Keeping in mind that as of today this is how I see things (I can always change my mind in the future).
One thing I have learned is that there are two things that are not illegal, but can still destroy a man’s life. That is alcohol and women.
I have seen a lot of men concerned about their long term relationship partners cheating or flirting way too much (leaving the impression, correct or not, that they are open to cheat). And I came to the realization that those men tend to neglect other important areas of their lives because their minds are too occupied on their women unacceptable behavior.
Therefore, I came to the realization that the best way to deal with this is to set expectations and standards from the beginning.
When I date a woman…I always have fun. But once that woman transforms into a relationship (which later will become a Long Term Relationship), I start covertly telling that woman (and eventually overtly telling her) the following message: that I live by a code of RESPECT.
Therefore, here are my expectations:
1- I expect her to respect me.
2- I expect her to not contribute toward others disrespecting me
I don’t try to control them. I don’t even tell them what to do. I simply tell them that in order for me to take this relationship serious then those two things must take place.
#1 is pretty straight forward. But #2…is not. And that’s the reason I tell them.
Several examples (Note: I don't provide examples to my woman, I am providing them to you):
a) If a male that works with her or is her friend…start hitting on her, knowing well that she has a boyfriend…she (not me) has to put a stop to that. If she doesn’t, then she is contributing toward that man disrespecting me and the relationship.
b) If a stranger on the street hits on her (not knowing she is with me), and she ignores him…that is NOT disrespect. Now if he hits on her in front of my face knowing she is with me...then I put a stop to that as he is clearly disrespecting me.
c) If she starts flirting with a man…she is doing #2, because she is contributing toward him disrespecting me (by potentially make him think he can hit on her).
d) If she goes to lunch with co-workers, etc., that is not disrespect.
e) If a co-worker that does not know she has a boyfriend hits on her and she simply ignores him…that’s not disrespect.
f) If her friend has the hots for her knowing that she is with me, and she continues going out with him because she just see him as a friend (lot of women simply like the attention), she is clearly contributing toward him disrespecting me.
Those are examples that illustrate that you cannot call everything “disrespect”.
Now…many men in here will say: “Wow…Latinoman is too controlling”
My answer is…I am not. I simply have certain expectations from the woman I have in a committed relationship with me. I don’t prohibit them from doing whatever they want (unless impact me financially or my health). I simply tell them what I consider #1 or #2 in that list. It is up to them to do it or not do it. And it is up to me to either finish the relationship or start taking the relationship less serious.
Some men will say: “Latinoman is naïve. Women will do whatever…”
And here is when I say that if you choose a woman for a committed relationship and
1- You have knowledge about her past (which is important)
2- You apply the “Blitz State Theorem” that I shared with you in another link
Then the likelihood of being in a healthy relationship with a woman that respects you and adores you and at the same time is strong enough to tell you she disagrees with some of your stuff without disrespecting you are very high. Those odds are very high.
And what does that do for you as a DJ? It allows you to focus on your career…your health…your hobbies…it keeps you from getting some weird sexual disease…it keeps your stress level in check…it keeps you relax. As you don’t have to worry about her whereabouts. You don’t have to worry about another man trying to take her away from you. You don’t have to worry about jealousy. You don’t have to worry about having to find your next laid as you already have a woman that will give you that laid. And you will start producing more at work and your career.
That’s how I see things.
EDIT: Many men in here would say, "A DJ should not worry about how his woman behaves". My answer is, in the professional word, a man's judgement is what typically open the doors for trust, etc. A man that has poor judgement in picking his wife or a woman for a committed relationship, is also a man that will exercise poor judgement in other areas of his life. A man that cannot be trusted and many times...sadly...a man that lacks self-respect. How can another man respect a man that lacks self-respect?