One piece of info I think you guys should know.
Fighting can get you kicked out of skhool. How do I know? I was.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not some high school drop out… I’m actually a university sociology major with a minor in sketch comedy. (Perfect for game eh?) But I can tell you fighting, unless done right, can be epically bad for you. So let me say one thing, here are some guidelines to follow when deciding on when to fight.
-Earlier then later. Sure it might be smart to wait until the right moment. But usually snipping things in the bud can be the best. The thing is, if you get marked as a bullying target by one person, the whole community will know and all the little sh!t heads will come after you in unison like moths to a flame. In high school I was the fat tall guy, and I can tell you all the jocks hated me because I looked tough, but was kinda a pvssy for a while. I made the mistake of not punching out the first little guy who gave me crap, and like a wild fire they all found out and made 2 years of my life misrible. Smack that jerk the second he confronts you. ONTOP OF ALL THIS, IT WILL AVOID MORE FIGHTS IN THE FUTURE!
-Don’t back down. Like game, the other men are just as scared as you are. In ancient Greece a lot of battles were won by who would run away first. Get up in the guys face and don’t back down EVER. You might feel like ****ting yourself, but odds are so does he. If he pushes you… you punch him right in the face immediately to show you not gunna put up with him. Assert dominance.
-If a gang jumps you, run. But not too fast, because you can’t actually outrun them all and when they catch you you’ll be worn out. Just don’t engage the *******s. It’s happened to me and my strategy was to run defensively, around obstacles and away while jogging. Out endure them. But sooner or later odds are they’ll catch you. So when this happens try to not get in the centre of them, grab a weapon and go for kills. Odds are you’ll lack the strength to actually murder someone, but the thing is a smack with a stick and sand in the eyes goes a long way to knocking one of those people out.
-Never call in friends; cause in a rumble bad things happen quick, a knife or something leads to hell. Once this dumb kid in my high school drew a ****ING GUN. No one was hurt, but still the idea of a gun pointed down at you ain’t exactly charming. Brawls escalate quick, avoid them at all costs.
-And finally, learn to play dead. I’m not kidding, if your jumped by three people, and you don’t think they’ll work you when your down. Laydown and stay down. I had to do this once for one reason. The guys were like 20 when I was 16 and big. It hurt my ego, but I only walked away with a broken arm and not a new dental plan.