FR: Around 20 approaches at the mall today.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Yes, I got around 20 approaches at the mall today, which is without doubt, my best record in one night yet. Bad thing is, as you get more approaches, you forget a lot of the little details of the convo. Tonight my goal was to make 'statements', ditch routines, and just trying to get better at being myself. KBJ's will be ignored on sight btw. I can't remember a good number of the approaches, so I'll post the ones I can...

Banana Republic # 1
So I was walking in Banana Republic and I saw this chick I wanted to approach. Took me a while to get the balls to do it, but I did it. This was the first approach of the night.

Me: Wow, you seem to have trouble finding what you're looking for. Usually girls like that are picky.
Girl: No...
Me: Yeah, being picky is NOT cool in my book.
Pretty sh*t approach.

American Eagle #1
So I'm walking around American Eagle and I see this chick with a blue shirt on. I approach her. Just so you guys know, she DIDN'T work there, so she's not being paid to be nice or anything.

Me: You seem to have a hard time picking something. Usually they say when a girl is looking around for a long time that means she's picky.
Her: No, I'm not picky. Are you?
Me: I'm picky when it comes to women.
Her: Ah, so are you buying or just looking?
Me: Buying, personally I don't like coming to the mall and buying stuff, because say I see a hot girl, it'll be difficult to talk to her with a bag in my hand...
Her: Why?
Me: I don't know, it's just distracting.
Her: Okay.
Me: Well, I got to go, bye.
Her: Bye, it was nice talking to you.
American Eagle #2
MUCH later... I come back to American and see this chick in the men's aisle. I approach her.

Me: You looked like you were trying to pick out something for your boyfriend.
Her: Yeah, actually I was!
Her: Tell me, which one of these shirts do you think is better, this one or this one?
Me: Well, personally I'd go for the striped but since you're wearing a full color shirt [And I kino her and she laughs], you might want to pick the red one if you want to match up with your boyfriend.
Her: Good, then that's the one I'll pick. Thanks.
Me: Glad I could help.
Me: Well, I have to go bye.
Her: It was nice talking to you.
American Eagle #3
So I'm about to leave the store, when this chick who works here says...
Her: Bye.
Me: Hey, I see you working here a lot.
Her: Yeah, I do, I'm the supervisor.
Me: Wow, supervisor, so that must mean you get to boss people around and fire people.
Her: Yeah, I do.
Her: I'm a bossy girl.
Me: You and me could never get along, we both have strong personalities.
Her: Yeah, we would fight!
Me: Yeah.
Her: Well if your ever around here, make sure to visit.
Me: Yeah, I will, say, what's your name again?
Her: Hollie.
Me: Oh, I'm Mike.
Me: So now say if I come around here again...
Her: Yeah, I could say "Hey Mike! What's up!"
Me: Yeah.
Me: Well, I gotta go, bye.
Her: Bye, it was nice talking to you.
Guess # 1
So I'm walking around and I see this store model(You know, those human sized things that they use to show off the clothes) and I couldn't tell whether it was a guy or a chick with really small breasts. So I go over to this HB6 who works there and I ask her about.

Me: Hey, I was looking around and I saw this model thing, you know like those things [And I point to another figure], and I couldn't tell whether it was a guy or a chick with really small breasts.
Her: Really, where?
Me: Follow me.
[And she follows me to it]
Me: This one...
Her: Oh, that's a guy.
[She touches it]
Her: He's been working out.
Me: I'd hate for that guy to have breast cancer.
Her: Yeah.
[And she walks away]
Guess # 2
As I was leaving, this HB7 girl at "Guess" said "Bye" and I was like "Hey, I see you working here a lot" and started a conversation. Can't remember many of the specifics, but I'll tell you what I remember.

- I guess we were talking about how there weren't many people at the shop and she's like "How's the mall?". I tell her "Ah, the mall, well let's just say it was so empty that I seriously thought they called for evacuation or something".

And other then that, we just talked, nothing really interesting.
Express # 1
So I approached this one girl at Express.

Me: Hey, black and red, what a crazy mixture.
Girl: Nice.
[And like that she moves on with her job]
Yep, chick didn't even give me a chance here. I didn't really care though, because at that point I actually already had a bunch of approaches already.

Sephora # 1
So I was walking around Sephora and I talk to this chick who works there.

I open like this...

Me: Wow, is there like some mad party going on around here that I don't know about?
Girl: Why?
Me: Well I usually walk around the mall at this time and see a lot of people here, but tonight there doesn't seem to be that many people here.

We eventually get to this conversation...

Me: You know what would probably get you guys a lot of customers though, if you had sales like the other stores.
Girl: Oh no, they told us we can't do sales.
Me: Who told you you couldn't do sales, the big bossman?
Girl: I guess.
Me: Hmm, sounds like a jerk.
Girl: Yeah.

And later...

Girl: Yeah, but we get out at 9:00, it's not like restaurants were you get out at 12:00.
Me: Yeah, so you guys can go to clubs and stuff like that afterwards?
Girl: Yeah.

And at the end of the conversation...

Me: Can you dance?
Girl: Dance, yeah.
Me: Really, could you dance for me right now?
Girl: Well, yeah, I can dance but not right here.
Me: So you can't dance?
Girl: No.
Me: You just killed the attraction.
Girl: Yeah.
Sephora #2
So I was walking in Sephora and I see another chick who works there and I talk to her.

Me: Hey, I noticed you guys have aftershave, do women even use aftershave?
Girl: Yeah.
Me: Yeah, because I thought only men used that for beards.
Girl: Well, this is mostly the guys section over here.
Me: Wow, you have a guys section? I always thought this was a girls only store.

Skipping on, I ask her if she makes the products and she tells me no, explains it, blah blah blah...

Me: So that's how you turn men into women?[We were talking about make-up]
[She laughs]
Girl: No.
Girl: Well feel free to ask around if you need any help.
Abercrombie #1
So I go up to this girl at the register at Abercrombie. Can't remember much of the conversation, but I'll tell you what I can remember.

- I open going "Hey", then she says "Hi". I then go "So do you guys basically sit around for your job?" and she's like "No, we fold clothes like these nicely folded clothes here". Then I start saying some crap about how folding clothes would be good for a wife.

- I said something to her like "You don't seem like you like the music. Prove to me that you like the music".

- I tell her a story about this movie on YouTube I saw, where this guy basically came into an Abercrombie, brought a bunch of his friends in and partied.

- At the end she was like "Well I have to go fold clothes" and she just leaves.

Limited Too
I go up to this girl working there and ask her if I can wear her hat.

I open with...

Me: That's a pretty cool hat, could I try it on?
Her: No... besides it would be too little for you.

We eventually start talking about the sales and stuff, all that economic bullsh*t. And eventually I go...

Me: So you wouldn't mind if I brought a few of my friends up here to party would you?
Girl: What?
Me: [I repeat myself]
Girl: Oh, no, no parties in here.

And at the end I'm like...

Me: Alright, bye, keep up the good work.
Girl: Bye.
Don't know the stores name...
So I go to this store next to Express and I talk to this black chick at the counter.

Me: Hey, I noticed you guys have a lot of stuff on sale.
Girl: We do.

Eventually as we get further into the conversation, she starts telling me about all the stuff you can get on sale.

Me: Yeah, I just wish there was a store like this for guys.
Girl: Well actually, there is an Express for guys.
Me: Wow, there's a Express for guys! Where?
Girl: Not here.
Me: Oh, I was about to say, I've been looking all around here and I've never seen an Express for guys.
Girl: Well let me think -- there's one at [Mall Name].
Me: Ah, I'll definitely have to check that out.

And I ended with...

Me: Well, I have to go.
Girl: What?
Me: Oh, I said I have to go.
Girl: Oh, bye. It was nice talking to you.
Me: Bye.
So yeah, that was a VERY good night. There were a few other approaches that I made that weren't really worth mentioning. The only thing that sucks is I didn't go for any number closes because I was afraid that they would say no.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah, but I still don't feel I'm good enough to get numbers though. It's like even though I'm being myself, I need to attract her more before I get the number. Haha, it's funny how the KBJ's dissapear when they see you get success.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
Chandigarh , India
dude.. its gud.. next time keep a journal to record your approaches....

just a ques.. what do you do all day , other than approaching???


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Journal is too much work and I'd have to always carry it around in my hand.

The real question is why do you care what else I do?

And come on man? You got to have some advice, I know this sh*t wasn't perfect.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
Chandigarh , India
ElStud said:
Journal is too much work and I'd have to always carry it around in my hand.

The real question is why do you care what else I do?

And come on man? You got to have some advice, I know this sh*t wasn't perfect.
First the suggestions:

loved your "we'd never get along... " line in American Eagle 3...

the breast thing... i'm not too sure about it....

plus number closing and hitting on girls at work.. thats a sticking point for you...

and starting off negative.. the express 1 and sephora 1.. the more you show negativities. the more people will try to justify them....

the journal part is so that i can review the convos completely.. Most of the details are incomplete.. How you transitioned etc.. I have no idea....

Did you go over to the mystery method forum??


the point why i ask you is that you're getting too consumed by seduction thing..20 approaches is far too much in a day....

Dude .. i can always give you advice on your approaches, no probs on that... but do something apart from sedction... look at it in the larger context....


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
nicenomore said:
First the suggestions:

loved your "we'd never get along... " line in American Eagle 3...

the breast thing... i'm not too sure about it....

plus number closing and hitting on girls at work.. thats a sticking point for you...

and starting off negative.. the express 1 and sephora 1.. the more you show negativities. the more people will try to justify them....

the journal part is so that i can review the convos completely.. Most of the details are incomplete.. How you transitioned etc.. I have no idea....

Did you go over to the mystery method forum??


the point why i ask you is that you're getting too consumed by seduction thing..20 approaches is far too much in a day....

Dude .. i can always give you advice on your approaches, no probs on that... but do something apart from sedction... look at it in the larger context....
Too consumed man? It only takes like 3 hours to get 20 approaches. I normally stay at the mall for 3 hours anyway, so I'm no more consumed then I used to be, I'm just getting more approaches now(Hah, what'd you think I spent all day approaching or something? Heck, give me a whole day and I could probably get atleast 50, maybe 100). But nah, dude, what I do instead of approaching has nothing to do with you or seduction. 20 approaches is far too much? Now you're just sounding limiting man. You can NEVER approach too many women in a day. That's like limiting yourself! Oh my god, I approached 20 women today, despite the fact that there are a lot more oppurtunities for me to approach, I'll stop at 20. That's limiting bullsh*t and you should NEVER limit yourself. Hell, if you DON'T get more than 20 approaches a day that's pathetic, because there are most certainly more than 20 women at the mall. By telling me to limit myself, you're asking me to stop improving and that's something I will not do. The only "larger context" I see, is me improving and eventually banging the girl of my dreams, as well as several other chicks. Heck, who knows tonight if I go in harder and faster maybe I can get 30 approaches in the same amount of time.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
You did really well...but my question is why don't you at least try for a number close? It won't hurt anything, and you could get a few.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
sandman6991 said:
You did really well...but my question is why don't you at least try for a number close? It won't hurt anything, and you could get a few.
There's this thing in the back of my head that tells she won't give me the number. And all of the other times I've number closed I've failed so that really doesn't help.


New Member
Aug 15, 2007
Reaction score
I know I'm not that experienced and probably shouldn't be giving advice.
But maybe try some little trick on her. Some sort of cold reading for an example. Maybe you would feel better about number closing then if she enjoys that.

And good work about making all those approaches i just chicken out all the time

Stacks Of Terror

Don Juan
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
sandman6991 said:
You did really well...but my question is why don't you at least try for a number close? It won't hurt anything, and you could get a few.
Agreed. You've improved so much that its a shame you're not already number closing.

Too consumed man? It only takes like 3 hours to get 20 approaches. I normally stay at the mall for 3 hours anyway, so I'm no more consumed then I used to be, I'm just getting more approaches now(Hah, what'd you think I spent all day approaching or something? Heck, give me a whole day and I could probably get atleast 50, maybe 100). But nah, dude, what I do instead of approaching has nothing to do with you or seduction. 20 approaches is far too much? Now you're just sounding limiting man. You can NEVER approach too many women in a day. That's like limiting yourself! Oh my god, I approached 20 women today, despite the fact that there are a lot more oppurtunities for me to approach, I'll stop at 20. That's limiting bullsh*t and you should NEVER limit yourself. Hell, if you DON'T get more than 20 approaches a day that's pathetic, because there are most certainly more than 20 women at the mall. By telling me to limit myself, you're asking me to stop improving and that's something I will not do. The only "larger context" I see, is me improving and eventually banging the girl of my dreams, as well as several other chicks. Heck, who knows tonight if I go in harder and faster maybe I can get 30 approaches in the same amount of time.
You are kind of going into DJ overdrive though. Not that its a bad thing but whatever happened to going to the mall for shopping and just general hanging out with friends.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Stacks Of Terror said:
Agreed. You've improved so much that its a shame you're not already number closing.

You are kind of going into DJ overdrive though. Not that its a bad thing but whatever happened to going to the mall for shopping and just general hanging out with friends.
DJ Over ride? It's only 3 hours a day. Wrestling Meets are all day, so by participating in a Wrestling Meet am I going into Wrestling Override? No man. There's a lot more in a day then 3 hours. If you guys want to discourage me by telling me to limit myself, go ahead, but I'm not going to limit myself. A DJ wouldn't limit himself because of some silly self perceptions(Yes, that so called DJ Override crap is a silly self perception. It's just an excuse to stop approaching girls after you've hit a certain number). But don't worry about what I do, that doesn't concern you, I do other stuff when I'm not approaching, that's all you need to know.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
Good approaches man, one of the few on this site that actually go through with really changing themselves.

I second that you should start going for some sort of close.

It's obvious that you're close to/ or even already over being held back from approaching. Get on to the next step.

All of your approaches just seem to be the beginning step where you're just breaking away from AFCness/getting used to rejection/realizing women are people too. But just remember that if you only approach, you won't get anywhere.

Bring out your interactions, make them last longer where it's not just a "Okay so i approached da da da da today". Even if it means you will be doing less approaches today, make more out of each one. # close, date close, k close, whatever! Close something! You don't want to be stuck doing nothing but approaching your whole life.

Stacks Of Terror

Don Juan
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
DJ Over ride? It's only 3 hours a day. Wrestling Meets are all day, so by participating in a Wrestling Meet am I going into Wrestling Override? No man. There's a lot more in a day then 3 hours. If you guys want to discourage me by telling me to limit myself, go ahead, but I'm not going to limit myself. A DJ wouldn't limit himself because of some silly self perceptions(Yes, that so called DJ Override crap is a silly self perception. It's just an excuse to stop approaching girls after you've hit a certain number). But don't worry about what I do, that doesn't concern you, I do other stuff when I'm not approaching, that's all you need to know.
No need to get defensive. Overdrive probably wasn't the best way to state it. I'm just saying 20 approaches in 3? hours seems a bit obsessive as if you are just doing it to prove "I can get so many approaches in in so much time haha I am so much better than I used to be." I'm not going to pretend like I know you like that though. Instead of 20 approaches in 3? hours with no number closes how about maybe 5 with extra effort spent on drawing out the convo longer and getting her number.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
Stacks Of Terror said:
No need to get defensive. Overdrive probably wasn't the best way to state it. I'm just saying 20 approaches in 3? hours seems a bit obsessive as if you are just doing it to prove "I can get so many approaches in in so much time haha I am so much better than I used to be." I'm not going to pretend like I know you like that though. Instead of 20 approaches in 3? hours with no number closes how about maybe 5 with extra effort spent on drawing out the convo longer and getting her number.


Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
ok now that you seem to have gotten rid of your approach anxiety, start approaching girls that you make eye contact with and that smile back if u smile at them.. sometimes ill go to the mall for 3 hours and not even approach if there isnt any fine girls there.. if there is and they dont make eye contact i dont even waste my time.. and always go for the number close too... if they say no, who gives a fvck seriously??



Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
miniPIMPIN said:
ok now that you seem to have gotten rid of your approach anxiety, start approaching girls that you make eye contact with and that smile back if u smile at them.. sometimes ill go to the mall for 3 hours and not even approach if there isnt any fine girls there.. if there is and they dont make eye contact i dont even waste my time.. and always go for the number close too... if they say no, who gives a fvck seriously??

You don't even need eye contact. A lot of girls go to the mall just to get looked at or wait... what else do you go to malls for. TO SHOP. They won't be trying to get picked up hence unless they are REALLY interested in you, eye contact will not always be there.

Definetely don't waste your time doing pointless approaches though, get that close.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Very nice man, i enjoy reading your progress and seeing the haters go away. Anyway the only reason I saw this was because you posted it on RSD, and if you notice everyone there says you have to learn to number close as well, so that is definitely a sticking point for you now which you have to overcome.

It seems like your openers are getting solid now, but your just not hooking the girls well enough yet, but I strongly believe that (no offense) you were VERY limited in your experience with getting girls before all these approaches and now your just learning your way from getting out there and approaching.

I'm going to PM you a link to something you will like that will help you with your sticking point maybe, if not it will just help you in your approaches.