you also need to realize that you will need to go through a large number of women, because no matter how gorgeous this one is, it may not (likely won't at first) work out anyway, so it is really no big deal, she's just #4132 prior to #4133, then a thousand more after that. Once you start approaching and succeeding at closing u will see that by no means is that the end game at all. You can (and I have) approach 10 hotties in a day and maybe 1 will be interested enough to actually go out with you, so why waste the anxiety on those other 9....I'm sure those numbers will improve over time, but for now realize that one approach means sh*t, no matter the outcome. Even if you get her out, you may not do well on a date or whatever...even if you do well on a first, the second may suck badly, a fourth may not get you into her panties you're gonna need to go through some serious numbers to get where you need to go. If you can't start working through them your ultimate objective will never arrive. Got through it myself, now I realize that even a great approach can mean f*ck all, so just go up and have fun with it...U should be enjoying yourself, and closing consistently, even if you get NO answers to the close.