FR- Gym chick. Future DR.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
I go to the gym. Enter, and start saying hello to everyone there (I'm a social mofo). I'm saying hi in the treadmill area, the second woman in line, I didn't know, so I just give her some EC, nonstop, say HI, slowly (Hola). Keep the EC, and then turn as I say hi to the next person and have a quick chat.

So I'm at the machine weights area. And then she gets in there. Then, I see she can't seem to change the position on the leg curl machine, so I go, and "can I give you a hand?" She says "Sure! Thanks!".

I do it..

SP Done.. Hi... are you new here? *the dotted lines are small pauses*
MIWFYeah! It's my first day..
SP Really? Great!... What's your name?
MIWF(Mom I Will ****)- My name is MYWF.
SP MIWF.. My name is SamePendo. *I smile, and leave.

I then see her again, she is in front of me, doing I don't know what excercise. She was just there, probably, for me to see her. So, I go, and say..

"So.. where are you from?"
she says she's from here, but she was abroad for some years.. bla bla, then we talk about Germany.. I ask why she came back.. she kind of stops.. and said some **** about not liking it, and then, not looking at me, says that her husband was coming back, so she came back too.. I tell her she just broke my heart by telling me that, ..and continue.. she makes a comment on her being late for gym, so I ask her normally at what time she comes.. so we arrange to see each other tomorrow.

As I'm going back to excercise, she asks me... what's my name... she asks if it's SimiPendo... I give her a bad time because of not remembering my name, AND for being married, and correct her.

Tomorrow I ask her out. Next week we go out. The week next to that, if not before, we make out. And in this month let's see if we **** her.

This is a FR. I will post tomorrow on how I got her #. The title of the thread is FR... this is not a question asking if its moral etc. There a tons of those, please don't turn this into a moral fight.

Edit- Haha.. I posted my real name. So much for privacy and not showing pics haha.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
She's married. Just because she talks to you does not mean she's interested. She sees you as a potential gym buddy and that's it.

But I wish you luck to prove me wrong.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Originally posted by Shiftkey
She's married. Just because she talks to you does not mean she's interested. She sees you as a potential gym buddy and that's it.

But I wish you luck to prove me wrong.
I kind of share your opinion.

I do hope to prove us wrong.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
Yeah .. she wouldn't even have mentioned the husband if she had any intentions otherwise. She casually slipped that in there to let you know.

Your boosting her ego though!


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
man i wish i had gym pickup skillz like those lol...


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
she's fookin married u dirtbag... i hope her husband beats ure ass.


May 6, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by rswarren
she's fookin married u dirtbag... i hope her husband beats ure ass.
Just cause he's trying to see if he can f*ck her doesn't make him a bad person. You think he's the only guy that has hit on her while knowing that she's married? If she ends up f*ckin him, SHE deserves to get her ass beat down, not him. Not his fault if she ends up being some unfaithful MILF. He's just trying to play the game and see if he can get some of that sweet MILF puss.

I'm sure I would be pissed if I were married and some f*ck continued to hit on my wife after she told them she was married, but I would trust her enough not to let it go beyond light flirtation. It's to be expected even.

Married people have TONS of opportunities that come along to cheat. It's all about whether or not they act upon them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Wazzap beetches.

Ok, it wasn't as easy as I thought, but

I'm in! :woo:

I didn't see her on thursday. But I saw her on friday.

I went and said hi. Chatted a bit, don't really remember what about... I gave her a bad time for not coming, and I said I cried all night and that she broke my heart again and that I was waiting for her all the time. Sarcasticaly ofcourse.

Then I did some ****, and I returned over to her, with my cel, and said:

"Why don't you put down your cell and we go out for something, a breakfast."

She didn't say no, but she said she couldn't, she was way to busy and her husband was going to return soon. I didn't push it. I briefly again, gave her a hard time, said she kept on hurting my feelings. Sarcasticaly, ****ily, NOT niceguyish. Thin line.

So, I go, she said something while I was allready on the way to some ****, but I didn't turn and pretended not to hear. I saw her later on, she went to me, and we talked some more. And then I tried my best avoiding her, she was alone and all, but it was going to be too much talk.

So, I was with this other chick. When I left, I said bye to everyone, went over to her, and cheeked bye bye (said bye bye by kissing her cheek) said "the invitation is still on foot ok?" NOT asking her out again, just saying that ****, and left. I saw her again since I was saying goodbye to other guys, and we aggreed on coming Saturday.

Note, when cheeking bye bye, I ALWAYS grab their shoulder, firmly, with a biiig hand, always.

Saturday comes, and I see her. We chat and all, a bit. You know, same old ****, she talks, and I feed back what she said and ask something about what she said etc etc. She's quite interesting, has lots to talk about (as most MILFS). Some flirty **** I did, that I remember was to ask if it her hair was originaly that tone, she said yes, and I said, staring at her, that it looked great. She asked about one excercise, and I "guided" her to it..


She asks about someplace, something, or you want to show her, you say:

"I'll guide you"

You stand behind/besides her, grab her both shoulders with your hands, and take her wherever it is you must, making the grip firm and manly. Another way to kino.

So, she's on that excercise, after doing some ****, I go over to her, and tell her:

"What is there missing, for you to go out with me?"

Check out the grandiousness of that question. Just analize that ****. Once you can do things without looking all suplicating, that question above rules, she will always give out a ****ty reason which you can easily turn down, if she continues with barriers, NEXT!

MIWF"Oh... nothing, nothing at all"
SP So. . . when are you going out with me?
MIWF Well.. I'd have to get divorced haha . .
SP Waaaait.. I'm asking you out for a breakfast, I'm not asking you out so that we can go holding hands all around downtown.
MIWF Haha, yeah I knoooow
SamePendo So... When?
MIWF Let's make it on January.. yeah, on January we'll go out, It's just that my husband nearly gets here... Tomorrow, he gets here tomorrow, and things are quite crazy *crazy as in busy* right now.
SamePendo Great MIWF, on January it is.

All this might seem a bit too supplicative, but remember, she's a MILF. The kind that isn't THAT hot for kids to keep hitting on her continusly. So, you treat her as a 7, 6. Those chicks like a bit of nice guy luv. I find her to be a 9, but for men in general, I'm sure she isn't, you see.. I loooove older women. This one is like 40.

I'm the ****, yeah, I know, thankyou very much.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
Sounds like she found a nice way to blow you off to me...

Just telling you that she's married didn't work so she's trying something else.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Originally posted by Shiftkey
Sounds like she found a nice way to blow you off to me...

Just telling you that she's married didn't work so she's trying something else.
You have got to be kidding me!!

You are like a split side of my personality, the negative ofcourse.

(I was thinking the same thing, again!)

Edit- Time will tell. I'll make it work. All I need is one date, I'm a killer at first dates, I normally stop seeing them after first dates because they get AFC on my ass. I'll make it work, after all, this is a future DR. That's the whole point of this.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
thats awesome dude. i gotta be more sociable at the gym like that.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
I commend you on your guts and obviously being social proofed in the gym because you know and talk with a lot of people.

But this chick doesn't seem like she is interested in cheating. She brought him up in the first conversation. She has denied all of your requests to meet up.

ALL chicks like attention, it doesn't mean they want to cheat. Old chicks like it even more. Lonely chicks also want it badly (her husband is away).

(Is her husband in the military in Germany? If he is, you can bet he's gonna kick some fvckin' ass of someone who fvcks his wife!)

Here's a simple multiple choice test to determine her interest:

If she was going to cheat on her husband when would she do it?

a) when he is not even in the fugging country
b) when he is living in the same house as her

Just be thankful she's not tooling you and she's honest that she isn't looking for an affair. She is saving you time and effort.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2005
Reaction score
Samependo, that gym thing, did it happen in mexico or in the states??


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
lol I just call it like it is. You did a good job of being persistant though, I'll give you that.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2001
Reaction score
Maybe it's just me but I don't agree with what you are doing, it's one thing if she's pursuing you or even making it easy for you but to actively pursue a married woman after she has already made it difficult for you goes against what I think is right. I don't fvck with other people's happiness.

edit: Besides that though your game is strong but I don't think it will be easy, she's seems to not be interested in cheating. She probably thinks you are just joking around.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
haha u got turned down dirtbag. Now its even worse.

1. You are pursuing a married woman.
2. Her husband is in the military defending our freedoms.
3. She blew you off and you think your in.



Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
i agree you need to get your ass kicked for trying to steal a married woman. And SHE needs to get her ass kicked if she falls for your seduction.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Originally posted by Palomo
Samependo, that gym thing, did it happen in mexico or in the states??
Mexico. Why?

Who said the husband was in the army? Oh, and JMClure, No, he isn't in the army.

Originally posted by Julian
i agree you need to get your ass kicked for trying to steal a married woman. And SHE needs to get her ass kicked if she falls for your seduction.
I won't steal her. And no, she doesn't need to get her ass kicked. She has to get her ass beat up, and I'll be in charge of that.

Time will tell. Besides, it's not as if she's the only chick. She's the only one that I'm posting about right now. For example, while writing this I got the following text message on my cell:

"I can't get out of my mind that irresistable body of yours... *Kiss*" You do the math.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
Originally posted by SamePendo
For example, while writing this I got the following text message on my cell:

"I can't get out of my mind that irresistable body of yours... *Kiss*" You do the math.
I am not getting much into this, but you are setting yourself up for somebody saying you made this message up, samependo.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Originally posted by wavejams007
I am not getting much into this, but you are setting yourself up for somebody saying you made this message up, samependo.
At the end of the day, people can say I made this ALL up. Maybe I'm from... Angola, and have a big big belly. I don't post pics of myself, or my lady friends, and don't think on doing that any time soon. There's no way to know, even if I did post those pictures, if they are mine, like this recent case of someone who was supposedly this great DJ.

Take advice, even from a beggar from the street. It's not who you take advice from, is how you take it.