - likely may practise bringing up 'romantic talk' during the date itself or try to play with kino/touching - any experiments.

Thursday evening - mature HB5 - <some romantic/sexual interest, not allot> - possibly seduction date of some sort - or group 'volleyball' idea.

3 other contact-closes have to be pursued - but possibly they may just be coffee-dates, with or without the PRIMING LINE stuff. I'll likely start working to set up stuff on those tommorow or Friday for next week. Other contact-closes are HB's - I dont contact-close UG's.


As others have pointed out - getting experience/confidence booster is the primary goal of these dates - but there must be some exercise to make them worthwhile, especially on the UG type dates.
Last edited:
May 23, 2006
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PURGING MY CONTACT-LIST. All numbers I contact-closed will be attempted contact tommorow morning, and immediate follow-ups.

1) I will not leave a message on first call - use *67, (call-blocking)
2) If *67 doesn't work, then leave message, or second time leave message.
Message will not leave the ball in the girl's court, but just on mine - to say I'll call back again later.

Since I dont know any of the girls that well, I would have to engage in some fluff talk - general things to get to know them a bit better before going for the next step - think of something personal too say that's true too that would make them feel special.





Contact-closing is cool, but without following up, then getting a temporary ego-boost by just closing for a contact is purely insane.


FIRST EXPERIMENT ON TWO WEEK LIMIT MAXIMUM -- if it doesn't work, then the MAXIMUM period *could* be reduced to seven days - but for now, leaving this policy.
May 23, 2006
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Saturday evening girl flaked out by not replying to a confirmation email for this evening.

Did a rash thing. Sent her a couple of emails.

First one saying that something else came up and I had to do go, and since she didn't reply back, I have to go elsewhere, but suggesting that we go to the original picnic plan. A second email was sent saying I'm not upset, but see the big picture, and asked if she was free next weekend?

Typical AFC knee-jerk reaction. Typical. Long way to go to recover.

A DJ would have waited until she sent an email apologising or some sh1t and then propose this date. Got to get my DJ mind on.

Have to go NC with this girl for a week or two - if she replies back to this email suggesting another coffee date, or any 'friend-posture', I'm simply not going to reply to her email, and just nose-dive it for two weeks maximum until she gives in to the picnic idea - if not, I'm NEXTing her for good.

Either I'm going to get what I want (k-close/make-out/layed) on this, or I'm NEXTING it, this is DJ/PUA think. Waiting, supplicating, concessions, are AFC think, and in this case, BAFC.
May 23, 2006
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rAFC help thread: MY AFC - DJ alteregos.

I've come to realise there are two minds. The mind of an AFC and the mind of a DJ. I'm analyzing every habit, and thought pattern that's AFC, and I'm going to systematically ZAP them every time I have a chance.

Today, a girl with a sexy voice called my home and asked for XYZ, and my AFC self told her she got the wrong number. But, my DJ mind analyzed this as an opportunity to say - "practise, practise, practise, tell her she's not here, but I am here girl, would you like to go out for coffee?" ANYTHING --
Just dont AFC and say "Duh, she doesn't live here, you got the wrong number"

Hello - she's out of your life, and you could have worked the nerve to ask her out before she went - and all I can say is 'duh, you are right, it's the wrong number", heck I could of said "girl, you got the right number, want me to come over and do you right now?" -- that's what a PUA would handle it.


Romantic love songs sung by male voices on the radio -- AFC gotta go.
Romantic love songs by woman singing about their male crushes -- DJ - can stay.

Got to undo years of bad AFC programming.
May 23, 2006
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Called the girl on her cell. She did not pick up the first time.
Tried it again afterwards. The 'alpha-male' just came out and I was going to leave a message. She picked up the phone and we were setting up dates for tonight or Monday afternoon. I was pressured to set it for Monday - but she says it's likely going to be a brief date.

I let her know by email that we can meet on Monday, although I'd prefer it if we could spend a bit more time together than a brief type of date, but since I haven't seen her in a month, why not. Probably a bit ballsy to say that, but that's the way it should be. Either an alpha-male or beta-male, and so far the alpha side of things usualy seems to click.

I dont know about using this girl for seduction plans though, she seems to be a bit confused or out of it - it seems like some gremlin comes in weeks after the date in the email or something to just blight things up a bit or something, whatever....

It seems she is operating out of duty or obligation mode rather than attraction, so whatever was likely gained on the last meeting seems to be lost right now.

On this next date - the plan would be to appear to be as upbeat - high-energy as possible, but DO NOT SHOW ANY INTEREST on her or follow up with her afterwards - put some magic show trips from MYSTERY MAGIC to keep the 15 minutes occupied with good psychological nonsence, which I'll learn off the internet or somewhere and practise on her. The ESP routine, will be practised on her, and some other stuff, well, let's get back to the books.....

Then, PULL hard after seeing her, no physical contact, no handshake, no kiss attempt, nothing, not interested, leave it alone.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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Espi said:
I don't know, Luke...have you gotten IOI's from this girl?

You might want to proble for IOI's...if you're not feeling it, don't waste your time and money...

Two ways to look at this... If she's going out, she at least a little interested. And why not get some practive and experience with someone who will go out, but you're not flipping head over heals over.

Luke, if you're playing all sorts of tricks, or techniques, or games or whatever you want to call them, then expect to get some back.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.
Luke, you are taking the path I went, learning all these techniques and all.

They aren't gonna help, you are going to feel phony. Go through the DJ bible, and pick up DYD if you are going to read something, mystery method is no good for someone who doesn't have the inner game handled, trust me on this one man, learn from my experiences, it'll save you time.
May 23, 2006
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Espi said:
I don't know, Luke...have you gotten IOI's from this girl?

You might want to proble for IOI's...if you're not feeling it, don't waste your time and money...
I dont know, she seems rather withdrawn all of a sudden, so, as Rocky_Mtn says, if I still see her out on a future date, then she's probably a little bit interested.

The next date is going to be a coffee shop date if it goes through for Monday, and coffee is cheap enough if it goes bad.

My WBAFC mind has probably nose-dived my value to her or it's just going stale - based on unfavourable e-correspondence between me and her. Although she still insists that she wants to meet me and be my friend, claiming she enjoys my company and all that - but it seems I'm doing most of the work for that to happen now.

I'm confused as whether to go high-stakes on her and risk offending her with a surprise kiss-close, but since I have nothing to lose if I see her again I may risk it. Aggressive kiss close = telling her to close her eyes to imagine something while whispering to her, then k-closing her. Surprise kiss-close - going up to her and saying 'xyz', then k-close her.

Playing hard to get or not-interested is definately not going to go anywhere with her, and again, even if it is a successful date, some any e-correspondence crap, or anything between this and the next meeting could cancel everything. So, I'm going to try my best to make something out of it.