So I was talking to this group of girls I knew at lunch and you guys know the drill, I'm basically going to tell you all the horny details, you know, what went on during that set.
So yeah, that was that. Nothing THAT interesting happened here.So I'm basically at lunch sitting and at first nothing really happens but then the set starts opening. At the beggining of the set the girls where basically trying to blow me out and stuff but it opened up. The set was long so I honestly can't remember everything that happened, but I'll tell you about the little bits and pieces.
- At one point, I put this bag on this Allie girls head and at first she was screaming but then she smiled and started laughing.
- At a later point, Allie came over there and she was all close to me, so I was like "Okay, that's a little bit too close Allie". Then when I'm like "Ah, it's Allie! Get her away she has Allie germs" and she touches me and I'm like "Aw she touched me, now I'm going to have to wash this sweatshirt".
- At one point I'm just constantly throwing things at the Rebecca girl. One of the times she was like "This isn't a game!", which was probably just a sh1t test. Second time, when I threw a waterbottle at her, she bounced it back and I was like "Tennis" and we bounce it back and forth. After that I was like "Haha, that was bad... but I liked how you tried" then I whispered to her friend "But that was still bad".
- At another point, I was just touching the Rebecca girl and she was eventually like "Stop it! I swear if you keep touching me I'm going to tell the teachers or something" which was probably just a sh1t test. So I came back into the set like "Haha, you're cute when you're mad Rebecca". Then just started basically plowing about how she's cute when she's mad. Then I'm like "So what's it with you not liking people touch you? You have a bad childhood experience or something" and eventually she jokes saying "Yes, I was touched by priest when I was little" and that goes on. The fact that I touched her AFTER that, almost tells that it was a sh1t test.
- I went "Take it off, take if off!" at one point and one of the girls was like "Take what off?". Blah blah blah, that goes on and I think one of the girls asked me to take my clothes off or something. Then I started telling them how they didn't deserve it and one of the girls was like "I'm glad I'm not deserving" jokingly. And one the dudes even backed me up, but I don't remember exactly what he said.
- So once Rebecca was just staring at me and we made eye contact for a while. Then she starts doing this thing where she stuck her tongue out at me and stuff.
- So I start talking about how Rebecca reminds me of my grandmother and another chick says "My grandmothers a stripper". Blah blah, we joke around and that happens.