Fiancee still brings up her dead ex-boyfriend


Oct 22, 2006
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youngwilliam said:
THANK YOU!!!! And just to respond to Wyldfire's responses, I am indeed sorry that you lost someone in a previous relationship. But, that's what it is, previous. It's not the next guy's fault what happened to you before the two of you met. Insecurity, I think not!
i think you should follow Wyldfire's advice

say you lost your mother. then your father marries another woman so yu have a step-mother. would you not still miss your old mother, even if you love the new mother to death. you would constantly compare the 2, even if you like both of them. it's hard when someone you LOVE dies. it's not like they brokeup, i could see that, but he died. she did still love him dearly when he died, and love can never just be forgotten about. yes, she's wrong for outright comparing you to your face to your ex, and constantly talkign about him, but look at it form her point of view. if you ex gf died, wouldnt you find another but still miss her?
Apr 12, 2007
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listen to the absolute truth my friend:

death is THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD. It is absolutely fine that your woman is not over the fact that her man died. However, this is acceptable only if what she misses is this guy's life as a person, not the actual BOYFRIEND aspect of it.

this means, if she is saying "i miss him, he was a much better boyfriend than you", then she is a ***** and you need to lose her FAST


if she is saying "i miss him, he was a great person and did not deserve to go like he did" then you have nothing to worry about

death is the hardest thing in the world to deal with


Oct 25, 2001
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absolut honesty said:
listen to the absolute truth my friend:

death is THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD. It is absolutely fine that your woman is not over the fact that her man died. However, this is acceptable only if what she misses is this guy's life as a person, not the actual BOYFRIEND aspect of it.

this means, if she is saying "i miss him, he was a much better boyfriend than you", then she is a ***** and you need to lose her FAST


if she is saying "i miss him, he was a great person and did not deserve to go like he did" then you have nothing to worry about

death is the hardest thing in the world to deal with
It doesn't sound like she actually compared them at all...not based on what he said that he was bothered by. According to his own post all she said was that she still loves the guy who dies and still thinks about him sometimes. That is in no way comparing them to each other or even remotely mean. The real problem the OP poster has is his own jealousy. He is feeling threatened by a dead weak is that? She can't ever be with her dead boyfriend again. She's not ever going to kiss him or sleep with him. She has love for the MEMORIES she has of the guy and there are going to be times she is reminded of him for the rest of her life. It's NOT even something she can control or stop, nor should he expect her to because it's 100% NATURAL and NORMAL to feel those things when someone you love dies.

Now...if she REALLY gets pie-eyed and says stuff like "I'll never love you like I loved my dead boyfriend" or something like that, then yeah...he would be justified in being bothered by it. Sorry guys, but based ENTIRELY on what he's posted about her it's HIM that's acting like a little biotch, not her.

I call 'em as I see 'em. Being jealous of and feeling threatened by a dead man just because she doesn't hate him and isn't glad he's dead and can't just forget he ever existed or the memories she has is even worse than being jealous of an ex boyfriend who is still alive.

Yes, by all means, break up with one deserves having to put up with this kind of jealousy, insecurity and insensitivity. You'll be doing her a HUGE favor.


Oct 25, 2001
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youngwilliam said:
THANK YOU!!!! And just to respond to Wyldfire's responses, I am indeed sorry that you lost someone in a previous relationship. But, that's what it is, previous. It's not the next guy's fault what happened to you before the two of you met. Insecurity, I think not!
Let me try to put it this way...let's say your mother died and your girlfriend didn't like your mother and reacted in the way you are right now anytime you mentioned your mother or said you loved her or thought about her sometimes. How rational would you think your girlfriend was being if she acted like just because you still love, think about and talk about your dead mother that you must not love or respect her? Not rational at all. What you are doing is NO different. You're being irrational, jealous and yes, insecure...because you ARE jealous of a dead man.

You probably think she is so insensitive for ever mentioning the dead boyfriend. Guess are insensitive for expecting her to stop feeling or thinking things she can't control feeling or thinking about. Sorry, but unless you left out something very important in your story it is YOU who are wrong on this.


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2007
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Ok, here is what I left out:

1) We went to see 300 a couple of weeks ago, and once we got back home, she said "my ex-boyfriend used to do cinemotography like that". Without me asking.

2) We were both drinking one night, and without my asking, she says "I love him and still think about him".

3) A couple of nights ago, we were having sex (she was drunk) and she stopped it, not only to talk about him, but called me his name.

4) Last week, I came home from lunch. and I walked in on her telling her Aunt about how we met. She said, "I met him in the bar, and that's when David (that's the dead guy's name) had died. Yes, we had sex the first time we met.

So, call me insecure, but all I want is a girl, potentially wife, that will love me and only me. Maybe that's asking too much..........


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
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Belle Vernon, PA
sca_p said:
How long have you two been together? And how long ago did her ex pass away?

Your girl was, essentially widowed. This is incredibly hard for her and will take her a long time come to terms with because they didn't break up--he died, they were in love, and probably were planning on having future together.

Don't tell her to "just get over it." That's possibly the most insensitive thing you could say to her right now. Yes, the past is the past, but fact of the matter is that for most of her life (if not all of it) she'll be thinking about him and the future they could've had. Even if she loves you (and don't belittle her feelings for you), this other guy will always be a part of her life and that's something you'll have to come to terms with if you expect a future with her.

If you can't live with her thinking about another guy, saving a few pictures of him, and wearing the jewelry he gave her, then break it off with her and move on. It'll avoid a lot of unnecessary conflict on both parts.
Exactly, think about it. Put yourself in the situation, it's not something you can just 'forget' about. What if you lost her? would it be easy to forget? What if some new chick came along and said, hey I don't want you thinking about her at all, and let's get rid of these pictures you have with her.
Apr 12, 2007
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youngwilliam said:
3) A couple of nights ago, we were having sex (she was drunk) and she stopped it, not only to talk about him, but called me his name.

that is all we all need to see

get rid of her or else she will ruin your life

that is the absolut truth buddy


Oct 25, 2001
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youngwilliam said:
Ok, here is what I left out:

1) We went to see 300 a couple of weeks ago, and once we got back home, she said "my ex-boyfriend used to do cinemotography like that". Without me asking.

2) We were both drinking one night, and without my asking, she says "I love him and still think about him".

3) A couple of nights ago, we were having sex (she was drunk) and she stopped it, not only to talk about him, but called me his name.

4) Last week, I came home from lunch. and I walked in on her telling her Aunt about how we met. She said, "I met him in the bar, and that's when David (that's the dead guy's name) had died. Yes, we had sex the first time we met.

So, call me insecure, but all I want is a girl, potentially wife, that will love me and only me. Maybe that's asking too much..........
She's still not comparing you to him, though. I'll grant you that stopping sex to talk about him and accidentally calling you by his name was hurtful to you and insensitive on her part...that being's not likely she intended or meant to hurt your feelings...especially since she was drunk.

She's going to talk about him, and for awhile it is likely to be fairly often. She not only can't help that, she really does need to do's part of the grieving process. Trust me on this because I know. I honestly don't see any hurtful intent on the part of your girlfriend...and if I saw any real indication of that I would say so.

Now, I have been where you are before as I do understand that it can be very difficult to deal with this. Sometimes you do feel sorta like "the consolation prize", especially early on. However, if you handle it properly, that feeling will pass. Out of everyone responding to you, I am most likely the one who has the best understanding of exactly what's going on with both you and your girlfriend because I have experienced both sides of this personally. I'm honestly trying to help you here, so please listen carefully.

The first thing you need to do is sit down with your girlfriend and tell her that you are trying very hard to be considerate, respectful and patient about this situation and that you understand that she will always love him and will be reminded of him and think of him sometimes...and that she needs to talk about him, her feelings and process all of that. You also need to tell her how difficult it is for you to hear these things because you feel like you can't compete with his memory because everyone tends to put loved ones lost to death on a pedestal. Be honest about your feelings because if you don't it is going to fester and boil beneath the surface and eventually blow up and cause one huge hot mess that will not be salvageable. This is some SERIOUS stuff you are dealing with and there is NO ROOM for putting up some DJ front with will only cause YOU pain and her as well.

IF you can handle listening...encourage her to talk about him. Ask her questions about him and let her feel safe talking to you about him. Even though it might sound as if that would open a can of worms, it will be very good for your relationship. It will make her love for you grow so strong and fast that it will help her process the things she need to in order to make YOU feel better about the situation. It's hard to do this sometimes, and it takes a great deal of patience...but the payoff is truly great and well worth it.

When someone you love dies most people try to avoid talking about it with you or change the subject because they don't know what to say. For some reason people think they are supposed to take your mind off the loss. That prolongs the grieving process and prevents her from doing what she needs to do in order to be able to move on and be less affected by those memories. When people do this with her it's going to make her want to talk about him more and cause her to think about him more. This is why it's best if you can bite the bullet for a little while and help her get it out of her system so that she doesn't need to talk about him as much and is reminded of him as much. So...although it will be difficult and even sometimes painful for you to's really in your best interest to encourage her to talk about him, her feelings and just let her get it out so she can move on in the way you want her to. This is your chance to lead your relationship in the direction you want it to go. Sometimes leading means making a sacrifice or exhibiting a great deal of patience...but if you want the results badly enough, it's worth the effort.


Oct 25, 2001
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absolut honesty said:
youngwilliam said:
3) A couple of nights ago, we were having sex (she was drunk) and she stopped it, not only to talk about him, but called me his name.

that is all we all need to see

get rid of her or else she will ruin your life

that is the absolut truth buddy
She was drunk and although I'm sure his feelings were hurt and it was insensitive on her part, there isn't any clear indication of her intending to hurt him. Now if they were sober and she did that, yeah...I would assume she meant to say it, but not if she was drunk.

I accidentally called my fiance (who I loved very deeply) by my ex husband's name on several times. My ex husband makes my skin crawl...and I don't drink, either. As I mentioned in my response to sounds to me like she needs to talk about him to get it out of her system and she doesn't have anyone who has just sat and listened and let her get it all out. When a person doesn't have that they tend to bring the person up a lot more, and that would show itself even more if she was drunk.


Oct 25, 2001
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Raikojo17 said:
seems to me everytime she gets drunk, u get hurt. i would stop getting drunk with her all the time. might make your life alot easier.
I agree with that...especially when there are relationship issues that need to be ironed out. If there are any unresolved issues being avoided (as in this case), the second you add alcohol to the situation, nothing good will come of it. Have the talk you guys need to have prior to ingesting anymore alcohol.
Apr 12, 2007
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no matter how much she loves you, your BIGGEST mistake was not getting rid of her the second she said "my ex boyfriend who I loved very much died". I bet she told you this within the first few dates right? Better to have cut your losses there. No matter how good her intentions are with you, this will royally screw with you your whole life.

Kinda hard to dump her now and cut her losses, isn't it????

shoulda done it when you first heard it


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
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Down South. Between the Y junction.
I disagree with Absolut honestly. You can dump her anytime, as a matter of fact, you being here on this forum tells me that there is more than just doubt and in your mind, its probably already hopeless. While, Wyld can spew out some very good logic regarding her mental state and why that should be reasonable if not acceptable given the circumstances, I ask you as a reasonable "normal" guy, is that the life you want? Is that the $hit you must endure for love...

The way I see it is that you a just the medicine she needs to get over her loss. She will overcome this psychological BS after and only after you leave her. It will be the trigger that will allow her to access how pathetic she has been and move on.

Get it while you can, and make plans to bail. Its a win-win.