flows101 Journal of Approaches started on April 18th 2006


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score
my god

My god. That is so many god damn approaches. wow twenty. I dont think I have dont that many in my life.

And most of them turned out to be no go's. Does that mean that we have to try just as hard or even harder and keep on approaching people.

Thats ridiculous. How is somebody ever supposed to meet anybody when girls expect the guys to do all the approaching and then reject them in the meanest possible way. Then they complain why they are lonely or why its so hard to find guys.

this blows...I think I will just forget women and get rich and just hire hookers cuz cu&t is never worth all this BS and Headache or at least to me.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
flows i applaud you for having the balls toapproach so many different sets of girls...thats the hardest part

BUT, you haven't got anywhere with any of 'em! You need to either a) get the number or, ideally b) isolate and then take it from there, rather than ejecting with a nothing but a new accquaintance, know what I mean?


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
May 29th No Approaches

May 30th Approach 34 (16:00pm)
Was on my way home from work, was walking past a bus stop and spotted to HB’s, HB 5 and HB 4 I walk right to them and asked for directions, then I moved the conversation to night clubs and where they went out to on a week ends, could tell HB 5 was into me (been reading up on body language a lot lately ) but I guess I wasn’t really into her so after about 10mins I said my good byes and went on my way.

May 30th Approach 35 (18:00pm)
Was on the bus home and a HB 7.2 got on and sat on the far right hand side of me so I opened up a conversation with her about how the traffic was horrible at this time anyway 5min into the convo she asks me how old I am I said you first she said 15 :eek: (This girl looked 19) I was like naw your f***ing with me then she shows me her passport then am like oh ok so you ARE 15 am 18, I talk to her till my stop comes and take my leave.

May 31st No Approaches

June 1st No Approaches

June 2nd Approach 36 (14:00pm)
Was chilling in the park with my twin bro and 2 of our other mates, a bunch of girls walk past us HB 8 HB 7.4 HB 4 and HB 7 and sit down near by I wasn’t really doing much so I figure let me go over after 3min just to let them settle in, anyway I approach and asked for their names.

Mr Flows: hey umm excuse me girls I just saw you from over their and you look like a real interesting bunch what’s your names.
HB 8: what yours first
Mr Flows: Flows
HB 7.4: HB 7.4
Mr Flows: nice to meet you HB 7.4 (I shake her hand and do same with the others)
Mr Flows: so what, are all you girls on your lunch brake, what do you work as
HB 8: beauty therapists and yeah were on are lunch brake

I fluff talk to the group for a while then I go into the jealous girlfriend routine (never done it before)

HB 8: I’d tell him to throw all those things away
Mr Flows: ohhh so my assumptions about you where right you are the jealous type :)
HB 8: no no I just don’t think a guy would need all that stuff to remind him of his ex’s if he was with me
Mr Flows: oh is that right and whys that what makes you special :D

She starts talking for about 8 or 10mins about why she’s special and unique blah blah she was basically trying to sell her self to me LOL then HB 7.4 interrupts her and asks me

HB 7.4: why was it only you that approached us and none of your mate’s
HB 8: he’s probably the only with enough confidence
Mr Flows: naw the other guys just don’t find you girls that attractive :D
HB 7.4: oooo your RUDE :)

Anyway at the end I really wanted HB 8s number, so I go for it and just as she’s putting her number into my phone HB 4 **** blocks by saying “don’t you have a boyfriend HB 8”, then HB 8 gives me back my phone and says yeah I got a boyfriend in a real disappointing tone. so I say ok nice meeting you all and take my leave.

P.S. though out all this I WAS talking to the other girls from time to time but HB 4 from the beginning was being the *****iest.

June 2nd Approach 37 (15:30pm)
Am still chilling in the park with my boys a HB 8.8 walks past and sits down on the other side of the park I go straight over and ask for her name she tells me, I then realise she’s like 35 years old.

Mr Flows: oh you looked much younger when you where walking past I thought you where 20 or something along them lines
HB 35 years old: hehe thanks am actually am waiting for my husband
Mr Flows: anyway it was nice talking to you bye.

June 3rd Approach 38 (17:00pm)
It was another sunny day so I was chilling in the park again, as I was about to leave I see 2 HB’s HB 6 and 5 I go up and open them we talk for about 3mins and HB 5 is really **** BLOCKING hard core, HB 6 was a bit more open but was still kind of taking orders from her friend so I just take my leave.

June 4th No Approaches

Things I Need To Improve On:

1. Dealing with girls with HIGH ***** shields
2. C&F (done this only a few times worked well need to do it more)
3. Number Closing (need to start doing this every time)
4. Focusing more an having fun when I approach
5. Using Negs only when I need to


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
No Approaches from the 5th of june till the 8th

On the 9th of june i went out to my m8s party and went all out, it was a pretty good night but am not goner write every approach i did that would take to long and cant really remember some of them, but I did write a quick FR so enjoy. :D

This is my first written FR it might seem long but it’s actually just a quick over view of night.

P.S. Please leave your thoughts and comments.

Me and my twin brother (Seta) got to Leeds about 7:00; we’d only been once before so we didn’t know the city that well. Anyway we were hungry and Spyki’s party started at 8:00 so we went around looking for a KFC store it took us at least 45mins before we found one :( anyway we order our food and take a seat and start devouring the pieces of chicken on the plate.
We ended up been late to Spyki (party we got there about 9:00) I think the party was already looking pretty good the girls were out numbering the boys :D about 3 to 1 and we knew it’d get better later, so me and seta just went to the bar to get a class of water Spyki comes over and greats us thanks us for coming and tells us there’s goner be another party similar to this on Monday, but in the brand new upper half of the bar I asked if any other members of carpepm had arrived yet he said he “didn’t think so” but knew for shore Q-Pid was coming he actually gave him a call and pass me the phone. I went out side to talk to him because the music was loud as F**k, told him how the party was going he said when he gets there he’ll wing me in to every set hahaha :cool: since he knows most of the people anyway, when I get back to the party, I see my brother, and dude’s already in a set I’m like “DAM”. I go back to the bar to get another glass of water immediately my eyes land on 3 HB’s sitting at the far end of the bar I’ll call them HB: Confidante HB: Red and HB: Green Dress.

HB: Green Dress flashes me a smile, I smile back and before I know it there getting up and coming to the bar towards me they take a seat on the left side of me and start talking amongst them self’s I open them with “so how do the all of you know Spyki”, we go into a long convo which I cant remember, anyway I found HB: Confidante the most attractive so I start gaming her I leave from time to time to go work on the other 2 sets I opened while talking to them, but when I leave and come back the 3rd time HB: Green Dress says “what you doing back, were not interested in you no more, but you can stay if you buy us a drink”.(**** test).so I go to the bar tender and say “hey mate can you get these 3 lovely girls here 3 glass’s of tap water with ice on me” they all start punching in a playfully and say "that’s not what they meant”, anyway they keep bugging me for drinks so I leave them to go to work on the other 2 sets iv already opened, to cut a long story short when Q-Pid arrives he tells me the D.J. playing tonight is HB: Confidant’s girlfriend and I’m on a friendly basis with the dude so I immediately stop gaming her. Seta liked HB: Green Dress, so he kind of took over where I left off.

Q-Pid takes me around the bar introducing me to people, he introduces me to this HB, says she’s real smart and stuff so lets call her HB: smart Q-Pid leaves me and HB: smart alone to talk for about 20mins, and I tell her I’d like to hook up next time I’m in Leeds on a night out, and ask for her number. She gives it.
Went to the bar to get another glass of water and the bar tender tells me no more water that I should buy alcohol or he wont serve me. I knew he was f***ing about LOL, anyway as I'm walking past Q-Pid wings me into this set he’s talking to then seems to vanish some where, anyway I end up dancing with the HB: 6.8 he had just introduced me to.
We dance for awhile then I go to kiss her and she complies, after 10mins she ends up trying to kiss me every minute so I figure, let me tease her so I would let her kiss me twice, then pull back, when she tried for a third, I kept doing this, making it more and more intense sometimes I’d pull back 3 times in a row before letting her kiss me again eventually she goes.

HB 6.8: you keep pulling back alot when I try to kiss you.

Mr Flows: well truth is I don’t want you to think am to easy, plus usually most girls buy me with drinks before they get to kiss me, so you should count your self lucky.

HB 6.8: ohhh, well you should of told me told me that before, I would of bought you the whole bar.

MR flows: hahaha nah, one drink would be enough, I can’t have you getting me drunk and taking me home, what would my friends think.

Then she asks me what drink I would like a Smirnoff ice and she goes to the bar and comes back with a glass of something for her self, and my free drink, anyway as I start dancing with I her realise something as I look around I see my twin bro seta kissing HB Green Dress and Q-Pid is sitting down at the far end of the bar with HB: Red on top of him and sticking her tongue down his throat, eventually HB 6.8 has to leave, I get her number before she goes give her a passionate leave kiss and walk over to chill with Q-Pid.
My bro is still gaming HB: Green Dress, but her HB: Red friend goes up and starts **** blocking by going over and kissing her friend (she was **** blocking with style :)) so Q-Pid went over to help him out eventually both girls ended up sitting with us and HB: Confidant joins us as well, anyway HB: Red leans over Q-Pid and starts makein out with HB: Green Dress and HB: confidant just looks on with i smile on her face. LOL :cool:
The rest is a blur I think eventually they just got up and started dancing again.
I can see this FR getting pretty long so let me finish off at the end of the night Q-Pid got 3 number closes and 1 kiss close. I got 3 number close’s and a kiss close as well (weird) and Seta (my twin bro) got 2 number close’s and a kiss close, Spyki’s in a relationship so enjoyed being with his girl LOL :cool: after the party got dry we left to go some where else but didn’t LOL most OF the guys went home so me and Seta found that sports bar that Q-Pid took us to first time we came to Leeds and waited it out till are coach came.

“Special thanks to Spyki for organising the night” :cool:

By the end of the night i did about 7 approaches all togther.

June 10th No Approaches
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Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
June 17th Approach 46 (21:00)

Ok one of my girl friends well lets call her HB friend invited me to this BBQ at her social club, So I go, and of course loads of her lovely lady friends where their as well, so I immediately get started on a warm up set and approach 2 HB’s who look bored out their minds HB 7 and HB 6.2.

Mr flows: hey you look like an interesting bunch how do you know HB friend
HB 7: blah blah blah use to go school together
HB 6.2: how do you know her?
Mr flows: I met her though a friend of mine a while back

I fluff talk with them for a bit longer then decide to move on because these girls didn’t seem to want to be very responsive.

June 17th Approach 47 (21:30)

The BBQ was getting kind of boring so I just decide to go in to the dance hall bit of the social club where a DJ was playing some music, I decide to approach this huge group of guys and girls just for the hell of it (my confidence has improved that much). I opened the guys first asking them what team they thought would win the world cup we get into a heated debate about it I eventually leave the guys to argue amongst them self’s and go about opening the girls, I open all 4 of them, and did the jealous girl friend opener just to see if it would work. It went ok, but HB 8 out of the set thought I was talking about my self LOL anyway I start to focus my attention on her a bit more since she seemed to be the only one with out a boyfriend.

Mr flows: so HB 8 how would you rate yourself from 1 to 10 when it comes to dancing.
HB 8: I think am a 10 naw hehe jus kidin am about an 8.5
Mr flows::rolleyes: (grabs her hand) come dance with me and I’ll be the judge of that
HB 8; noooo way, no one else is dancing
Mr flows; ok then be a wimp :D and here I was thinking you where the confidant type

From this point onwards I just kind of freeze her out and start talking to her friends she starts getting a bit jealous she eventually grabs my hand and drags me to the dance floor, we dance for about 20mins then I take her out side to the back of the social club and we sit down and fluff talk for a bit I playfully neg her a few times (nothing to serious) then ask her about her hopes and dreams and I tell her a couple of DHV stories, as am just about to go in for the kiss her friends come over (DAM) and say that they’ve got to go so I just take her number and she gives me a kiss on the cheek as she’s about to leave she stops and says that she’s having a party in about 2 weeks and that am invited and she pulls a leaflet out of her pocket and pass’s it to me it has the name, time and addi of the club she’s having the party at on it. :cool:

June 23rd Approach 48 (22:00)
I decided to meet up with an aspiring PUA to go out sarging with. The first bar we went to I immediately spotted 2 HB’s, HB 7 and HB 40 years old. I went over, and opened up with an opinion opener we fluffed talked for about ten minutes, after a while I noticed they were beginning to lose interest so I decided to bail.

June 23rd Approach 49 (22:10)
As I was chilling outside the bar leaning over the balcony, I spotted 2 HB’s from afar one looked like a HB 8 and the other a HB 4. I asked the new PUA if he wanted to open the set with me he said yeah, so we went over there. As I opened the set I released the HB 8 is really a HB 5. We talked to them for a bit then their boyfriends came over, so we decided to bail.

June 23rd Approach 50 (23:45)
I’m waiting at the bustop for my last bus, a HB 6.6 is standing in front of me, I open her and ask her how long she’s been waiting for she says about 30mins, we go into a conversation about how bad the bus service is, Then I ask her what she does for a living, she says “she’s a social worker” I ask her what she enjoys about it, then some how we get into a conversation about antisocial kids, anyway I decide to change the convo to something more positive we talk about hobbies and what she does for fun, her bus then arrives, I tell her we should meet up sometime and get to know each other better, then ask if theirs a number I can reach her at, and she gives it.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
learning process

L777 said:
flows i applaud you for having the balls toapproach so many different sets of girls...thats the hardest part

BUT, you haven't got anywhere with any of 'em! You need to either a) get the number or, ideally b) isolate and then take it from there, rather than ejecting with a nothing but a new accquaintance, know what I mean?
yeah i just started this about 3 months ago before that i was an AFC for 18 years its not easy for one to just break those bad habbits, its all a learning process for me, as you can see iv come a long way and am doing all those things now getting numbers AND isolateing.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
dont take it personally!

ssj245 said:
My god. That is so many god damn approaches. wow twenty. I dont think I have dont that many in my life.

And most of them turned out to be no go's. Does that mean that we have to try just as hard or even harder and keep on approaching people.

Thats ridiculous. How is somebody ever supposed to meet anybody when girls expect the guys to do all the approaching and then reject them in the meanest possible way. Then they complain why they are lonely or why its so hard to find guys.

this blows...I think I will just forget women and get rich and just hire hookers cuz cu&t is never worth all this BS and Headache or at least to me.
NEVER once have i been really rejected in a mean way as you will see if you read my journal 96% of women you do approach are real nice about it if they do reject you, the thing is to not take it personally because these women do not know you and yes i have approached a few women and gotten know numbers but i am just learning a new type of art (seduction) and that takes time to master like most great art forms ;)


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
FR: Another Day in The city of STEEL!

Ok so today I decided to go out and do a couple street approaches since I haven’t done any in a long while because iv been trying to improve on my bar and club game.

At 2:30pm I met up with one of the guys I work with so I could pass him back a DVD he borrowed me, he said he had a couple hours of free time and if he could chill with me I said yeah, as we were walking past StarBucks I spotted two HB’s, a 8 and 7 trough the window at first I wasn’t goner go in there and open the set because I didn’t know how good this guys game was but the urge was far to strong so I just went for it anyway. I went in and opened with a direct opener (I get better results with them when doing day time approaches then with the indirect ones).

Mr Flows: hey ladies I was just walking past and you caught my sight… You look like an interesting pair, I come here often and iv never seen you here before how often do you come here.

HB 8: quite a lot actually (*****y tone)

Mr Flows: do you mind if I take a seat next to you girls (I sit down next to HB 7 before they can give me an answer and tell my friend to sit next to HB 8)

Mr Flows: So if you don’t mind me asking are you girls in college or uni

HB 7: yeah were both in uni am studying blah blah blah she’s studying blah blah blah

I talk to HB 7 for a few mins while my work mate just stares at HB 8 for 2mins before asking for her name lol.
HB 7 and me are having a pretty good convo I could tell she was the REAL shy type of girl so I just went kind of slow, after about 4mins of convo she was really starting to open up then HB 8 (my target) been the one used to getting all the attention starts to **** block.
My work mate wasn’t really doing a great job with her, I decide to turn my attention to her, first thing I do is use MMs fake or real nails neg after a few more lighter negs and a bit of C/F she starts really opening up, she throws a couple **** tests at me (e.g.: telling me to buy her a coffee) I pass them, by now I didn’t wanna over stay my welcome so I number close HB 8 and take my leave.

Me and work mate make are way to the park where everybody goes when its hot in the city of STEEL. On are way their he keeps asking me how I was able to get that chicks number I give him a 10min crash course in pick up so he can stop bugging me.

Anyway as we where on are way to the park we walk past a HB 7.2 and she looked really “SAD” so I told my work mate to just meet me at the park and went over to go talk her.

Mr Flows: hey excuse me I was walking past and I couldn’t help but notice you look real Sad… and its like the hottest day of the year so far.

HB 7.2: lol am not sad iv just been stood up by my mate that’s all.

I tell her today’s he lucky day then because now that gives her a chance to get know the her new best friend “ME” she just laughs at this for a while, we start talking I do a couple C/F lines here and their we talk for about 15mins then the convo kind of starts to die so I just decide to quickly number close and bounce (leave).

I make my way to the park and theirs no sign of my work mate he probably chipped (left), anyway I decide to open a couple sets in the park, after the 3rd set I spot 3 HBs HB 9, 6 and 5 I never picked them up on my raider before, they probably came when I was preoccupied in another set, anyway I go over to try to open HB 5 the least attractive one and I get blown out straight away “hahaha” at first I couldn’t understand it but after a while I figure it was because the set had a real HIGH energy level but I didn’t really take note of this before I approached meaning I had a much lower energy level than I should off when I tried to open the set (plus it was a real HOT day anyway and I was beginning to feel lazy)

After about 2 more sets and 1 HB 6.5 number close I decide to make my home.
At the bus stop I see HBs 6 and 7, I open with a direct opener and in the middle of the convo I just decide to try out some new techniques iv never done before, by the end of it they where both really into me so HB 7try’s to disqualify HB 6 by saying “don’t you have a boyfriend” (girls can be mean lol) HB 6 gives her the most dirtiest look “hahaha”, anyway their bus arrives so I quickly number close HB 7 and she also takes my number as well.


Don’t really have much to say here but “It was another beautiful sunny day in the city of STEEL”

Aproaches Done: 7
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Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
By the way i stoped this journal for awhile because i felt as if i had gaind from it what i needed, but am goner be finishing it off just because i dont like to leave things i do half finished :cool: its not my style :up: i'll start posting up new appraoches again from the 14/08/06 :up: yeah and by the way one of the other reasons i stoped was because i ended up going out with HB 8 coffe shop for awhile ;) plus i had some personal business that needed sorting out.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Good job my man. Keep it up.


HB 7.4: why was it only you that approached us and none of your mate’s
HB 8: he’s probably the only with enough confidence
Mr Flows: naw the other guys just don’t find you girls that attractive
HB 7.4: oooo your RUDE
lmao :crackup:

That's a neg if I ever saw it. Too bad some ****-blocking b!tch ruined it for you.