Quick story, I was at a club with a friend and I approached two HBs. My friend got the HB9, and I got the HB8's phone number. At the end of the night, I even gave her my card. So I call her and she doesn't pick up...You know what I???? NOT A DAMN THING! I deleted her number and got new 3 numbers within a couple days...4 days later, she begs my friend to try to get me to call her again...But have I? Heck no!
I've already moved on to my next set of prospects. You gotta respect your time and value as a man. If she really wanted to talk, she would've called me already! See, dating gets easier once you respect yourself. and plus, my friend is dating her friend so she knows why I never called. I already made the first reach towards her...she must reach back for me to get interested in her again.
dating is a lot like sales. If you arrange a meeting time with a prospect and they don't show up, you move on to the next prospect. Show your time is VALUABLE! Think about it...if the salesman keeps contacting the uninterested prospect, he and his family will starve!!!!
A valuable man takes everything in stride. You can't worry about the girls that aren't interested b/c you are neglecting the girls that are.
Please get used to people becoming disinterested. it doesn't matter. When one woman leaves out the door, another comes running in. Do not be her friend b/c she already lost respect for you.
Remember...you're always selling (approaching new women).