for Pook

Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by CLOONEY
Damn, I saw this post ages ago but never read it.

This thread (those who read it, because a lot obviously made comments without even reading the initial post in its entirity), is what sosuave is all about. Makes me proud to see fellow men soulsearching and finding their inner-self, the most important and yet most neglected thing in the world today.
I stopped reading this thread when the idiots showed up.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
"Fellow men soul-searching their inner-self"?

I think the problem with thsi site is guys start seeing the world in black and white.Players and non-Players,Women or bicthes. It gives them fake confidence a holier than thou attitude ,people take offense then they end up alone and get all crzay from the sheer boredom.

bottom Line:All that afc/dj isolates these guys and makes them go crazy.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Tha Realnezz
"Fellow men soul-searching their inner-self"?

I think the problem with thsi site is guys start seeing the world in black and white.Players and non-Players,Women or bicthes. It gives them fake confidence a holier than thou attitude ,people take offense then they end up alone and get all crzay from the sheer boredom.

bottom Line:All that afc/dj isolates these guys and makes them go crazy.
Sup Real

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
What's going on..


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
Reaction score
we'll miss you "POOK"


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
The reason some people get frustrated over the admiration towards Pook is a lot of the comments are pretty sappy. Idolization isn't a good thing. Pook is a damn smart man, an excellent writer and he's wise enough to know that the key to success in life (with the opposite sex and otherwise) is to focus on yourself and building a life you not only can enjoy but can also be proud of. He has also learned how to resist the guilt inducing messages men are sent by society.

Although the above comments about Pook are true...he is still just a man. His ideas and advice isn't necessarily better than anyone else's...but his ability to put it into words usually is.

It is good to recognize the huge contribution Pook has made to this site, but it's not good to put him on a pedestal and idolize him...just as it's not good to do that with a woman.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Player_Supreme

Thats punkish. You only have 2 posts on this screen name pal. That was your mistake. I am sick of people doing cowardly stuff like this. It's ok to speak out for Pook as who you normally come onto this site dig.

Oh mod's know what your ip address is. If one of them wanted to invest the time into it they can tell us who you truely are.
I dunno about him but i log onto this site from a million different IP addresses....Depends on which cleint site Im house....GF house....moms house/dads house/brothers house/.......could be same thing for him

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Originally posted by Wyldfire
The reason some people get frustrated over the admiration towards Pook is a lot of the comments are pretty sappy. Idolization isn't a good thing. Pook is a damn smart man, an excellent writer and he's wise enough to know that the key to success in life (with the opposite sex and otherwise) is to focus on yourself and building a life you not only can enjoy but can also be proud of. He has also learned how to resist the guilt inducing messages men are sent by society.

Although the above comments about Pook are true...he is still just a man. His ideas and advice isn't necessarily better than anyone else's...but his ability to put it into words usually is.

It is good to recognize the huge contribution Pook has made to this site, but it's not good to put him on a pedestal and idolize him...just as it's not good to do that with a woman.
Great, miss Wild!

It get on my nerves those Pook worshipers/bootlickers. Pook says to never put a woman on a pedestal, but I believe this applies to all contexts not just women (Pook, for instance).

He gives good inshights, but he´s not a God. He´s too overrated in my opinion.
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Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Blue Phoenix
Great, miss Wild!

It get on my nerves those Pook worshipers/bootlickers. Pook says to never put a woman on a pedestal, but I believe this applies to all contexts not just women (Pook, for instance).

He gives good inshights, but he´s not a God. He´s too overrated in my opinion.
I don't think he's over-rated...his posts are top-notch. It's just that too many newbies shift their obsession from a female to him when they first come here. I suppose that's a little better to focus on him than be a total doormat for a girl who doesn't want them, but it's still not healthy. That's what annoys so many people.

It's not Pook's fault that this has happened to him. I think it makes things a little rough on him and actually caused him to post less than he might otherwise have posted. Expectations of him are so high that he could never use this site to get advice about his own problems.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Oh Pook! Pook! I love you, Pook! Yay for Be-the-Prize, Pook! Marry me, Pook! Enlighten me, Pook! Show me your great ways, Pook!

And people wonder why Pook rarely posts any more.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Originally posted by squirrels
Oh Pook! Pook! I love you, Pook! Yay for Be-the-Prize, Pook! Marry me, Pook! Enlighten me, Pook! Show me your great ways, Pook!

And people wonder why Pook rarely posts any more.
Those "AFC´s" are making him run away! :)

Originally posted by Wyldfire
Expectations of him are so high that he could never use this site to get advice about his own problems.
This board is used to clarify and to "solve" some problems we have, not to build a "persona" to be admired on the net. If Pook has his difficulties he should post about it here just like everyone else.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
I think Pook has said already all that needs to be said and now he is going to write a few more requested posts before he is out of here. Pook came here looking to improve his relationship with women and he has found much more. He was able to make the most of what was said here and one of the few here that achieved everything he wanted to achieve.

Now he is giving back to the next generation and is teaching us with his wisdom. However the Newbies here act like Schwartzengger put it : "Girly Men". Pook is being worshipped for posting advice and tips and instead of sharing insights, other people are typing " THANK YOU POOK, I LOVE YOU POOK!!"

What is more frustrating for the Pookster, is that every newbie is thinking that he is going to be their personal Dr. Phil and PM him with their problems. I am sure Pook's private Sosuave email is full of stupid junk of newbies asking him for advice. He does not need to be here anymore, he already knows his sh1t and taught us his sh1t and there isn't much more for him to do or to learn.

The only thing I am worried about is the future of this forum. I am sure the moderators are doing their best to keep it together but it seems that "Girly Men" are flooding the forum with dumb questions that do not relate to the Bible and even worse they give out ADVICE to other Newbies!. The Advice they give out is often out of a personal nature and conflicts or does not support anything the DJ Bible is preaching. There used to be a time where guys who knew their sh1t would jump all over a newbie who gives bad advice. Now since there is overwelming of advice, it has become tiring to jump and to try to save a thread.

My fear is that since newbies give newbies advice without reading the DJ Bible and without improving themselves, this forum will end up imploding because a buliding cannot stand stright when the foundation is solid but the rest is build out of a house of cards.

I know I got a bit off topic but his departure ties to everything here.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
woah dude:eek: now that's some life changing sh!t... i know how u wouldve stumbled across pooks article when u were searching for kurt kobain's letter... but it's like everything happens for a reason i would say :D

congratulations man on urr whole new life outlike and thanks for being another source of inspiration to me ... u taught me another thing i have to learn.. PATIENCE! I can then probably just by looking at that world figure out why i also give up on things as well... well anyways cutler91 thanks man! and all the best!

Oh yeah and everyone saying sh!t about Pook runnig away because of the AFC's or 'Girly Men' (thanks for that one DJ DAMAGE :rolleyes: ) it's pretty much true... but im sure u can kill the PM messaging system (there's an option in the USER CP)... Wyldfire u also made a good point about emphasising one of Pook's teachings as well as Blue Pheonix that we shouldnt put anyone else on that pedastal that includes also Pook here since he's just like everyone else in the forum... and yeah it is not what you say really, it is how you say it... when u have 2 different people telling the same story to the same group of people u'll know what i mean... u'll get 2 different reactions...

Anywyas that's enuff from myside :D