For Men Who Strongly Dislike Feminism (British and Canadian men please read this)

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Oct 25, 2001
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Okay...I posted this on another thread in response to someone who sort of ranted about the effects of feminism. The poster was a Canadian man who made specific reference to "North American Women". That kind of comment is the reason why I sometimes make wisecracks about British and Canadian men...because MANY men from those places share this same belief and attitude. Although I am fully aware that radical feminism in both of those places runs rather rampant and it is unpleasant for the men who live there...blaming American women for the behavior of women in your countries is just plain wrong and unacceptable. Blame feminism all you want, because it IS to blame...but for crying out loud it's just stupid to blame the philosophy of feminism on ANY women. Most women don't even consider themselves feminists and aren't active in any feminist activities. Most women are just as much victims of the out of control machine known as feminism as men are. A few clever radical feminists managed to slip enough of their talking points into mainstream ideology to underhandedly influence both men and women. that I've finished with my "intro" is the post I felt was interesting and compelling enough to warrant it's own topic. It might also help minimize some of the arguing that has been going on between me and those I am addressing this post to.

The post:

It's good to understand that feminism is not a good thing and to be aware of the impact it has on society. However, there is a disturbing pattern I have seen from British and Canadian men especially. (Which is why I often end up arguing with a lot of them.) Many of you are operating under the assumption that all women ("especially North American women") are feminists. To start with, this simply isn't true, and to hold that belief make you much like those feminists you don't like. Men who are on the defensive and constantly looking for a reason to blame feminism on something or label a woman a feminist is no better than that feminist who is looking for any excuse to blame men for something stupid.

Most women aren't feminists...but many of them are influenced by feminist messages. They don't even realize it or know don't hold so much animosity towards them for something they aren't even doing on purpose. Instead, take a calm, rational and understanding approach and simply point out what kind of impact feminism has on women. Do it in a way that doesn't include wagging your finger, blaming and holding animosity. You'll stand a much better chance at actually making a positive difference if you do that.

Over the years I have been probably THE MOST vocal anti-feminist person on this forum. Yet many of the men who hold all the unhealthy animosity are constantly accusing me of being a feminist of being influenced by feminism just because I have a strong personality and don't tolerate any crap. It's really ridiculous. I'd be the first one to tell a man to be aware of the negative influences of feminism...but I also warn of how important it is NOT to let that knowledge turn you into a beast just as ugly and offensive as that which you despise. There is far TOO MUCH of this going on here, and it does NOT help the fact, it only reinforces and supports those screwed up messages feminism has poisoned society with. Don't be part of the part of the solution.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Since it is obvious you're talking about me, I never said ALL women are feminists. What's with you and penkitty?

I challenge you to quote me saying ALL woman are feminists. The most you can charge me for is saying all gold-diggers/manipulative women are feminists. That still does not simply imply ALLl woman are feminsts.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2004
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Hear hear!! :cool: Wyldfire you are an amazingly intelligent, passionate, and honorable woman. I am more impressed with you with every post you make.



New Member
Mar 13, 2005
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Canada, Torono
I'm not really going to get into the whole evil feminism/good feminism debate, but I will attest to some of its influence.

At my Uni, literally EVERY girl you talk to has taken "feminist studies" or a few courses from that area. Now I can't really predict what impact it may or may not have on them, especially since I have not taken that course (would they even admit a guy?).

My presonal belief is that feminism just adds another variable when being a DJ, and basically confuses things a little more.


Feb 10, 2005
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Feminism is about women making a greedy grab for power, control, and resources. I beg to differ with you but all women are feminist in the sense they all operate under a playing field tilted in their favor and they like it very much, thank you. You don't have to be a vocal activist like Gloria Allred (?) to be feminist, just be a self-centered typical female who enjoys the benefits and feels no qualms about it.

Maybe the Canadian and UK guys here are just more cognizant of this fact and more willing to object to the slanted playing field. I'm not getting into a debate on feminism, except to say it is deeply ingrained in N. America. And last thing we need is a woman telling us that we shouldn't call it as we see it.
Jan 4, 2002
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I never quite understood the whole feminism thing on this board.
Really. I mean, why is it even an issue? In the USA, feminism is not a problem. Sure, you have your feminazis here and there (in college mostly, a phase they grow out by junior or senior year), but it is not prevalent. I know what feminism is, its history, and its roots. And any sane man in the USA knows that its not prevalent. So why all this "feminazi" analysis? Are you guys REALLY that afraid of females? Just because a girl blows you off or turns you down or makes a rude remark when she's plowed wasted doesn't mean that she's a feminazi. I don't think anyone on here really knows what a true feminazi is. if you did, you wouldn't be talking about it much, because you would know they are very few and very far between. Man up and improve your game and quit blaming society. Especially where theres no blame to be made.



Don Juan
Feb 10, 2005
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Below is something I wrote about feminism a while back, enjoy!!!

Why Feminism Fails

I want to first spend the time clarifying my position. This task can be made easier if I simply state what I am not. Do not fall into the trap of branding me as a misogynist because of the message subject. There has been a previous poster that belonged to this faction who recommended this bizarre site []. The site is an aggregation of irrational claims and illogical arguments, counter to the interests of men. And hear this, they salute Osama Bin Laden for contributing to the deaths of a significant number of women during the Sept 11 tragedy.

To stick to the subject, I claim that the feminist movement is purely idealistic. I am a supporter of Simone De Bouveoir’s ideology of female equality, mainly because it presents existentialist arguments. Similarly to women, negros were struggling and suffering to achieve equality with their fellow white neighbors. Unlike women, the negros were united as a whole to battle their oppressors. At the moment, negros have attained their liberties while women only managed to reach a pseudo-independent status in society. Who is to blame for the current state of affairs? No, not conservatives, traditionalists, misogynists or any male for that matter. The culprits in this case are other women. Below I list several types that have contributed to making female equality a myth:

1. Women whose lives are only fulfilled by material goods and are unable to attain them by themselves. They lead a nomadic lifestyle depleting one man’s resources and then jumping to the next repeating the cycle.
2. Women who accept the traditionally accepted view that they are inferior to men. They use this statement in order to be exempted from activities that require effort (physical or phychological).
3. Women who pursue a masochistic role in relationships. For them, the only candidates for love are the abusive obnoxious jerks.
4. Women who seek sympathy from others in order to hide their internal problems or shame. The phony rape victims fall into this category.
5. Women who succeed through life by posing their arousing stature in front of men in ostentatious ways. The men succumb to the lady’s wishes in false hopes of eventually sleeping with her.
6. Women who earn a reputation as wh0res and do not take responsibility for their actions; they blame others for the abominable position.

Of course, these categories are not mutually exclusive. There are many instances in which they overlap. In addition, there may be other feminine types deserving blame not mentioned in the above listing; I believe that the 6 examples are sufficient to establish the criteria.

So for all the women who moan and complain that they are not equal to men, redirect the accusations towards the irresponsible and not independent hussies that constitute your society. If you cannot consolidate a unity devoted to the same purpose, your movement will fail.


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
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I'm glad such a strong, powerful group of independent men like us can bond together and hate feminism!

(tell me someone catches the joke!)
Nov 13, 2004
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@ Wyldfire

I accept that there is a genuine distinction between serious feminists and women who are influenced by feminist thought.

I just don't have much time for either group.

Basically, a woman who believes garbage to the point that its spoiling her interactions with me will get a clear warning that her attitude is something I won't put up with - at that point if she wants to, we can talk, if she understands me, she'll drop her feminist ways. If she ignores the warning, I'm not one to prolong the contact.

Thats not being part of the problem. Thats just choosing the exit instead of trying to win a woman over. Why shouldn't I - its not as if I don't have options?? If her parents let her grow up believing feminist trash - why should I take it upon myself to educate her? To me thats just patronising her.

If most decent guys acted like me, the feminists (and those who unintentionally act like feminists) would be single long-term, sooner or later they'd work out how to get themselves a decent guy.

And as a postscript: I don't know enough about US women to make generalisations about them - I for one am not part of the trend amongst British/Canadian men that worries you! There are probably a lot more guys like me than you think!

PS - Next time you categorise us British men along with the Canadians, we will not be so forgiving!!
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Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by TillTheEndOfTime
Since it is obvious you're talking about me, I never said ALL women are feminists. What's with you and penkitty?

I challenge you to quote me saying ALL woman are feminists. The most you can charge me for is saying all gold-diggers/manipulative women are feminists. That still does not simply imply ALLl woman are feminsts.
Not at are just one of quite a few who have had the attitude/beliefs that I speak of. This post wasn't intended as a "slam" on anyone. It's more of an observation of a rather unhealthy and unbenefitial trend that I've noticed on here. I'm honestly not "charging" you with anything...but your reaction to my post is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. You have GOT to stop looking so hard for any and every reason to be mad, angry and offended. It's not helping you, not making the situation any better and actually just contributes to the whole problem. Just try to think about what I wrote in the spirit it was intended....and not read more into it than what is actually there.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
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what's up with all this anti-canadian stuff :p

what did we ever do

edit - yeah i read the post, but you grouping all canadians together is equal to a canadian guy grouping all north american women together.

Donald Kaufman

Don Juan
Mar 14, 2004
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Originally posted by MindOverMatter
what's up with all this anti-canadian stuff :p

what did we ever do

I would say it's because of the war of 1812 but I don't think they're made aware of it. Imagine how bad it would be if they knew.:eek:


Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by rgeere
Well, you can always stop coming off like a feminist. That'll keep people from arriving to that conclusion.
That's just the thing, rgeere...I really DON'T "come off like a feminist". I come off like a human being who is proud and stubborn who is relentlessly attacked and accused of being something that I'm not. You are LOOKING for any remote indication that I am an "evil feminist", and anyone who is looking hard enough to find some "clue" of something sinister is going to find something, no matter how innocent, to latch onto. This is the very dynamic that makes women think most men are woman beaters, rapists, sexual harassers and get all the best jobs and make more for the same job then women do. You are doing the same exact thing out of anger and feeling helpless over the feminism machine and you're taking it out on me simply because I am a convenient target...a chick on a man's forum, where you can hide behind anonymity and say to me all the things you want to say to the women you are REALLY angry with. I have don't nothing to you to deserve that and the fact that you (and others) behave in such a way DOES make your behavior NO BETTER than the very behavior you are so angry about.

And THAT is why I have been an admittedly brutal biotch towards you. I give the same kind of treatment I receive. You've been a d*ck.


Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by ketostix
Feminism is about women making a greedy grab for power, control, and resources. I beg to differ with you but all women are feminist in the sense they all operate under a playing field tilted in their favor and they like it very much, thank you. You don't have to be a vocal activist like Gloria Allred (?) to be feminist, just be a self-centered typical female who enjoys the benefits and feels no qualms about it.

Maybe the Canadian and UK guys here are just more cognizant of this fact and more willing to object to the slanted playing field. I'm not getting into a debate on feminism, except to say it is deeply ingrained in N. America. And last thing we need is a woman telling us that we shouldn't call it as we see it.
No, all women are NOT feminists. Most women have been influenced by feminism ONLY because they have been repeatedly told that they only make 74 cents on the dollar compared to men. They have been told that a woman is raped or beat up by a man ever few seconds. As you all discuss on this site...most women are emotional beings and it is in their nature to react to these things as they do. Women are manipulated by feminism and the messages espoused by feminism just like men are. If you can excuse a man for being an AFC due to these same messages sent to them by society then why can't you show that same courtesy to women. It's no different. I still remember how betrayed and angry I felt when I realized all the lies feminism is responsible for spreading. It was about 5 years ago. I have been a very vocal anti-feminist eversince. However, I make the effort to combat the influence of feminism in a productive and beneficial way. Rather than attack women who are buying into these messages, I point out logical arguments that show why the messages are lies. I have personally made dozens of women stop and think about how they view men and how they treat them. I have made a positive difference. Those who are aware of the truth should be doing the same rather than just adding fuel to the fire of hatred and anger.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2003
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Fort Worth, Texas
Originally posted by Wyldfire
That's just the thing, rgeere...I really DON'T "come off like a feminist". I come off like a human being who is proud and stubborn who is relentlessly attacked and accused of being something that I'm not. You are LOOKING for any remote indication that I am an "evil feminist", and anyone who is looking hard enough to find some "clue" of something sinister is going to find something, no matter how innocent, to latch onto. This is the very dynamic that makes women think most men are woman beaters, rapists, sexual harassers and get all the best jobs and make more for the same job then women do. You are doing the same exact thing out of anger and feeling helpless over the feminism machine and you're taking it out on me simply because I am a convenient target...a chick on a man's forum, where you can hide behind anonymity and say to me all the things you want to say to the women you are REALLY angry with. I have don't nothing to you to deserve that and the fact that you (and others) behave in such a way DOES make your behavior NO BETTER than the very behavior you are so angry about.

And THAT is why I have been an admittedly brutal biotch towards you. I give the same kind of treatment I receive. You've been a d*ck.
I take everything back ... had I known that you have skitzophrenic tendencies which makes you imagine that people are out to get you I would have ignored you since the beginning.

I am not against you, and I have never been against you, nor have I targeted you in any way. What you believe I have done is not reality, nor will it ever be reality.

In otherwords, I no longer think you are a feminist. I now think you need professional help, anger mangement, and medication to help you fight against the dillusions you create to feel that people are out to get you.


Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by TurboOverCubicInches
I never quite understood the whole feminism thing on this board.
Really. I mean, why is it even an issue? In the USA, feminism is not a problem. Sure, you have your feminazis here and there (in college mostly, a phase they grow out by junior or senior year), but it is not prevalent. I know what feminism is, its history, and its roots. And any sane man in the USA knows that its not prevalent. So why all this "feminazi" analysis? Are you guys REALLY that afraid of females? Just because a girl blows you off or turns you down or makes a rude remark when she's plowed wasted doesn't mean that she's a feminazi. I don't think anyone on here really knows what a true feminazi is. if you did, you wouldn't be talking about it much, because you would know they are very few and very far between. Man up and improve your game and quit blaming society. Especially where theres no blame to be made.

Well, this is why I made my post especially to the British and Canadian men. This particular issue is VERY prevalent among posters from those countries. No, not ALL posters from those countries...but enough that there is a definite pattern. All you have to do is look at the location of those who are responding to this thread with the same attitude I mentioned in the first post. Almost all of those posters hail from either Canada or the UK. This IS a big issue in those countries because the radical feminism there is really bad and predominant. However, behaving just like that which one despises has never been a productive choice or method of combating anything.
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