flows101 Journal of Approaches started on April 18th 2006


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
Aright yo its your boy flows woke up this morning to go 2 work and decide I’ll start my 100 Journal of Approaches 2 day, had a gut feeling it was time :)

April 18 Approach 1

Saw a HB 7.2 on the bus on my way from work she was with a guy didn’t know weather it was her boyfriend or not but didn’t give a f**k anyway a sat next 2 her asked her if I could ask her a quick question and asked for her name she smiled and told me, asked her were she was going blah blah blah blah she told me she was still at school blah blah blah and she was 16 going 17 this year, my stop came so told her it was time for me to go dropped her a complement, didn’t bother number closing and got off the bus.

P.S. the guy sitting next to here was her brother :cool: hahaha

Every Sunday I’ll be posting up my approaches for all of the week till a get 100 or over :)


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
flows101 said:
Aright yo its your boy flows woke up this morning to go 2 work and decide I’ll start my 100 Journal of Approaches 2 day, had a gut feeling it was time :)

April 18 Approach 1

Saw a HB 7.2 on the bus on my way from work she was with a guy didn’t know weather it was her boyfriend or not but didn’t give a f**k anyway a sat next 2 her asked her if I could ask her a quick question and asked for her name she smiled and told me, asked her were she was going blah blah blah blah she told me she was still at school blah blah blah and she was 16 going 17 this year, my stop came so told her it was time for me to go dropped her a complement, didn’t bother number closing and got off the bus.

P.S. the guy sitting next to here was her brother :cool: hahaha

Every Sunday I’ll be posting up my approaches for all of the week till a get 100 or over :)

Good stuff. Nice one on the approach. Keep it up all week.

lol on the brother thing....People always assume the worst. "Oh its her bf and he will brake my legs if i say hi so i wont bother".....thats fear talking.

Fvck it is the best attitude.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
double post....dam work computer


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
April 18th (16:00pm) Approach 2

Was on my to in to town to do sum shopping spotted a HB 7 sitting at the back of the bus so went and sat near her hesitated for a bit don’t know why then asked her for her name and were she was off to she was going into town as well we talked for the hole jeanery which was about 30mins did the eye contact stuff and a bit of kino (need to improve on that) anyway found out quiet a lot about her she’s a bit religious and kind of bisexual (that’s not a joke) anyway her stop came so I asked for her number and she gave it phoned her on Friday am meeting her on Monday I’ll let u know how this turns out next Sunday.

April 19th (21:00pm) Approach 3

Went bar hoping with a m8 of mine iv known for a about 8 months good lad but has no confidence anyway we go 2 this karaoke bar get a drink take a seat and chill for a bit theses other 2 guys come sit with us we get a little convo going their cool dudes anyway I see these 4 chicks sitting down near the corner of the bar HB6 HB5 HB7 HB5.5 so I get up to handle my business tell the other guys they can join me if they want they look at me like am crazy lol so anyway I go over their ask their names get a convo going for a bit, kino here an their on HB7 and HB5.5 then HB5.5 say’s she remembers me from sum where I ask were she says she doesn’t know all she knows is that she remembers my smile :) anyway my friend comes over and says he’s going so I also decide to take my leave and give HB5.5 my number then make my exist.

April 20th (20:00pm) Approach 4

Am in the same bar as yesterday don’t know how that came to be rarely ever happens with me, anyway I approach 3 women HB 5 HB 4 HB 7.7 ask for their names and if I can sit with them.
Talk to HB5 and HB4 for only 2mins and divert all my attention to HB7.9 (big mistake) get a GRATE convo going with her we sum how get to talking about sum discreet sexual stuff like female orgasms stuff like that then HB’s 5 and 4 say its time for them to go (**** Blocking Of Course) anyway HB7.9 asks me if I wanna come with them to plug (it’s a club) her friends kind of “protest” so I jus tell her maybe another time.
Didn’t get to number close.

From this experience I learnt I need to show a girls friends a bit more then 2mins worth of attention lol oh well we learn from are mistake right.

April 21st No Approach’s That Day Soz

April 22nd (13:00pm) Approach 5

Was walking though town one of those women with clip boards who try to get you to sing up with a charity or sumthing like that, approaches me she was a HB 8 she goes in to her pitch, while she’s talking about the charity I start looking at her in a lustful kind of way the kind of look that says I’d like to f*** you after about 15 seconds she stops looks at me for a while and smiles and asks how old I am I say 19 (I always say am a year older then I am) then she asks what am I doing in town I tell her am doing sum shopping then she tells me she has a 30min brake in 5mins and if I want to go for a coffee I say yeah.
We go for a coffee we talk I ask all the obvious questions we get to talking about fames actors and she asks me what 2 fames women I find most attractive didn’t know how to respond to this so jus said jessica alba and beyonce knowles and asked her the same question and she say’s she doesn’t really find any fames guys attractive or none comes to mind right now.
We chat sum more then she says she’s got to get back to work, b4 she goes I ask her if theirs a number I can reach her at and she gives me her mobile number then takes her leave.

April 22nd (17:10pm) Approach 6

Walking to the bus stop spot 2 girls sitting on a bench HB 9 and HB 6 so I make my way over their ask HB 6 if I can ask her a quick question she says yeah I ask for her name she says she doesn’t wanna tell me so I say “ok no problem” and go on my way.
I felt down for about 10mins then got back on form.

P.S. I think I need to get rejected more in order to develop a thicker skin to get to the point where I can jus shake it of in a second.

April 23rd staying home all day so I doubt I’ll be doing any approaches lol

Note: For this week coming I plan on trying to do 3 approaches a day instead of 1 or 2

Things I Need To Improve On:

1. Kino
2. C&F
3. Taking rejection better
4. Making the woman talk for longer and for me to talk less
5. Neg Hits (need try this out if I get the chance)
6. Show a girls friends a bit more attention


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
really gud job till now man. i lyk the whole ' can i ask u a quick question' thing.
one thing i wanna ask u.......r u gud-looking? coz if u r then obviously u r gonna get less first time rejections.
anyways, keep it up. sarge on....


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
April 24th (17:00pm) Approach 7

Went to this student bar was supposed to be meeting a friend he hadn’t arrived yet so I got my self a drink and took a seat saw to chicks HB 7 HB 5.5 sitting on the far end so went over was about to ask for their names then accidentally spilt some of my drink on HB 5.5 trouser I apologised and made a joke about it. We talked for a bit but I could tell they weren’t really attracted to me so I told them I had to go make a phone call and never bothered coming back.

April 24th (20:00pm) Approach 8

Was on the bus home saw a HB 5 sitting up in front so went and sat next to her asked for her name she said something under her breath don’t know what, then kept quit so just got off the bus when my stop came.

April 25th No Approaches

April 26th (16:00pm) Approach 9

Was chilling in the park saw two HB 5s sitting on the grass so I went over and asked for their names, they looked like they didn’t know what to say so I just said “do you want to tell me your name or not” in the most polite way I could and they said no then I said thanks goodbye.

April 27th (14:00pm) Approach 10

Was walking to the bakery store with my m8 saw a HB 7 walk past gave her a smile she smiled back so went straight for it asked her for her name because I thought id seen her some where before she told me. We had a 5min conversation I found out she was on probation for assault, could of number closed but decided not to.

April 28th No Approaches

(did approach 2 HB’s I use to go to school with but am not counting that as an approach because I already new them from back in the day)

April 29th No Approaches (Got lazy) :eek:

April 30th (13:00pm) Approach 11

Went to star bucks saw a HB 8 and HB 5.7 sitting down playing with these kind of mystical cards I took a seat right next to them and asked what they were playing and how it worked ended up talking to them for about 25mins could tell HB 8 found me attractive on some level since she was mirroring my actions and her body language was real open towards me. Tried to number close, she was about to enter her number in my phone then changed her mind and asked for my number instead so I gave it to her and wrote this approach of as a loss “NEEEEEXT” ;)

April 30th (14:30pm) Approach 12

Was chilling on a bench around this water fountain with my twin bro he goes and approaches 2 HBs (he’s also in on this Don Juanin stuff) I leave him to handle his business. I spot these 2 other chicks sitting near by HB 5 and 4 I go over and approach ask for their names they tell me I get a convo going, I wasn’t really interested in these girls I jus went over to talk to them for the sake of it plus I had nothing better to do so half way though the conversation I tell them I got to go and take my leave (I met up with my bro later his approach went ok)

Note: I only started getting in to this body language stuff 2 days ago and it’s been very helpful I think I should of started reading up on it before I started this journal oh well its never to late to learn something new :)

Things I Need To Improve On:

1. Kino (started doing light touches need to take this further)
2. C&F (done this only a few times worked well need to do it more)
3. Neg Hits (need to try this out this coming week)
4. Show a girls friends a bit more attention (still need to
improve on this)

P.S. From this week under no circumstances will i give girl a girl
"MY" number i will avoid this at all costs


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
May 1st No Approaches

May 2nd (12:00pm) Approach 13

Was on the bus going to a job interview these two girls come on HB 5.5 and HB 6.8 they sit next to me I can immediately tell that HB 5.5 was attracted to me because of the way she checking me out didn’t know whether to open the set or not because their was a lot of people on the bus but I got myself together and asked HB 5.5 and HB 6.8 for their names they told me I could tell both were really really nervous probably because their were so many people on the bus but we had a small conversation about their college then I ended it half way though because they weren’t giving me enough to work with (they weren’t talking enough).

May 2nd (16:30pm) Approach 14

Was chilling at the bus stop out side of a college I spot HB 7.9, for some reason I hesitate for like 4mins I have know idea why. Anyway, I go over and ask for her name she tells me I ask if she goes to this college and if its good or bad and what she thinks about it we talk for like 5mins then both are bus’s come at the same time so I tell her bye and don’t bother number closing thinking she wasn’t that attracted to me (how wrong I was) I go to get on my bus and take a seat I see her get off her bus and come on mine she asks me if this bus goes to this particular place I tell her yeah and she takes a seat at the top deck of the bus.
I didn’t realise this till I got home but she probably got on the bus I was on because she LIKED ME and wanted me to talk to her some more or even take her number because I know for a fact the bus she got on at first would have taken her to the same place and would of got there quicker “dame” oh well "NEXT" :D

May 3rd No Approaches

May 4th No Approaches

May 5th (14:00pm) Approach 15

Was chilling in the park after a hard days work :) I see two HB’s HB 7 and HB 5 I go over and ask for their names they tell me we talk for about 6mins it was going ok but I wasn’t getting any vibes from them and they weren’t giving me enough to carry on the conversation so I tell them I got to go.

May 5th (18:00pm) Approach 16

Came back to the same park I saw this HB 6 that iv seen before she works as at a club as a bar tender iv been meaning to chat her up for while so hear was my chance plus she was with a nice looking HB 8.2 I go over and ask if I know her from some where she said yeah she’s seen me at the club she works at and we talk for a bit, HB 8.2 kind of takes over the conversation by interrupting all the time so I end up talking to here for awhile throwing questions to HB 6 as well so she doesn’t get left out HB 8.2 basically talks about money and the jobs that pay the most for 10mins (boring), I can tell she’s attracted to me on some level by her body language but she hints that she has a boyfriend after that I decide to take my leave didn’t number close am looking for single hot women only.

May 6th No Approaches

Note: Didn’t get to try out my group approach experiment this week I’ll have to do it this week coming.

Note: I update this thread every sunday.

Things I Need To Improve On:

1. Kino (still doing light touches need to take this further)
2. C&F (done this only a few times worked well need to do it more)
3. Neg Hits (still need to try this out)
4. Show a girls friends a bit more attention (getting better at this but still need to
5. Approaching Groups Of More then 2 Girls (need to develop the confidence to do this)


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
May 8th Approach 17 (17:30)

Went around handing out C.V.’s today (looking for a second job :)) went in to this sports store to hand one in and spotted a HB 5.6 working near the front door so went up to her and asked if I could hand in a C.V. she said yeah and just as I was about to hand it to her I had a thought Pulled back my hand and proceeded to have a convo with her.

Mr Flows: wait one min do you mind if ask you, how is like working her

HB 5.6: oh it’s ok iv been working her for 5 months and I really enjoy it

Mr Flows: the only reason I’m asking is because when I came in you looked very bored :)

HB 5.6: ohhh noo I jus don’t like working up front I like working at the back blah blah blah

We talked about what uni she wanted to go to and some other things I can’t remember then I decided to go and said goodbye.

May 9th No Approaches

May 10th Approach 18 (14:00)

Had a day off work so I went to the park it was real sunny so loads of women were around :D anyway I was chilling with this friend I haven’t seen in a while he wanted to see if I had the guts to approach women hahaha. I then spot these two HBs sitting close by HB 6 and HB 4 I walk up, asked for their names they said what’s mine first I tell them and then they tell me theirs. We have a short convo I knew both HB’s were attracted to me but I wasn’t really interested in them so after about 10min I just said I had to get back to my friend.

May 10th Approach 19 (14:30)

My friend was still not convinced I was an aspiring don juan so he pointed out two HBs he wanted me to approach a HB 6.2 and a HB 4 the ghetto ***** type ones, he knew I would most likely get rejected hehehe I went over anyway asked HB 6.2 (should of opened HB 4 first I know) for her name and she started acting like a ***** but I still managed to get her name, I asked for HB 4s name I think she ignored me, anyway I asked HB 6.2 if I could sit with them (BIG MISTAKE should of just sat down and not asked for her approval) she said no so I carry on talking to her for a bit then half way though her speech I just walk off because she was been to hard to talk to.

May 10th Approach 20 (16:00)

Same park but by this time I was chilling with my twin bros friends. Spotted these 3 HBs HB 7.5 HB, 6.2 and HB 7.7 they were just begging to be approached haha. So I go over ask for their names they ask for mine first I tell them then they tell me theirs, I sit on the left side of HB 6.2 should of sat in the middle near my target HB 7.7, anyway I have a pretty good convo with them could tell HB 7.7 liked me probably because I wasn’t really giving her that much attention but when I would talk to her id give her my undivided attention for that short period of time, anyway half way though the convo with them things start getting a bit stale so I ask HB 7.7 if she is single she says no so I just say I got to go back to my friends and go.

May 10th Approach 21 (16:45)

Ok am still in the same park these two HBs pass HB 8.2 and HB 5 HB 8.2 had one hell of a body I just got to point that out hehe, anyway they go sit on the far side of the park near the HBs I approached 45min ago and this guy goes and hits on the HB 8.2 straight away before she even had time to adjust to her environment he gets shot down no surprise their and goes back to his friends. I wait for 5min then I go up and walk right pass HB 8.2 like she’s not even their and open up a covo with her friend HB 5 she was very happy to oblige I talked to her for about 5min then said

Mr Flows: ohh am sooo sorry is this your friend I didn’t even relies I thought she was just a loner (neg hit)

HB 5: yeah she’s my friend :)

Mr Flows: shakes hands with HB 8.2

I start talking to both of them for about another 5min I throw a couple more negs at HB 8.2 I think I took it a bit far because she started putting her self down as well in joking type way, anyway I ask HB 8.2 if she’s single she says no so I then say it was nice meeting them and go back to my friends.
I get back to my friends and their all shocked I asked them what’s up they say the girls a chatted up at 16:00 were STARING at me and looked upset I opened another set in front of them. Hahahaha

May 12th No Approaches

May 13th Approache 22 (15:00)

Did the same C.V. approach I did on the 8th on a HB 5 but just dropped the girl a compliment before I left.

May 14th Approach 23 (19:50)

I was in the cinema with my bro waiting for a film to start and two HBs a 4 and 3 sat near us I wasn’t even goner open this set but practise is practise right. I ask them what films there goner watch and some other stuff I cant remember then after awhile I look at my wrist watch and am 20min late for my film and tell them I got to go.

May 15th No Approaches

Note: Am goner stop caring whether or not theses HBs have boyfriends or not am goner take their numbers anyway

Things I Need To Improve On:

1. Dealing with girls with HIGH ***** shields
2. C&F (done this only a few times worked well need to do it more)
3. Neg Hits (only use them when I need them and not over do it)


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Why on ****ing earth didnt you # close the hb8?


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
flows101 said:
because then i was really looking for SINGLE HOT CHICKS no boyfriends but iv changed that now, now i dont give a F***
Good for you. Don't let the AFC's here tell you otherwise. If in doubt look for Crowes and Pooks posts on this. :up:


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
May 15th Approach 24 (15:00pm)
Was standing at the bus stop a HB 5.5 was standing behind so I go for a “do I know you from some where” opener she says yeah she use to go to my college :eek:, anyway we end up talking for a while and get on the same bus together. I start to notice she’s one of them rude chicks that swears a lot hehe anyway I don’t let it phase me and talk to her for a bit longer, I wasn’t goner number close, but she kind of forced me to take her number and made me promise to phone her.

May 16th No Approaches

May 17th No Approaches

May 18th No Approaches

May 19th No Approaches

May 20th Approach 25 (14:00pm)
Was at the train station waiting for a friend and a HB 6 was sitting beside me so I ask if she’s a real blond or if she’s just died her hair, she said she died it and I asked what colour it was originally and she said she didn’t know in a *****y tone (Translation: I don’t wanna talk to you) then she gets up and leaves.

May 20th Approach 26 (14:30pm)
Am still in the train station a HB 7 comes and sits besides me so I open her with the “am not from around here” speech, we talk for a while it was going great I asked who is she waiting for she says her boyfriend it didn’t phase me, anyway my friend comes and its time for me to go so I say my good byes and go on my way.

May 20th Approach 27 (16:00pm)
Went into a bar iv never been in before and spotted this cute bar tender she was about a HB 7 so I go up and tell her I'm not from around here and I was only staying for the weekend and if their was any bars she would recommend me checking out because this one was dead haha. She laughed and we talked for a bit about how long she’d been working there for her pervious jobs and some other shyt anyway her boss was looking pissed off so I told her I’ll leave her to get on with her work and went on my way.

May 20th Approach 28 (20:00pm)
Am walking past this university and I see a group of girls so I just approach and ask them about the uni and we talk for a few mins they weren’t that good looking so I just end up going on my way.

May 21st No Approaches

Note: This week was tuff had a lot of things to sort out college work and stuff so I didn’t really have time to do as many approaches as could of but am still proud of myself because I used different openers id never used before and they worked pretty well :D

Things I Need To Improve On:

1. Dealing with girls with HIGH ***** shields
2. C&F (done this only a few times worked well need to do it more)
3. Number Closing
4. Focusing more on having fun when I approach


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
LOL what's really cracking me up is your ratings.............. "Was chilling at the bus stop out side of a college I spot HB 7.9" "HB 8.2 kind of takes over the conversation "

7.9, 8.2, you must have your rating system down to a science. Well at least you are realistic, mentioning all the 4's and 5's that you are approaching too. Alot of guys on here think every girl is an HB 9 lol.


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
nice job there, but please PLEASE use punctuation!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
flows101 said:
May 15th Approach 24 (15:00pm)
Was standing at the bus stop a HB 5.5 was standing behind so I go for a “do I know you from some where” opener she says yeah she use to go to my college :eek:, anyway we end up talking for a while and get on the same bus together. I start to notice she’s one of them rude chicks that swears a lot hehe anyway I don’t let it phase me and talk to her for a bit longer, I wasn’t goner number close, but she kind of forced me to take her number and made me promise to phone her.
NEVER, Ever give your number to a chick. 99% of the time she will not call you. :down:

Me: whats your number ?
Hb8: Naw, I'll rather have yours
Me: how about no....
Me: give me your number
Hb8: ( looks at me with a stupid look )
Me: you have 2 choices
Me: give me your number or I get up and leave
Me: ( gets up and leaves )


Me: whats your number
Hb8: naw, I'll rather have yours
Me: how about no
Me: give me your number
Hb8: gives me her number

Women do this because they wanna test you or play mind games.

My point:


Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
This is a goodm read and you seem to be be pretty confident. I just noticed one issue. You seem to avoid #closing alot of the time. If the convo is going well then you should always #close even if you don't really want the no., atleast you know whether she was genuinly intrested in you or just being friendly. After all I'm guessing it's your long term goal to start dating some of these girls. Try it and tell us waht happens!


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
yeah amigu your right iv been avioding it these pass few weeks thats why i made number closeing one of my goals for these coming weeks so i can get into the fibe of it.

Blackdragon5095 i didnt give the girl my number (i never give a girl my number these days hehe) she gave me her's, she really wanted mine but i told her "i don't have a phone at the moment" :D so she just wrote her's for me.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
Note: I Didn’t do no approaches from the 28th May to the 26th of May because I had exams to focus on, flow’s life comes before any woman :)

May 27th Approach 29 (20:00pm)
Was in a bar spotted 3 HB’s HB 6, HB 7 and HB 5.5 decided to approach them just to warm up went over and opened by saying I didn’t come from around their so what bars or clubs they think I should check out we talked for about 5min I could tell they warrant really then the convo turned kind of dry so I just ended it.

May 27th Approach 30 (20:35pm)
Different bar same opener LOL. saw 2 HB’s HB 7 and HB 6 surrounded by 4 guys I decided to approach just to help build my confidence. I open the set they say their not from around the area as well so they don’t know any good bars or clubs I started talking to HB 7 and 6 asking them where they where from blah blah then when I asked how they knew each other one of the guys starts AMOGing me then the other 3 join in I tried my best to counter attack but after a couple minutes I got sick of the AMOGs interrupting my convo with the HBs so I just made my exist.

May 27th Approach 31 (21:40pm)
Different bar same opener again LOL. Saw a HB 5 sitting by her self, went over and talked to her for about 6mins then her boyfriend comes and tells me to get out his seat (in a polite way of course), I ended up talking to the both of them for a bit the guy was actually real cool.

May 27th Approach 32 (22:00pm)
I see 2 HBs HB 8 and HB 7 sitting down on the coach near me I open with the same one iv been using all night we talk for a few minutes they say their not from around the area as well but said I should check out this one club they recommended after about 15min of convo HB8 actually started trying to build a time bridge so we could meet up the next day, so we could meet up again but I didn’t realise this.

HB 8: are you here for the weekend
Flows: yeah, am up here for 2 days
HB 7: so are we
HB 8: well HB 7 and me are going to this club 2moz and it’s really great there, this fames D.J. is playing. Do you like that kind of music (HUGE SMILE)
Flows: yeah I don’t mind it

I totally missed the hint she dropped me LOL anyway my phone rings so I got to go to a quit bit of the bar to take the call I must of talked on the phone for about 20min my the time I came back the HBs had left.

May 28th Approach 33 (2:00am)
Saw a HB 9 and a HB 7 sitting down near the dance floor I go over and ask them why the aint dancing HB 9 tells me (cant remember what she said), anyway I tell them I think their boring and go back to the dance floor 5min later they come to the dance floor as well and start dancing so I go over and “ohhhhh so your not boring after all” with cheeky smile :D and HB 9 brushes me off so I jus say f**k it and go back to doing my own thing.

May 28th No Approaches

Things I Need To Improve On:

1. Dealing with girls with HIGH ***** shields
2. C&F (done this only a few times worked well need to do it more)
3. Number Closing (Really need to start doing this)
4. Focusing more an having fun when I approach
5. Using Negs only when I need to
6. Focus more on what these women are REALLY saying
7. Need to start going on a sunday
Last edited:

Inc. ©

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
flows101 said:
Note: I Didn’t do no approaches from the 28th May to the 2nd of June because I had exams to focus on, flow’s life comes before any woman :)
WTF??? It's not even May 28th yet...you have time-warped!!