flakey women


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
I was just curious to see what you guys thought about playing along with women's "games". I mean should I just totally absolutely not participate in these tests?

Like an example: I have been kinda dating this girl for about three weeks now. I mean I would not see her everyday, maybe three days during the week and some on the weekends. And I never got anywhere other than a kiss. No big deal to me.

Well Sunday she called one of my friends (who is dating my girls best friend) and tells him that she don't think things are working out between us and that she thinks that I am too "clingy". And honestly I think I was kinda being a little to pushy. So my friend tells her that she should call me and try to work it out.

So she does call me about 30 minutes later. But she says absolutely nothing about me being to clingy or anything negative at all. She just wants to know what I am doing. So I figured I wasn't gonna take anything off of her and I call her back and tell that I think that me and her should be friends and no more. And she says that thats fine because she hasn't really gotten over her past relationship with this guy that treats her like hell.

But today, she calls me and asks me to call her back about 10:30 and act like I want to meet her so she can avoid this situation with someone else. Like using me as an excuse to leave. Should I do it? I think I'm gonna try see how she reacts to me ignoring her and not giving into her.

A part of me wants to kinda play along for while and act like I still kinda care about her some so I can get my sticks in, but also a part of me wants to just not fool with her at all.



Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
don't call her, if she said you are clingy then you already messed this one up. Somewhere along the lines things got stale. did you try to do anything more than kiss her in those 3 weeks?


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Well yeah I tried a couple of times to make sexual advances, but she always said that she is afraid to have sex to early in a relationship, because of her past. But I think I'm just gonna pretty much ignore her and move on. I mean she may not ever call me, but if she does, I'm gonna be too busy to talk. plain and simple


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
it's highly likely she was testing your resolve and intelligence when she said she was afraid to have sex to early. A girl often wants to be convinced, not directly with logic of course, but with your body language and presence, that its safe to have sex. its kind of hard to tell by the few details you give. but you're making the right choice to forget about her.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
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well see this girl, has had a past reputation as a kind of wreckless, and she might have been around a few times. But I know people that know her better than I do and they said that she needs a good guy to actually care about her. But I really don't know. She is really pretty and has a great personality and she is someone who I would like to be with, but also I'm kinda thinking that in the long run she will just try and screw me over. The other day she told me that she hasn't completely gotten over her old "crush" and stuff, and her old "crush" is somebody that I know and we're kinda buddies. Plus their is no doubt in my mind that if he called her up, that she would meet him and let him do whatever he wanted. But its hard for me right now to think that he could have her and I can't, so I guess that best thing for me to do is get her off of my mind and stop calling her. I mean i would be satisfied if we were friends with benefits, you know, just anything as long as I could get to be with her. So I'm not sure...but you say to use body language and everytime I would go down to unbuckkle her belt and unzip her pants she would stop me. And it just confuses the hell out of me..


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
i get where you are coming from man. when i say body language im trying to convey that you should be subtle. its a dance you have to learn. i think that you like this girl too much though, and are putting her on a pedestal. oh, don't listen to the other people about how she needs a caring guy. watch behavior and not talk. she wants a man who is a man, who will ignore her to do his own thing if needed. keep reading on here, keep experimenting, you'll start realizing what you need to do


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
oh just to point this out, you made yourself too avaliable... i bet her ex rarely calls her.