One thing that realized is that when it comes to dating, attraction, DJing, etc., atrracting girls depends on what "type" you are. For example, you have your skater girls who like skater guys, girls who like jock/athletic types. Nerdy/dorky girls who go for nerdy/dorky guys. White guys who dress hip hop seem to attract white girls who like white hip style guys. There are girls who seem to like preppy types, fratboy types,. You have black hiphop/thugish guys who speak a certain way that attract black girls. You get the idea. Most guys fit into a niche or catergory that they're comfortable with and if their game is even halfway decent they'll at least get a girl here and there. One of my dorm mates is the perfect example. His game is actually pretty weak, he's not manly at all, very boyish and i've heard him say some corny crap around girls. But he fits into the catergory that some girlish/middle schoolish type girls go for.
My problem is that I don't seem to fit into any catergory. I'm a black dude but I don't really dress hip hop. No baggy jeans, no timbs, no du rags. My style is kind of like tiger woods, very proper nothing baggy. I speak proper english, I rarely use slang. I've been told that I don't sound "white" or "black." It makes it hard to attract black girls because I don't have that music video rapper look that a lot go for now. It's hard to attract white girls, not necessarily because I'm black(although it's the case with some) but because I don't fit their type.
I think it has a lot to do with the fact that my parents are from Ghana(West Africa) so I was raised a lot different than most black Americans.
It seems to make girls uncomfortable when they can't catergorize you into a certain type so they don't give me a chance. Does anyone else have this problem? Any other Africans raised in America? I welcome and respect all opinions.
My problem is that I don't seem to fit into any catergory. I'm a black dude but I don't really dress hip hop. No baggy jeans, no timbs, no du rags. My style is kind of like tiger woods, very proper nothing baggy. I speak proper english, I rarely use slang. I've been told that I don't sound "white" or "black." It makes it hard to attract black girls because I don't have that music video rapper look that a lot go for now. It's hard to attract white girls, not necessarily because I'm black(although it's the case with some) but because I don't fit their type.
I think it has a lot to do with the fact that my parents are from Ghana(West Africa) so I was raised a lot different than most black Americans.
It seems to make girls uncomfortable when they can't catergorize you into a certain type so they don't give me a chance. Does anyone else have this problem? Any other Africans raised in America? I welcome and respect all opinions.