Fighting Bullies TIPS thread


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
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words are not worth getting either yourself or others hurt. if they want to run their mouths then let them. at most run your mouth back until they attempt to swing. bullies TRY to get you to swing first, then they can use that as an excuse to beat you up. doing so only falls into their trap and proves nothing. you need to learn that in life you may have to listen to the bull**** of others, but you cannot automatically try to fight with anyone who tries to get under your skin.

seriously, if you knock someone out for calling you names YOU look like the greater of two evils and YOU become the bad guy. is it worth it?


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
Hair stylist said: you could not.
I see someone has a keen sense of satire


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
DJVladdy said:
YOUR SOCIAL STATUS will be called "b1tch" or "punk", or "homo"... you pick the word you like - IF you allow random idiots push you around like a chump.
Agreed. Public school is a lot like prison in this regard.

I worked a sales job with a guy who had just gotten out of a very rough state prison. He grew up in East St Louis very poor and got into smoking crack as a teenager, then got into robbing houses to fund the habit. He said he always picked out cops to rob, which I found funny. He said they always had guns, and guns always sell. After doing this for years, he eventually got snitched on and went to jail. He was a little guy, maybe 5' 6" and 125 pounds, and not of a violent nature as a person. In jail, he made the mistake of loaning some money to another inmate who did not pay him back. Instead, the guy who owed him started talking a lot of sh!t about how he was a pushover and easy prey. My friend said it got to the point where the gangs were about to start intimidating him into paying 'rent,' which is extortion money to not get beaten up. So one day, he caught the guy alone in a hallway, and before the guy could even turn around, he smashed him over the head with a mop wringer and proceeded to attempt to beat him to death with it. If you have ever held one of those big mop wringers, they are heavy and make a decent weapon. The guy got knocked out right away and my friend fvcked him up badly. When my friend got back from his two weeks in solitary, the guy he beat up showed up that day at his cell, still black and blue all over from the beating, with every cent of the money he owed him, gave it to him, and they never said another word to each other. No one at that prison, which is full of murderers, rapists, and street gangs, ever harassed the little guy again.

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
Agreed. Public school is a lot like prison in this regard.

I worked a sales job with a guy who had just gotten out of a very rough state prison. He grew up in East St Louis very poor and got into smoking crack as a teenager, then got into robbing houses to fund the habit. He said he always picked out cops to rob, which I found funny. He said they always had guns, and guns always sell. After doing this for years, he eventually got snitched on and went to jail. He was a little guy, maybe 5' 6" and 125 pounds, and not of a violent nature as a person. In jail, he made the mistake of loaning some money to another inmate who did not pay him back. Instead, the guy who owed him started talking a lot of sh!t about how he was a pushover and easy prey. My friend said it got to the point where the gangs were about to start intimidating him into paying 'rent,' which is extortion money to not get beaten up. So one day, he caught the guy alone in a hallway, and before the guy could even turn around, he smashed him over the head with a mop wringer and proceeded to attempt to beat him to death with it. If you have ever held one of those big mop wringers, they are heavy and make a decent weapon. The guy got knocked out right away and my friend fvcked him up badly. When my friend got back from his two weeks in solitary, the guy he beat up showed up that day at his cell, still black and blue all over from the beating, with every cent of the money he owed him, gave it to him, and they never said another word to each other. No one at that prison, which is full of murderers, rapists, and street gangs, ever harassed the little guy again.
(great story lol)

Exactly . Thats why we gotta stop bully before they can ruin our lifes.

I know guys ( i swear that i do ) that have zero confidence since they got bullied all the time .

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
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Triple T said:
Think about it, if girls(or anybody) sees some big guy pushing a little guy around and TRYING to make fun of him...what do you think they will think of the bullly?
They won't like him at all, just ignore the bully and he'll soon leave.

If you get bullied in front of girls your confidence will drop . Dont let motherfvckers put you down in front of ladies :box:

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
smoothtalker72 said:
you have to realize that fighting never solves anything. seriously, violence only brings on more violence. if you start a fight with him its almost sure to escalate into something that you hadn't foreseen, for example. he and his friends may decide to jump you one day. or they could see you alone somewhere and beat the living **** out of you or even worse.
getting beaten up isnt even the worst of the problems that could rise from that, you could be arrested simply because you couldnt control yourself or the situation. fighting should be used as a last resort, i agree with the last guy, dont throw a punch unless they do first. im not saying you have to be HIT first, im saying watch for signs that they are going to swing and take action to avoid and counter. little things like clenched fists can tell you when someone is about to strike.
If you beat him once for good , he wont even imagine to jump on you .

Quiksilver said:
I've been in two school yard fights. Legit fights, where blood was flowing and knuckles were bloodied.

I'll share this wisdom now:

If you aren't looking for a fight, and are willing to get out of one, there's exceptional odds that you'll avoid it. You might get a thrill from being in a fight, but having to pay for the other kids' dental plan isn't what I'd call exciting.

There's other ways to show you're a 'tough guy'. Join a rough sport, football or rugby or lacrosse come to mind. When you're playing rough sports all the time, your desire to get in a fight will diminish.

I have no compunctions against knocking a guys teeth down his throat, but to get to that stage isn't easy, and I don't have enough respect for most 'thugs' to waste energy on them either.

If you want to fight, join the army... Petty civilian scuffles make everyone involved look bad.

Fight when it really matters. When your girl is getting beaten over the head by one of her Exs... When your mom is getting beaten by her 'boyfriend'... When your daughter is getting attacked by some dork... When your son is getting gang beaten... When your friend is getting attacked in an alley...

Yeah learn how to fight for sure, but as I said above, I don't have respect for most people who I 'disagree' with to bother fighting them. I made a promise to myself that the next fight I'm in will end with the other person having brain damage.

Do you know what that does? It places a real value on fighting for me. I won't get in another meaningless fight, and when I do, it's for real.

Give yourself a value system... What are you willing to get in a fight over?
Yea man youre right . But im not talking about WHEN YOU WANT TO FIGHT .
Im talking about when someone bully you all day every day . When they beat your ass everyday . Thats when you have to fight back . Not for fun .


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
in highschool most dont get beat up and leave it at that. most of the time they want revenge. revenge can be a number of things. they could catch you alone one day and beat the hell out of you with a group of friends, they could catch you off guard and beat you senseless, or they could even plan to rob you.
violence only leads to more violence. hell in most cases when girls see you getting picked on they feel bad for you and even come to your defence. some may see that as being a ***** but if thats the case rather than resorting to fight seek to diffuse the situation through words. make them look as stupid as they really are. if that doesnt work and they try to swing on you then you have a reason to fight back and you dont look like the bad guy.
high school is really nothing like prison. most of the guys who try to bully you in high school are doing it based on raw intimidation, if they dont intimidate you they wont take it any further. when they put hands on you, shove you hit you, then its advised to refrain from ignoring it because then it will escalate because the bully will see it as you are permitting them to get physical. also, you dont want to compare yourself to a prisoner. prisoners are there because they didnt fit in with society. if you behave in the manor of a prisoner you bring yourself down.

Stacks Of Terror

Don Juan
Feb 26, 2007
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Keep a cool head is all I can say. Yeah its hard to fight an unpredictable crazy guy but its even harder when you yourself are an unpredictable crazy guy.

Backing down is harder than fighting. Its sometimes better to back down than fight but if you can avoid backing down. Intimidation can be great but when it comes time to back it up don't let it slip up.

Stay two steps ahead. This ties in with keeping a level head. If you're fighting him and he gets you on the ground you should be prepared for that ****.

I've gotten into a a good number of fights so far in my life. I know it may not be very PC or cool but your name is your name. I've gotten into fights with guys for talking **** and snuck them before they even knew I was there. As long as you're two steps ahead you're good in this regard.

Also you win some you lose some. Yeah no one wants to be the loser but its better to take your loss and go home then die over something that could be avoided.

Always avoid entourages. Getting jumped isn't fun. It's guaranteed to hurt and chances are the numbers game will prevail. If you can always keep a crew around when its this type of situation. My friends know not to jump in unless they jump in.

Don't do that pushing ****. Yeah its best to walk away but if he pushes you in the fighting atmosphere swing first. Alot of guys do all this pushing and end up looking dumb when they get swung on. Do not give them that chance.

Circles should be avoided. Its kinda the same as the entourage thing. If a circle starts to form it may be best to back down and try to get away depending on the circles constituents.

Thats the gist of my fighting knowledge. Never go seeking a fight. I have started fights just get my reputation up before when I have moved from school to school. If I could go back I wouldn't do it. I've gotten respect from it but at the same time I've had alot of guys try to fight me off me being good at fighting.

One last thing. You are always fighting for your life regardless of the probability of losing it,.


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2006
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i had a similiar situation like this. Im of middle popularity and i have a good amount of friends but one day outta nowhere some guido kid started sayin **** to me and hes alot bigger then me. one day i walked passed him in the halls and we both kinda stared each other down and he tried to hit me with a cheap shot in the balls. I blocked it and pushed him into some lockers and he didnt do anything. He was all talk. He never ****ed with me again.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2008
Reaction score
I would say im not exactly from a ghetto HS or that, but ive never been bullied even though i am short, was fat and smart (read: geeky) and oriental so all in all id say i was pretty bulliable.
So heres my advice:
Bullies just want attention, dont give it to them. Petty Bullying like name calling I would just ignore. If they dont stop then i confront them and ask them to stop. and if they still dont stop then its ON. Rage is a great thing lol. I was always left alone after that. When you fight dont stop hitting them. Theres no honor in a street fight so dont be afraid to go for the balls. Scum dont deserve to have children anyway.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
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Oh high school.

I remember thinking I was the toughest dude around, and I would practice punching imaginary people in the mirror.

I heard a saying once that went something like "the smallest dog is the one that makes the most noise", meaning the lesser person is the one that starts the scuffles with people. Take some Jiu-Jitsu classes if you really want to learn how to handle yourself on the street. Chances are, you probably won't have to use them that often (hardly at all, if ever) but it's great to know that if some "tough guy" rolled up to you and tried to start sh*t with you, you could easily beat him down.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2008
Reaction score
DJVladdy said:
hey yo pimpin, aren't you Albanian? So what if u were short, it's weird that people even fVcked with you to begin with, knowing where you're from and connections you have.

Albania is the official sh!thole of Europe, and Albanians are among the stupidest people you will ever deal with, they have no respect for anything including themselves. And if in fact the OP is Albanian (this nationality doesn't even deserve to be capitalized to be honest) he has just proved the stupidity of his people, by his lack of proper diction and rape of proper English prose. Albanians are not connected to anything except idiocy and failure, i think everything that the OP said further validates that point.

There really is no need to get into fights in high school, part of being a DJ is the aspect of something aptly named "guy game". It involves being able to communicate with men just as well as women in order for them to do what you want them to. I was on my high school varsity wrestling team for two years, and i have a black belt in tae kwon do. The main thing i have learned from my participation in combat sports is just how pointless fighting people really is. Words work better than almost anything else, because they convey that you have enough self respect to not waste time and energy on someone who is beneath you. Then again i have been in fights before, granted i finished them quickly i still know that it is important to sometimes to have to stick up for yourself in certain situations.

The fact that someone cannot solve a conflict with words shows that they do not have the diction that a normal person should have because they run out of words to say and will try to compensate by showing that they not scarred of you breaking their jaw. Lastly i have fought once without being provoked in any way. I saw a kid getting pushed around wile he was waiting for the train next to me. Then two other kids began to start wailing on him. I split it up as fast as i could and gave one of the bullys exactly what he deserved. So if in fact you happen to know a fighting art, you should also know that you should use it to help and never harm unless absolutely necessary.

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Tekniq said:
Albania is the official sh!thole of Europe, and Albanians are among the stupidest people you will ever deal with, they have no respect for anything including themselves. And if in fact the OP is Albanian (this nationality doesn't even deserve to be capitalized to be honest) he has just proved the stupidity of his people, by his lack of proper diction and rape of proper English prose. Albanians are not connected to anything except idiocy and failure, i think everything that the OP said further validates that point.

There really is no need to get into fights in high school, part of being a DJ is the aspect of something aptly named "guy game". It involves being able to communicate with men just as well as women in order for them to do what you want them to. I was on my high school varsity wrestling team for two years, and i have a black belt in tae kwon do. The main thing i have learned from my participation in combat sports is just how pointless fighting people really is. Words work better than almost anything else, because they convey that you have enough self respect to not waste time and energy on someone who is beneath you. Then again i have been in fights before, granted i finished them quickly i still know that it is important to sometimes to have to stick up for yourself in certain situations.

The fact that someone cannot solve a conflict with words shows that they do not have the diction that a normal person should have because they run out of words to say and will try to compensate by showing that they not scarred of you breaking their jaw. Lastly i have fought once without being provoked in any way. I saw a kid getting pushed around wile he was waiting for the train next to me. Then two other kids began to start wailing on him. I split it up as fast as i could and gave one of the bullys exactly what he deserved. So if in fact you happen to know a fighting art, you should also know that you should use it to help and never harm unless absolutely necessary.
ROFL Stupid ignorant . You are stupid . Do you have anything that proves that Albanians are "STUPID" " BAD " ... ?

Unless you have STFU .

You dont know anything .Have you ever been bullied ?If not then STFU again . This thread is not for you . Its for victims that get bullied every day . That are scared to say a word because someone can make fun of them all the day and bully the sh1t out of them .

I've seen that in every thread you tell how SOMEONE is RAPING ENGLISH PROSE . Guess what ?

Noone gives a sh1t about english prose . All we want is CONTENT of the post. And how helpful it is . THATS IT . Period .

If you want grammar and prose , go to english grammar forum .

Ignorant negative . We dont want people like you here :D

PS: Im gonna ignore any stupid post by you unless you can back it up with some proofs .


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
you dont have to fight, just stand up to them, you should be prepared to fight, like know boxing, but only use it if you have to, get muscular, no-one will fvck with you then, if someone trys to bully you, be like wtf u doing you and give them a hard stare, they wont come back again I promise lol


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2008
Reaction score
Daddy The Pimp said:
ROFL Stupid ignorant . You are stupid . Do you have anything that proves that Albanians are "STUPID" " BAD " ... ?

Unless you have STFU .

You dont know anything .Have you ever been bullied ?If not then STFU again . This thread is not for you . Its for victims that get bullied every day . That are scared to say a word because someone can make fun of them all the day and bully the sh1t out of them .

I've seen that in every thread you tell how SOMEONE is RAPING ENGLISH PROSE . Guess what ?

Noone gives a sh1t about english prose . All we want is CONTENT of the post. And how helpful it is . THATS IT . Period .

If you want grammar and prose , go to english grammar forum .

Ignorant negative . We dont want people like you here :D

PS: Im gonna ignore any stupid post by you unless you can back it up with some proofs .
Albania is the poorest country in the European Union, and has been declared by nations such as the United Kingdom as a lost cause. What more is there to say, the fact that you continue to represent your nation, is the greatest embarrassment of all.

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Tekniq said:
Albania is the poorest country in the European Union, and has been declared by nations such as the United Kingdom as a lost cause. What more is there to say, the fact that you continue to represent your nation, is the greatest embarrassment of all.
None of that is true . And if you think its embarrassment to represent your country , you dont deserve even one more word by me .


Don Juan
May 20, 2008
Reaction score
Around Toronto, On. Canada.
One piece of info I think you guys should know.

Fighting can get you kicked out of skhool. How do I know? I was.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not some high school drop out… I’m actually a university sociology major with a minor in sketch comedy. (Perfect for game eh?) But I can tell you fighting, unless done right, can be epically bad for you. So let me say one thing, here are some guidelines to follow when deciding on when to fight.

-Earlier then later. Sure it might be smart to wait until the right moment. But usually snipping things in the bud can be the best. The thing is, if you get marked as a bullying target by one person, the whole community will know and all the little sh!t heads will come after you in unison like moths to a flame. In high school I was the fat tall guy, and I can tell you all the jocks hated me because I looked tough, but was kinda a pvssy for a while. I made the mistake of not punching out the first little guy who gave me crap, and like a wild fire they all found out and made 2 years of my life misrible. Smack that jerk the second he confronts you. ONTOP OF ALL THIS, IT WILL AVOID MORE FIGHTS IN THE FUTURE!

-Don’t back down. Like game, the other men are just as scared as you are. In ancient Greece a lot of battles were won by who would run away first. Get up in the guys face and don’t back down EVER. You might feel like ****ting yourself, but odds are so does he. If he pushes you… you punch him right in the face immediately to show you not gunna put up with him. Assert dominance.

-If a gang jumps you, run. But not too fast, because you can’t actually outrun them all and when they catch you you’ll be worn out. Just don’t engage the *******s. It’s happened to me and my strategy was to run defensively, around obstacles and away while jogging. Out endure them. But sooner or later odds are they’ll catch you. So when this happens try to not get in the centre of them, grab a weapon and go for kills. Odds are you’ll lack the strength to actually murder someone, but the thing is a smack with a stick and sand in the eyes goes a long way to knocking one of those people out.

-Never call in friends; cause in a rumble bad things happen quick, a knife or something leads to hell. Once this dumb kid in my high school drew a ****ING GUN. No one was hurt, but still the idea of a gun pointed down at you ain’t exactly charming. Brawls escalate quick, avoid them at all costs.

-And finally, learn to play dead. I’m not kidding, if your jumped by three people, and you don’t think they’ll work you when your down. Laydown and stay down. I had to do this once for one reason. The guys were like 20 when I was 16 and big. It hurt my ego, but I only walked away with a broken arm and not a new dental plan.
