FR: I'm in LOVE


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
Take all the parts to a watch, throw them in a box and tell me how long it will take to form a watch? A working watch?

You assume that everything needs a creator. If that is the case then who created your god?

God, is quite a difficult concept to grasp by the realm of human understanding. But, I will try to explain as best I can.

What is time? Time isnt a linear thing as many people believed it is. It is merely a way for us, as humans to measure the passing of moments.

Take a ring. Where is the beginning, where is the end? It has neither, yet it still exists, does it not? The same is God, or Jehovah, his name. He is always there, and will always be there. A difficult concept to grasp, but it is truth. The more we learn about the galaxy and time, the more we can understand that.

You view the Bible as fiction. I can understand why you make think that. But, let me make a few points.

Have you marveled at the splendor of a brilliant, star-filled sky on a moonless night, seeing in it evidence of a Grand Maker? "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling," exclaimed an ancient observer. "When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared," this man pondered, "what is mortal man that you keep him in mind, and the son of earthling man that you take care of him?"—Psalm 8:3, 4; 19:1.

Also,it is only natural for us to marvel at creations too wonderful to be duplicated by humans. One famous line of poetry says: "Only God can make a tree." Yet, far more marvelous is the creation of a baby, which occurs without any creative direction from parents. When sperm from the father unites with an egg from the mother, plans are quickly drawn up in the DNA of the newly formed cell to produce a child. "If written out," it is said, the instructions within the DNA "would fill a thousand 600-page books."

That is mere chance? Mere evolution?

That is just the beginning. The original cell divides to make two, then four, then eight, and so on. After about 270 days, a baby made up of thousands of millions of living cells of more than 200 kinds is born. And to think that the original cell had within it the information to make all the different kinds of cells and to produce them at just the right time! Just mere chance and evolution?

I know you think the Bible is fiction but check this scripture.

"You yourself produced my kidneys; you kept me screened off in the belly of my mother. I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made."—Psalm 139:13-16.

Fear-inspiring. Its utter genius far beyond the capability of any man. But, this is all random chance?

Dr. Hutton continued: "In my own subspecialty of endocrinology, the study of endocrine functions and the disorders of these glands adds to the conviction that a Divine Power must be responsible for the marvelous complexity and function of these vital structures." He concluded: "Contemplating these marvels seems to me compelling reason to believe that some omnipotent and omniscient power planned this universe, set it in motion and presides over it."

Why do many acknowledge that intelligence is evident in the "miracles" of creation but question the existence of a personal God who is concerned about humankind?

This is where I think your study made you think. It wasnt all coming together.

I am very open minded, I speak with people all the time with same exact beliefs as you. But, I think you have me wrong. I don't believe in Hell or Hellfire.

Maybe, let down your guard for a bit, and discuss this with me in AIM. Just you and me, no outside influence?


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by sexysuave
Just a thought about the religion thing. I read a great article long time ago talking about how we humans love to do things to distract our selves from the fact that we're going to die one day and none of this will matter. The article said that too many people turn to money, toys (cars, houses), jewlery, sports, hobbies, and some sort of FAME, that "supposely" means something to actually distract us from the fact that we're all going down the same road. I'm not trying to say there is no God or anything, but I'm sure the Kor'an and the Bible also serve as great "relaxors" or whatever you wanna call 'em. I mean, holly caos would occur if we didn't have these "rules" that we "have" to live by. It is apparent to see how this could benefit the society, people will not get murdered all that easy, women not raped, less diseases, more growth, and also A HOPE for all of us that there is actually something AFTER we go down in the ground and become dust.

I see what you are saying. And that is very true to some extent. But, the Bible is a true document, inspired by God. The reason why if everyone followed it, we would be happy is because it is like a manual to life. If we apply its principles, we would be able to live life happy.

I would happy to discuss this in AIM, if you want to talk further, man.

PM me.



Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
BC Canada
Let me take a shot at this.

"Take all the parts to a watch, throw them in a box and tell me how long it will take to form a watch? A working watch?

You assume that everything needs a creator. If that is the case then who created your god?

God, is quite a difficult concept to grasp by the realm of human understanding. But, I will try to explain as best I can.

What is time? Time isnt a linear thing as many people believed it is. It is merely a way for us, as humans to measure the passing of moments.

Take a ring. Where is the beginning, where is the end? It has neither, yet it still exists, does it not? The same is God, or Jehovah, his name. He is always there, and will always be there. A difficult concept to grasp, but it is truth. The more we learn about the galaxy and time, the more we can understand that.”

First of all, your ring metaphor has no merit whatsoever. If we were to follow that argument, technically nothing has a beginning or an end, because how can we know where these beginnings and endings are? Also, it could be that one side of the ring is the beginning, one side the end, and there is a hole in between them. Who says you have to follow the ring along the perimeter?

Also, it would be very possible to assemble a working watch, through trial and error, trying parts together, and eventually building it up piece by piece. Not only does this refute that entire watch metaphor, it also is a good way to learn some basic mechanics and physics.

Also, time is linear. It is also infinite. Take numbers for example. There is no largest number, no smallest number. They keep on going forever past one, and down forever past negative one. But surely you recognize that numbers are not a ring? Time did not begin, nor will it end. This is because time is completely unaffected by matter. Whether or not our universe exists, time will go on. Time is outside of the physical world. God cannot be compared to time, however, because time is a constant. True, it is always changing, but we know exactly how much it changes, and it always changes the same amount. Time has no intelligence, no motive, and only one method of affecting our world. This method stays the same, and does not vary. God, on the other hand, if he existed, would be an entity that had no beginning or end, yet had intelligence, motive, and an unlimited range of methods of affecting our physical world.

“You view the Bible as fiction. I can understand why you make think that. But, let me make a few points.

Have you marveled at the splendor of a brilliant, star-filled sky on a moonless night, seeing in it evidence of a Grand Maker? "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling," exclaimed an ancient observer. "When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared," this man pondered, "what is mortal man that you keep him in mind, and the son of earthling man that you take care of him?"—Psalm 8:3, 4; 19:1.

Also,it is only natural for us to marvel at creations too wonderful to be duplicated by humans. One famous line of poetry says: "Only God can make a tree." Yet, far more marvelous is the creation of a baby, which occurs without any creative direction from parents. When sperm from the father unites with an egg from the mother, plans are quickly drawn up in the DNA of the newly formed cell to produce a child. "If written out," it is said, the instructions within the DNA "would fill a thousand 600-page books."

That is mere chance? Mere evolution?

That is just the beginning. The original cell divides to make two, then four, then eight, and so on. After about 270 days, a baby made up of thousands of millions of living cells of more than 200 kinds is born. And to think that the original cell had within it the information to make all the different kinds of cells and to produce them at just the right time! Just mere chance and evolution?”

Yes, this is just mere chance. All these things are random, however, the things that don't work perish, leaving the successful ones behind. It's called natural selection, failed concepts die, due to environmental factors, and successful conepts flourish, because by chance they are able to make the most of their surroundings.

Beauty. First of all, beauty is completely subjective. It is based on opinion, and environmental influences. There is no absolute beauty. Now, this excludes the possibility of basing any argument on natural beauty, which isn't much fun, so I'll pretend that beauty is an absolute value for the sake of argument.

Yes, “beauty” is random. Not everything is “beautiful”. The “beauty” value of everything is random, so for every “beautiful” sunset, there is an ugly rock, or lump of dirt. Even the smallest child, equipped with a crayon, could make something “beautiful” occasionally.

Now, I'm anticipating that you'll say “If beauty is based on opinion, why does everyone believe that sunsets are beautiful?” The answer is that, through evolution (and I use this term loosely, it is more of a psychological and social evolution, as opposed to a phyisical, traditional one), we have come to accept certain things as universally “beautiful”. Most of our concept of beauty is based on our culture, and how we were raised, as are our opinions on most things.

“I know you think the Bible is fiction but check this scripture.

"You yourself produced my kidneys; you kept me screened off in the belly of my mother. I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made."—Psalm 139:13-16.

Fear-inspiring. Its utter genius far beyond the capability of any man. But, this is all random chance?”

I'm not really sure where you were going with this one. I can't see that it proves anything at all. I will say, though, that “utter genius” can in fact be achieved randomly. Take a million random ideas, and start to throw out, one by one, the worst ideas (the process of natural selection, what works and what does), and you will be left with one great idea. That is where your “utter genius” came from.

“Dr. Hutton continued: "In my own subspecialty of endocrinology, the study of endocrine functions and the disorders of these glands adds to the conviction that a Divine Power must be responsible for the marvelous complexity and function of these vital structures." He concluded: "Contemplating these marvels seems to me compelling reason to believe that some omnipotent and omniscient power planned this universe, set it in motion and presides over it."”

This is one man's personal opinion. If you want some opinions of people who believe the opposite, talk to any scientist who believes in evolution.

“Why do many acknowledge that intelligence is evident in the "miracles" of creation but question the existence of a personal God who is concerned about humankind?”

As I have stated before, through natural selection, randomly generated genius will come through, leaving the randomly created weaker ideas to die off. How else would our species evolve from early primates, and become smarter and smarter, gradually through generations. Providing you believe in the scientific method (form a hypothesis, and then test it through experiments), evolution has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, there is no debate on it anymore.


New Member
Feb 17, 2006
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Comox, BC
Sorry... but i just need to open my mouth on this religion thing because all of you have at least 1 fact wrong.

Once again, take the parts that make a watch and throw them in a box, tell me how long it will take to make a complete watch. That is what evolution is. Random chance.
There is no such thing as impossible. How long it would take is a direct forumla of how many boxes with watches in them (cells),and how long it takes for one random change to occur (cell division time). Its kind of like brute forcing a password in a computer. It would take millions of years to bruteforce certain very strong encryptions with very long passwords, but eventually, after billions of random tries, you'd find the password.

Think about it. Evolution states that it took billions of years for complex life to evolve... think of how many trillians of cell combinations were randomized and tested during that time. Eventually, something works.

You mean to sit there and tell me, men can make super computers, airplanes, biomimetics, (sp?) and all of these complex devices that MIMIC creation, but creation itself was randomly put together?
Same as above. The first super computer took a long long time to make, but once its invented, like cells deviding into 2 identical cells, you can make more super computers from the original blueprint.

Beauty is a human concept. So I guess when we hear music and it has an emotional impact on us, we just make that up in ourselves. The fact that children who listen to music in the room tend to me more intelligent later on in life, just part of evolution, tell me, what role what that play in survival of the fittest?
I read this in a psychology article a while back. There is an explination, and beuty IS a human concept. Babies, right from before they are born are very complex beings. They take in and process an enormous ammount of information. A simple smile reaction from the mother to something like a hug for example will start coding into the baby right from wrong, good from bad, and happy from sad. Now knowing that its easy to say, the baby probably doesnt enjoy the music, but subliminally the baby is listening, and processing info on the music, and its widely known that your brain responds to stimuli. eg: if you spend all day memorizing things, you'll very quickly have excellent memory, while if you spend all day working logic problems, your mind will be able to work through such things very quickly (mind morphs for application... required cells duplicate and non-required cells die off).

What about colors? It has been known for a very long time that colors have a definite effect on our mood and persona. You mean to tell me the beauty of the sunset is something randomly put together...? Act any artist and they will tell you that TECHNICALLY what goes into make a sunset is masterful, and shows a talented artist beyond compare.
Colors evoke moods, how you respond to colors is, i believe, partly genetically coded, and partly picked up as an infant. Also, look at for example herbavors evading predators, over time they will recognize green as grass, and not a threat, while the flesh color of a predator would put them in a state of an alarm... this is how they would evolve.

Atheism is sad way to live your life. True, you arent accountable to anyone, but that doesnt truly make you happy. Like a child growing up with no discipline, sure you can do what you want. But, secretly you hate your parents for not correcting you because it really shows they don't care.
What. The. ****. Now thats just plain retarded. Atheism has nothing to do with parents, accountability, discipline, or anything like that. Its simply refuting the existance of god, for a variaty of different reasons.

For example, i don't believe in a god because i have no reason to see one exists. Evolution has very complelling arguements, while god is all about faith. If you told me to have faith in the fact i'd be able to fly if i jump out of a plane, i'd tell you to shove your bs up your ass. Same thing. Look at it logically, theres no more proof of god's existance than there is proof that jumping out of a plane will result in you sprouting wings and flying.

Not believing in god doesn't make you any less accountable, doesnt make you be able to do whatever you want, and definitely doesnt make you hate your parents. Some of the most upstanding people i know, with strong morals, don't believe in a god. If the only thing making you accountable for yourself is the notion of being accountable to god, then your pathetic and have no self-control. Needing god to keep you on-track is just plain pathetic. Any self-respecting person doesn't dump responsibility of their actions on some god. God or no god, its just plain irrisponsible.

Knowledge is power. I will be happy to help you come to see it.
Knownledge IS power. You need to open your mind to more of it.

Also, time is linear. <snip> God cannot be compared to time, however, because time is a constant. True, it is always changing, but we know exactly how much it changes, and it always changes the same amount.

Actually, time is not linear. Thats been proven by physics. Eg: If you took a trip at the speed of light around the galaxy, and came back 10 years later, people on earth might have aged 50.

the Bible is a true document, inspired by God. The reason why if everyone followed it, we would be happy is because it is like a manual to life. If we apply its principles, we would be able to live life happy.

The bible was a manual to happy life a long long time ago... maybe (argueable). The modern world is not the biblical world. Its proven its healthy to have sex on a regular basis. The bible supports sex only after marriage, and in todays society, people are often 30 or 40 by the time they get married. In ancient times, this made sense because it controlled how many basterd children we had running around, and people got married at like 13 years old, and men had many wives. Today is different, and today we have birth control. The bible is obsolete in many aspects, god or no god.

Don't mix the bible into an arguement about the existance of god. The bible and its accuracy is about a particular religion and certain beliefs.

You can believe in a god without having a religion. Its a completely different arguement.

There was a study done on children listening to classical music at a young age and it was concluded that it does not increase intelligence as previously thought. Saw this on Yahoo News a few months back.
Actually its while the child is still in the womb, and it is proven.

Now, my conclusion, and final statement:

I can give you one very believable, and reasonable explanation for the existance of religion, other than there being a god. If you can give me a reasonable explination for why god exists, that doesnt start up about some bs about faith, then enlighten me.

Back before scientific process, the supernatural explained things humans couldnt understand. For example, today, we know differences in tempreture and pressure causes humidity in clouds to reach a point where they start to turn into water, which falls to the earth as rain. thousands of years ago, people would just say "its a gift from god" and thank a god. Basically, a way of explaining the unexplained, as people are curious by nature. Its simple. Man created god to fill a purpose, just the way we created santa claus and the tooth faeiry.


New Member
Feb 17, 2006
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Comox, BC
One last thing. God or not god, they've proven evolution by recreating it in a lab.

Also, if there was a god, he would probably make the world programatically, making a set of rules for the contruction of things.

The original definition of science was "proving god's world".

If i was god, i would program earth, then let my creation loose, and see how it would evolve. Kind of like scientists are doing now with evolution simulation programs, with super computers running hundreds of thousands of evolution cycles.

Basically, evolution doesnt really prove or disprove the existance of a god is what i'm saying, because so far its been one of the big dispute points.

Whats to say, if the bible is real, the creation section is not all just a metaphor that people back then would understand?

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
WTF does the Bible have to do with where I insert my penis?


All you religious crusaders and bible thumpers seriously need to find a church forum and leave us fornicators the hell alone!



Don Juan
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Some long forgotten village
Yeah I took biology, did you take history?
Apparently you didn't

The bible the oldest written document in the planet.
Bible as a written document doesn't even come close to being the oldest. It was written down between 1100-600 BC. That is about 2000 years after the first known written documents.

Anyhoo. For the thread creator.

The gal seems to have the intrest level very, very, very high. But still if you act all clingy to her - she will lose it. You cannot override the biology.

Besides - Oneitis isn't bad. What is bad is that it makes men act like (shall I use the term) AFC, putting women on pedestal. With that in mind - you just may have a beautiful, fullfilling LTR before you.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
First of all, your ring metaphor has no merit whatsoever. If we were to follow that argument, technically nothing has a beginning or an end, because how can we know where these beginnings and endings are? Also, it could be that one side of the ring is the beginning, one side the end, and there is a hole in between them. Who says you have to follow the ring along the perimeter?

Also, it would be very possible to assemble a working watch, through trial and error, trying parts together, and eventually building it up piece by piece. Not only does this refute that entire watch metaphor, it also is a good way to learn some basic mechanics and physics.

Also, time is linear. It is also infinite. Take numbers for example. There is no largest number, no smallest number. They keep on going forever past one, and down forever past negative one. But surely you recognize that numbers are not a ring? Time did not begin, nor will it end. This is because time is completely unaffected by matter. Whether or not our universe exists, time will go on. Time is outside of the physical world. God cannot be compared to time, however, because time is a constant. True, it is always changing, but we know exactly how much it changes, and it always changes the same amount. Time has no intelligence, no motive, and only one method of affecting our world. This method stays the same, and does not vary. God, on the other hand, if he existed, would be an entity that had no beginning or end, yet had intelligence, motive, and an unlimited range of methods of affecting our physical world.

Huh? Time isnt can I take anything you say seriously when you dont even know this simple fact achieved by scientists years ago...:confused:

You are making time and numbers the same....huh?

My brain hurts from this. I suggest you do research before you try to refute what I say, you are making yourself sound silly, man.

All we have to relate to a God, is what we have on this earth. Nothing on this earth, didnt have a beginning, therefore you think nothing can exist without a beginning. Again, egotism. Humans believing nothing can exist beyond their own realm of thought.

The fact of the matter is this. The earth has not been around for BILLIONS of years, this has been proven over and over again. Research.

If you take all the parts of a watch and throw them in to a box. IT WILL NEVER MAKE A WORKING WATCH. WHY?

Because it is more then just random chance involved. There is fine tuning. And thinking on how each parts fits together. But, ok, for sake of argument, lets say they DID come together. THe question changes, WHO THREW them in the box, and how did the PARTS of the watch come to be.

For all of this to randomly you know the number that would need to be achieved...?

It go FAR beyond the trillions. That is scientifically sound?

For example, geophysicist John R. Baumgardner notes: "In the face of such stunningly unfavorable odds, how could any scientist with any sense of honesty appeal to chance interactions as the explanation for the complexity we observe in living systems? To do so, with conscious awareness of these numbers, in my opinion represents a serious breach of scientific integrity."

But on to the Bible. You seem to know a great deal on when it is written. Great! That will make my next point even clearer.

The Bible contains a great deal of evidence that it was inspired by a superhuman intelligence. For example, it contains many prophecies, or history written in advance. Some of these describe the very conditions of our modern world! (Matthew 24:3, 6, 7; Luke 21:10, 11; 2 Timothy 3:1-5) Humans cannot reliably foretell the future. Who but God could do such a thing?

However, the Bible does more than help to answer the question of whether God exists. It also teaches us his personal name, describes his personality, and tells how he has shown an interest in mankind over the years. It even reveals what he has in store for us. In all such areas, science is powerless to help us find answers. Really, human science cannot bring lasting hope into our lives. Nor can it establish proper morals and values.

Here we find a critical difference between the Bible's view of humanity and atheistic evolution's view. God's Word stresses that humans hold a special place in creation; evolution suggests that humans are the accidental product of blind natural processes. The Bible explains that humans are made in the image of a just and loving God and are able to live moral and good lives; evolution, with its emphasis on the struggle to survive, is at a loss to explain the human qualities of love and altruism.

Evolution cannot offer any real hope or purpose. The Bible offers the Creator's grand purpose for our future. He has clearly declared his intent: "I will bless you with a future filled with hope."—Jeremiah 29:11

Modern science sometimes fosters the arrogant notion that human reasoning and knowledge should be the ultimate guide. Sadly, organized religion has frequently made the same mistake. However, human knowledge is and will remain limited. The apostle Paul had extensive knowledge of spiritual matters, yet he remained humble. He realistically stated: "Now we are seeing a dim reflection in a mirror . . . The knowledge that I have now is imperfect."—1 Corinthians 13:12

Of course, genuine faith in God does not depend on modern science. But to the discerning observer, science can reinforce faith. True faith and spirituality are essential for a full and happy life. (Matthew 5:3) If you use the Bible to gain an intimate knowledge of Jehovah and of his purpose for mankind and the earth, you will find the basis for real meaning in life and a solid foundation for hope.


New Member
Feb 17, 2006
Reaction score
Comox, BC

Huh? Time isnt can I take anything you say seriously when you dont even know this simple fact achieved by scientists years ago...:confused:

You really need to start argueing your points a little better and a little less close-mindedly. He made 1 mistake, and so you say that makes the entire arguement useless. Thats BS.

Also, try argueing my post up there, because i've already proven everything you just said wrong.

Also, as far as the purpose thing. You don't have a purpose... deal with it. Its not the end of the world, take some responsibility and make a purpose for yourself.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
Vort, not to be rude, but I ignored your post because its kinda..ridiculous. Scientists have a controlled environment made by machines to try and prove adaptation...

Again...if this was evolution...who designed the materials to make the controlled environment. What was the mind behind the machinism the scientists used to run the tests...?

Where did the materials come from in the first place...?


Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by VortXxe
You really need to start argueing your points a little better and a little less close-mindedly. He made 1 mistake, and so you say that makes the entire arguement useless. Thats BS.

Also, try argueing my post up there, because i've already proven everything you just said wrong.

Also, as far as the purpose thing. You don't have a purpose... deal with it. Its not the end of the world, take some responsibility and make a purpose for yourself.
Yeah that was harsh of me. But, someone who doesn't know the basics is trying to refute what I say, its hard to take them seriously.


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Some long forgotten village
If you want to talk about religion and evolution - please do it in "anything else" board.

This one is dedicated to fornication, not evolution.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
BC Canada
Actually I've done a reasonable amount of research, and I found nothing to suggest that time isn't linear. Maybe you could refer me to some of your sources on that?

This site may be of interest to you.

Also, where did you get the impression that the earth "has not been around for BILLIONS of years"? In fact, it's generally accepted by scientists that it has been around for approximately 4.5 billion years. The site linked above states: "According to numerous, independent dating methods, the earth is known to be approximately 4.5 billion years old. Most young-earth arguments rely on inappropriate extrapolations from a few carefully selected and often erroneous data points."


New Member
Feb 17, 2006
Reaction score
Comox, BC
Originally posted by gmillar
Actually I've done a reasonable amount of research, and I found nothing to suggest that time isn't linear. Maybe you could refer me to some of your sources on that?
Grade 11 physics... or any other physics course.


New Member
Feb 17, 2006
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Turns out the Bible isn't as good as nostradamus. And that guy was pretty shoot and miss as well.

God says that if Adam eats from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then the day that he does so, he will die. But later Adam eats the forbidden fruit (3:6) and yet lives for another 930 years (5:5). 2:17

Ezekiel Prophesies (in the 6th century BCE) that Ammonites will not be remembered any more. They continued to exist until the 2nd century CE. (And they are still remembered in the Bible.)


Jesus falsely predicts that some of his listeners would live to see him return and establish the kingdom of God. 9:27

Jesus prophesies that families will be divided because of him and his teachings. Sadly, this is one prophecy that has been fulfilled. 12:52-53

Jesus says that all that he describes (his return, signs in the sun, moon, and stars, etc.) will occur within the within the lifetime of his listeners. 21:32

Jesus claims that his suffering and death were a fulfillment of prophecy. But there is no such prophecy in the Old Testament. 24:44, 46

And the kicker


"The day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand." 1:15, 2:1, 3:14

Captain AFC

Don Juan
Jan 17, 2006
Reaction score
Yikes. This turned into a Bible debate thread.

I personally believe in it as well, and try my best to follow it. But that's besides the point. Moving forward.

Don Ronny. I have to say, this is what I'm reading from you:

1.) You see girl. You move in, put on the DJ moves. She barely hesitates in accepting your advances (this would kind of put a flag up for me) and you get the number. Again, I realize a good DJ could do this easily, but these days I question how wonderful a person can really be if they are so open to strangers asking them out. But whatever.

2.) You get the dinner thing, and as you admit, sparks fly and you're sacking the girl. Again, beautiful or not, is this a good thing from a LTR perspective. You say you've got FB's, and in terms of that, yeah, she's a perfect candidate going from that reasoning alone. But as an LTR... erm. I personally, these days, would be a little worried.

3.) And then I'd also be worried about you because you also moved wayyy too fast. And even you are admitting this now as you just met her prettier cousin and are already smitten by her.

In essense, no matter how you spin it Ronny, you're NOT in love at all. It's not love. It's pure lust and interest. Which is fine. Every human's got it. But there are several things clear here. You don't know this girl at all (a dinner and a discussion about V-Day, plus sex, does not a good friend make). You're moving too fast, and she's taking everything you've got all too easily (on the one hand, you're showing successful skill at bagging the chick... on the other hand, this relationship sounds like a 100-0 type game, rather than a 50-50. i.e - she may be calling you, but you're the one investing). And now you want her 18 year old cousin. Eh, like I said, this girl is friendly, her family is probably openly friendly too, but you're really kind of just pouring yourself into them. They're benefitting off of you, and hardly have to pay for it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
Don Ronny, post a *real* story, not one you've fantisized about. I mean, c'mon ..