FR: Lust Wars IV: A New Hope

May 23, 2006
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Well, looks like I set up two dates this week, one on Wednesday and one on Thursday, both are PRIMING dates. One of them is a girl I meet from a friend referral, another one is from the internet, and spoke to both last night.

I'm also trying to fix a date with a third girl for Saturday which will be a SEDUCTION date. Once a date is fixed - then this is going to be an exciting week. Potentially up to three prospects are being juggled.

Well, despite the lack of success with offline sarging, looks like this is not bad at all, not bad at all.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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Sorry to stray off topic a bit but one thing I picked up on instantly - the Star Wars references.

That's not cool man!

For your own sake, don't bring up Star Wars or any kind of Sci fi references around women, unless they are big fans. You do not want to be stereotyped alongside people like this........

I don't mean to criticise, but I have various friends who are avid sci fi fans, and they're all in their 30s and still virgins! It's not because they like watching sci fi movies and TV but because they have an unhealthy obsession with it and end up kinda detached from reality.


Jul 7, 2006
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Haha! Star Wars nerd.
May 23, 2006
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Star Wars references are not made around girls and as you can see by my other FR's, is not even mentioned. FR issues seem to revolve around my mom being in the picture and turning me into a pathetic nice guy than anything else.
May 23, 2006
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* Did not ask her about her ex boyfriends.
* Did not ask her about how many guys she slept with.
* Kept it to the point, succinct, and romantic, and less than 75 min.
* Got seduction information.

- Conversation was structured based on canned lines from the book, and memorising all her e-correspondence, and getting her to talk for most of the date. Fortunately she did not ask me that many questions, and when she did, I usually gave quick summary answers, and volleyed it back to her.

* SEDUCTION INFO: She likes a church 2 hours away that has nice flowers around it and a beach nearby, she's a beach bum.

I suggested I take her there on the next date, and she 'diplomatically' suggested that I leave it in the city. Researching old buildings in the city or structures, that have historical value, such as an old church or pioneer village or something to take her too - possibly a Toronto beach.

She likes it when guys give her flowers, or messages. My mom thinks she was overwhelmed by the 'wall of words' in such a short time - high vocabulary words were played with as the book said, like attraction, seduction, magic, special, exquisite, exotic, and a whole list, and the book said to say them as often as you can without looking crazy, which was what I tried to do. Mom think I went in there like a lawyer and that it was professional overkill. WHATEVER - I didn't give her a verbal reason to get rid of me - and that's all they are looking for on a first-date, I'm still on a mystery shield, which will likely propagate another date.

Now, on to my next PRIMING date TOMMOROW, with another woman. Yeah, I know, they are both over 30, but practise is practise, I did say on another thread, I intend to test 3 people on these things. 1 girl was tested a week ago, one woman is tested today, and one tommorow. It seems it may have better resonance on yonger women (ie less than 30), but we will see where this goes.

Likelihood she'll be available next week, and by then, I'll have an understanding about how the date went.

IF THIS CRASHES - I'M HAPPY IF IT CRASHES ON CANNED LINES, OR STRUCTURED CONVO AND CHOREOGRAPHED KINO - Practise, Practise and Practise. She let me hug her and kiss her on the cheek at the end of the date, which is a good sign of a future lip-kiss.

Point Blank

Jul 11, 2006
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Dammit, Luke! Please, please, please, please, please stop talking about stupid STAR WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 23, 2006
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Hey Point Blanc; I've reviewed most of your no-brainer posts, where are your FR? HOw many girls did you take out this week? I bet I'm doing much better than you are.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
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Doesn't seem so bad... although i have to admit the whole way you approach all this is very... unsettling.

I'm all for distance and not getting too involved emotionally, but you approach all of this from a far too logical point. I have to ask, are you capable of being unpredictable? Or how about fun? I've read your post here and i can see so little of the moments you enjoyed, infact it felt like i was back in school reading a science paper. I see so little mention of things she did that made you laugh and smile, things you did that made her laugh and smile... did you not enjoy the time you spent with her?

Yeah i know some guys may not like that whole actually enjoying a womans company, but if your just practicing and there is a chance you may crash, then atleast have fun with it. And actually SHOW your having fun... not just completing an assignment.
May 23, 2006
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Hawke said:
Doesn't seem so bad... although i have to admit the whole way you approach all this is very... unsettling.

I'm all for distance and not getting too involved emotionally, but you approach all of this from a far too logical point. I have to ask, are you capable of being unpredictable? Or how about fun?
That's stuff that belongs on a seduction date, not a priming date. Sure the books say to have fun, if you can have fun, if not, just stick to the plan.

I had a fully structured date that wasn't a date from hell, and where this girl is going to have to give me the benefit of the doubt. The point boils down to control, and who is in control of the date. If I'm in control, then I have the upper hand. If she's in control, then I'm mincemeat.

The date ended on the time I wanted it to end and hopefuly aroused the time of feelings that I wanted. I feel confident that I was in control of the date, what type of convo was discussed, and how much money and time I spent on it, and how I likely made the other girl feel. That's all I care about for now.

BTW: There is always a natural chuckle between me and the girl, when questions go romantic or 'vacation' wise, because it seems to have a 'natural humour' about them, so they are almost guaranteed to crack up a bit during the date. The book says, the girl should laugh or have fun for a minimum of 40 seconds, and I believe that did happen.

Hawke said:
I've read your post here and i can see so little of the moments you enjoyed, infact it felt like i was back in school reading a science paper.
Enjoyment is a function of chemistry, and there it's either there or it isn't. I'd say there is some chemistry, but I've seen more.

The point is not whether or not I'm enjoying myself, but whether or not I can k-close her or f-close her, and how much investment and risk is being made.

How much did I spend? $ 2.50 on two large coffees.
How much inconveniance? Minimal, located close to my office, and she knew that too.
How much time spent? 45 minutes.

That's what it's all about. Even if I lose I win because I didn't spend an expensive dinner date and take four hours spewing nonsence enough to say something stupid or offensive to give her justification not to see me again.

Hawke said:
I see so little mention of things she did that made you laugh and smile, things you did that made her laugh and smile... did you not enjoy the time you spent with her?
I enjoy her breasts, and the sooner I can make out with her and get into her pants the better. I have no experience kissing, or doing anything with a girl, or even going out on 'romantic' venues. Practise and experience is the motto, if I actually have a great time with someone I really dig, then the practises on these girls will ultimately prove benificial as it becomes part of my 'natural' approach.

I've committed to THREE dates with this style, whether they go somewhere, or whether they crash and burn - whatever happens, I'm know it wont be as bad as the worst date posted on here.

Hawke said:
Yeah i know some guys may not like that whole actually enjoying a womans company, but if your just practicing and there is a chance you may crash, then atleast have fun with it. And actually SHOW your having fun... not just completing an assignment.
Fun is a wierd thing, you are either having fun or you are not, and if you are not, you either end the date within five minutes and nuke it, or you practise and learn something. I'd bet, that allot of guys on here, only bag women they have allot of chemistry with - no, they'll bag a woman if they can bag her, not whether or not there is chemistry, or they are having fun, they know it's all part of an act, until you can k-close or f-close her. We are all professionals here, right?

AS the DJ bible says, each girl is a practising opportunity, you either have multiple practise sessions on one, or you have multiple girls to practise with until you hit something. That's what counts.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
The point is not whether or not I'm enjoying myself, but whether or not I can k-close her or f-close her, and how much investment and risk is being made.

How much did I spend? $ 2.50 on two large coffees.
How much inconveniance? Minimal, located close to my office, and she knew that too.
How much time spent? 45 minutes.

That's what it's all about. Even if I lose I win because I didn't spend an expensive dinner date and take four hours spewing nonsence enough to say something stupid or offensive to give her justification not to see me again.
While i admit a k-close and f-close are definately desired outcomes, i fail to see why that means you shouldn't enjoy yourself while getting there. The destination isn't always everything...

Luke Skywalker said:
I enjoy her breasts, and the sooner I can make out with her and get into her pants the better. I have no experience kissing, or doing anything with a girl, or even going out on 'romantic' venues. Practise and experience is the motto, if I actually have a great time with someone I really dig, then the practises on these girls will ultimately prove benificial as it becomes part of my 'natural' approach.
See this is where i envy the hell out of you. Most guys will probably laugh out loud at this, but those first times are some of the most powerful moments in your life, i'd love to experience a first moment again. Yeah you may not get it right the first time... although at your age the women your seeing should be able to do better than the teenage girls the rest of us started out on.

Luke Skywalker said:
I've committed to THREE dates with this style, whether they go somewhere, or whether they crash and burn - whatever happens, I'm know it wont be as bad as the worst date posted on here.

Fun is a wierd thing, you are either having fun or you are not, and if you are not, you either end the date within five minutes and nuke it, or you practise and learn something. I'd bet, that allot of guys on here, only bag women they have allot of chemistry with - no, they'll bag a woman if they can bag her, not whether or not there is chemistry, or they are having fun, they know it's all part of an act, until you can k-close or f-close her. We are all professionals here, right?

AS the DJ bible says, each girl is a practising opportunity, you either have multiple practise sessions on one, or you have multiple girls to practise with until you hit something. That's what counts.
True, most guys here could bag a girl who they aren't having fun with, hell so could i. I just find it boring as hell. There are a lot of girls out there who are a lot of fun to be with. You could miss that if you focus too much on the future f-close. And i'd rather enjoy that fun AND bag them than spend even 15 minutes bored out of my skull just to get a f-close.

But that's me and i play this "game" differently, just as you are. Just try to find a little more fun in your interactions, even if it's not part of the plan. Enjoy your time and i'll bet you'll find that when your enjoying yourself, she will to. I think someone here wrote about how people can pick up on the way you feel and feel that way to; so have fun. Dont miss the fun of the moment, you never know where it can take you.


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2006
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The Sunshine State
Luke: I'd be lying if I said I didn't pity since you have no real physical/sexual experience with women. But, damn it man, I've got to respect the fact that you are out there putting in the effort! You're out there gaining experience unlike a lot of the AFC's on this board.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2005
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For the star wars thing you just need to be less like luke skywalker and more like han solo when you're out with a girl. : )

And to truly succeed at something you have to have fun with it Luke. Does Luke Skywalker look like he's having fun in the movies? NO. But Han's a consistently ****y, lighthearted, and funny dj the entire series. Plus Han gets the GIRL.

There. Using his own afc mind tricks against him..


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2006
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The Sunshine State
grr said:
For the star wars thing you just need to be less like luke skywalker and more like han solo when you're out with a girl. : )

And to truly succeed at something you have to have fun with it Luke. Does Luke Skywalker look like he's having fun in the movies? NO. But Han's a consistently ****y, lighthearted, and funny dj the entire series. Plus Han gets the GIRL.

There. Using his own afc mind tricks against him..
Lol Awesome.
May 23, 2006
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Ok, I'm trying to brainstorm a seduction date with this girl, and the only thing I know that turned her on romantically or that she commented on, was some obscure church up north, 2 hours away that was near some lovely garden. We just meet, so obviously she's not likely going to be comfortable with me taking her two hours to some secluded area by ourselves (of course, diplomatically talking about costs of going there)

Extrapolating this and applying it to something that is viable around here seems rather interesting. It was like pulling teeth to try to find out anything she would have a romantic spark with other than some carribean island - and that was the best answer that I could get out.

Well, I'm going to have to dig for a historical site later.

I have another PRIMING date today at 5:30 pm and some other work to do.
Let's see where this FR is going later.
May 23, 2006
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NEW PRIMING DATE TODAY -- 45 minutes long, another girl.

PRIMING DATE successfully completed, five canned routines were made.

The worst elements of the date: She asked me if I had any relationships before, or fell in love before (countering my canned questions), and I just said 'no'. Then JUMPED to another canned routine before she had a chance to get into that.

About exactly SIX canned routines were spewed out, before I got the information I need for a seduction date, I got it out of her, which in the circumstances was a major accomplishment. She likes being near harborfront and relaxing.

THREE Times the PRIMING DATES were practised, now, I may just practise it on old time female friends for kicks, and see if it will get them in the mood.

The question and romantic convo are really helpful at turning the date romantic.


What I've learned that I feel good about:

I'm confident I can manage a convo with any woman - I've learned the skill of asking the questions, asking expanding questions that dwelve into her feelings, her experiences, and adding a line of romantic/seduction words into the convo in some sort of subliminal messaging.

I'm hoping that this art of convo will translate into better quality convo with girls that I'm flirting with or just starting to interact with. Basically, it's a bit of a stretch of how I think, but the convos and convo-extenders are designed to elicit a girl's emotional feelings about something, and to get her to talk about it or open up the 'romantic side'.

In either case, it seems that I'll have at least TWO seduction dates set up sometime in the future, or possibly THREE. I want to focus on this element of dating, next:

My goals:
- Seduction date routines.
- Take existing female friends out on PRIMING dates, practise convo-tricks on them. Practise getting a girl to expound about her feelings about something and her passions about something, and extend convos relating to that.
- Approach routine habits - while listening to AngelusPUA's advice on the side.
- contact-closes - if a convo lasted for a few minutes, got a girl to laugh, or the chemistry is right (so as not to be a maniac randomly asking people for their #'s.)
- perfecting my online internet presence.

Each day, one of the above goals will be focused on.

The Truth

Jun 2, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
Enjoyment is a function of chemistry, and there it's either there or it isn't. I'd say there is some chemistry, but I've seen more.

The point is not whether or not I'm enjoying myself, but whether or not I can k-close her or f-close her, and how much investment and risk is being made.

How much did I spend? $ 2.50 on two large coffees.
How much inconveniance? Minimal, located close to my office, and she knew that too.
How much time spent? 45 minutes.

That's what it's all about. Even if I lose I win because I didn't spend an expensive dinner date and take four hours spewing nonsence enough to say something stupid or offensive to give her justification not to see me again.

This is a really really terrible state of mind to be in during dates. Like others have said you need to have fun and maaaan you need to chill! Stop analysing and strategising and loosen up. It sounds like you are turning this into some kind of science or mathematical equation.

This and the star wars references that others have mentioned makes me think you are too much of an intellectual geek. I dont say that to insult you but it is just how I judge you from these posts.

You can overcome this but you need to get rid of your logical mindset and stop thinking so much. Dating is not a chess game and you dont have to make the "right" moves at the "right" time.

I remember I used to think too much with my ex and she called me on it. She said I try too hard to do everything perfectly and worry too much about the consequences of failing. She added "You need to think with your balls at least some of the time because thats what men do".

When she said it I thought she was low brow and couldn't appreciate a civilized and intelligent man but when she dumped me that conversation kept going through my head until I realised she was right! Women are turned on mentally, emotionally and physically by passion, spontenaity, lust, excitement and unpredictability.

The Truth

Jun 2, 2006
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Oh and also, 45 minutes for a date doesnt sound good. If you are both enjoying yourself there should be no time limit. When you lose track of time and stay longer than you anticipated, that's when you know youve have a good date!
May 23, 2006
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It appears a little reminder is needed to show the reason of my new dating state:

There was a commitment to try three dates on this strategy to see how they would go, and by george, it didn't turn out like that date listed above, so it's a success compared to those dates above, and where I'm getting second date commitments.

Thanks for the feedback though, but I am not a humorous guy or comedy machine. Fortunately, you dont have to be one to be successful with women - you need just 'show' a humorous side BRIEFLY, which I do manage within the 40 second parameter of that book - minimum 40 second humour within a 30-75 min date - above that depends on how much fun you are really having.

I love that book - it is so intellectual, and written for geeks like myself - it even says, make sure to have at least 40 seconds of actually having fun, and if you can have fun - then have fun, but others have had this rule - the more fun you have the more reason to cut it off sooner before it subsides - you want that moment on that girl's mind when you leave.
May 23, 2006
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Well, an interested girl want's to meet with me a third time - this time, I'm trying to set up a seduction date - meaning I have to guarantee at least four hours for the date itself at a nice location, or I'm going to have to take a rain-check.

I cant tell her that, so if she's saying something on a weekday evening after her work, like about 6:00 or 6:30 or something, then that sounds like a bad idea - but if the weather is good, you could get a pinic near the lake near a sunset and have a romantic time.

I'm confused as to whether to defer any dating plans for the weekend, where it may be more likely to guarantee a minimum 4 hours, or simply to go for a weekday evening date, and just let the date carry on for late night.

Anyway, she said she'll get back to me later (Sun evening) to schedule for next week - I think I'll likely play a deferrance game (i.e. I'm busy during the weekdays on x,y and z) and even if I have to wait a few weeks, it's better to set it for a weekend perhaps. Waiting for comment.