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Feminism on Trial!

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
We are born natural DJs, we are born natural males. It is parents and society who screws with our needs and tries to make us more "civilized"
It has been my life experience that I was biologically prone to turning into the chump that I was, for two reasons. I believe I may have been born a natural DJ, most definitely born male, but medical treatment screwed over my self-esteem.

One, I was diagnosed at a very early age with 'poor auditory memory'. I didn't speak, couldn't naturally pick up spoken language; I had a vocabulary of maybe a dozen words. Basically, I had to learn to read in order to learn to speak. I didn't begin speaking until age six, and even then I had a speech impediment. I went through years and years of agonizing speech therapy, which shattered any self-esteem, with constant rejection after rejection. "No, that's not right. Try again/try harder." My self-esteem went through basement. The initial speech impediments gradually went away, but I still speak with some impediment.

Secondly, I had relatively low testosterone levels, being mostly balanced with estrogen. I have very little chest hair, can't grow a beard, am prematurely balding. Estrogen of course being the emotional/thinking/passive drug.

De La Soul

Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
It's a badly-kept secret.
Is it just me, or did this trial seem strangely similar to the Camp X-Ray trials? :D

Pook, I commend you for winning a trial fought and decided by yourself!



Don Juan
Jun 6, 2002
Reaction score
Vienna, Austria, Europe
Originally posted by PrinceCharming
The problem with such a philosophy, religion or metaphor, is that many other humans who have suffered similar trauma and are in the brink of either healing or forming a scar, read this book and find salvation. Finally there are others who think like them and boom we have a community of people that embrace the philosophy and assume that it is true all the time despite it being an emotional release. Remember that people are extremely suggestible when they have had a psychological breakdown. Anything that promises salvation from pain will be embraced and installed deeply in our belief system.
Getting rejected by the One: The trauma
DJ board: The embraced philosophy and salvation

Then I remember a muthafukking bitçh that one day turned my life into a living hell because she assumed I wanted to touch her ass purposefully while we were playing catch. Then she told hewr parents and I got a surprise. I think I had total psychological beeakdown. From then on I became distant to girls, hated them and shut off my DJ traits. I think it was then that I caught the dreaded Nice-Guyius-Patheticus disease and am still battling with it. It was a natural response that allowed me to still talk to girls and cover up my trauma. Strange how even after I understand it, it still is not healed. I wish there was a way for me to return to my roots of natural male, and maybe there still is. Maybe all I got to do is examine my beliefs and change them
Sounds like your childhood trauma has nothing to do with that little girl, but rather with the missing support of your parents. I concluded this (=I could be wrong), because if they would have been on your side, you wouldn't have had a psychological breakdown. You wouldn't have developed a trauma. Your parents probably didn't belief you and they denied you. Much more traumatical for a ten year old kid than being accused by some strange parents for something he hadn't done. So why didn't stand your dad up for you? Because he simply wasn't available or because he too was suffering from Nice-Guyius-Patheticus? Understand whatever is really behind, and healing will occur.

Pook: Great post, funny written (had to laugh a lot), on a serious background.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
Reaction score
Pook you should check your story for spelling and grammatical errors. I didn't have time to read through the entire thing but I noticed "confidant" is spelled wrong. It's spelled "confident."

DJ Girevik

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
Vista, CA
Originally posted by Demon
Pook you should check your story for spelling and grammatical errors. I didn't have time to read through the entire thing but I noticed "confidant" is spelled wrong. It's spelled "confident."


Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2002
Reaction score
Good Post.

Although I do think men and women are equal, we are biologically different. I think boys are now at a disadvantage compared to girls these days.

Just imagine how much more upsetting it would be for people if they learned priests were molesting little girls instead of boys. Why? Girls are more protected and coveted in this day and age.

Let's also remember that the environment also may play a role. http://www.worldandi.com/public/2001/October/sax.html . There is a theory that lead paint in pottery caused severe mental retardation in people during the Roman Empire which helped contribute to its downfall. Now scientists are discovering that plastics have estrogenic effects on the body, perhaps contributing to the feminization of men we see today.

Although it's caused a great deal of damage, let's not rush to pin *everything* on feminism just yet.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Maybe pook meant confidant as in somebody you confide in...

Otherwise it's one mistake in a huge article, he's probably the most articulate member on the boards and you bring up that?! Blah.


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2000
Reaction score
I haven't read the post, but Pook, I have to say one thing. You did have some good insights and thoughts which you have posted about in MUCH smaller posts. I learned a lot more when the idea and post was compact and simplified, not overdone like a flowery drag queen with emotes and actions wrapped together in an entire Elizabethan production.

I have learned some great info from your earlier posts, but this new way you write makes it very difficult to read.

- Raoul


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Raoul
I haven't read the post, but Pook, I have to say one thing. You did have some good insights and thoughts which you have posted about in MUCH smaller posts. I learned a lot more when the idea and post was compact and simplified, not overdone like a flowery drag queen with emotes and actions wrapped together in an entire Elizabethan production.

I have learned some great info from your earlier posts, but this new way you write makes it very difficult to read.

- Raoul
I agree with you Raoul. Posts like 'Kill that desperation' or 'Be a man' were very good because they got straight to the point.

Pook, You're doing a very good job, but you should understand that there are people with different background and different level of education in here. So the less complicated it is, the more people will benefit from it.

Having said that, Raoul, You and I better run for cover. His worshippers won't like this:D


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2000
Reaction score
there are people with different background and different level of education in here.
That has nothing to do with anything. It's simply a matter of being direct and to the point. Most people don't have the time to run through an entire screenplay when they come online.

Having said that, Raoul, You and I better run for cover. His worshippers won't like this
Pffft. Hah. That's their problem. ;)

- Raoul


Don Juan
Aug 31, 2001
Reaction score
Pook, you're always the best in this forum!!!!

Anyway Pook, I have the so-called problems which you mentioned in your thread. I have the nice-guy disease. You can call it AFC disease if you like it.!!!

So what's the problem? , You may ask me. I have deep rooted confidence problems. I am too afraid to be a male. Of course, I wanted to be a male. You wanna get a hot chick. Unfortunately, I am so-called afraid of rejection. Because of that, I do not take action and I suffered from many days of loneliness and desperation. So Pook, how can you help me here? I need to get rid of my so-called wussy attitude which what David Angelo said. Btw, he's the author of the book "Double your dating". The man who is a wuss is a person who suffers from girly behaviour which turns girls off.

And of course, they don't want a person who is a wuss.! They want a man who is a REAL man like what you said. But first, de-wussification must be done. It is important because the guy needs to get rid of his own shyness, cowardice behaviour. Only then, he can start to take action without the fear of rejection.! Pook, I seriously need help in taking action without acting like a wuss. It sucks. But I just can't do it. How can you help me?


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Excellent post as always. Keep them coming.

My $.02 on feminism, other that it's utter shiat and needs to be abolished, is that there are some truly fiendish guys out there who have actually hurt women in ways that most of us can never possibly imagine. Those few have ruined things for the rest of us. Feminism is a misguided attempt to bring justice to those few by creating sweeping generalizations about MEN rather than dealing with those few losers who do purposely abuse women. Hence, most feminists are so indoctrinated that they uphold these generalizations no matter the situation. Plus, the pre-dominance of feminism in pop culture has turned the tables against all us GOOD GUYS out there.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2001
Reaction score
Here are some excerpts from an interesting website I found while searching the term "feminist" --


On the goal of feminism:

The aim of feminism, therefore, is to create a new kind of human being in a new form of society in which the ties among men, women and children that have always existed are to be dissolved and new ones constituted in accordance with abstract ideological demands. In place of family ties based on what seems natural and customary, and supported by upbringing and social expectation, feminism would permit only ties based on contract and idiosyncratic sentiment, with government stepping in when those prove too shaky for serious reliance. There is no reason to suppose the substitution can be made to work, let alone work well, and every reason to expect the contrary. Feminism does not care about reason, however, or even about experience of the effects of weakened family life. It is in fact ideological and radical to the core; there can be no commonsense feminism, because doing what comes naturally gets a feminist nowhere.

What feminism fails to grasp as a major flaw in its ideology:

Acceptance of the legitimacy and usefulness of sex roles is an exercise of ordinary good sense. Stable and functional families are necessary for a tolerable way of life, and they will not exist unless men and women each have something specific to offer that the other is entitled to rely on. Further, the natural tendencies of the sexes are different, and life is happier when social institutions somehow reflect natural human tendencies. Nonetheless, what is in itself good sense may be quite radical from the point of view that is conventional in public at a particular time and place. Such is the state of antifeminism today; to reject feminist claims is to put oneself outside what is said to be the mainstream.

Why feminism is so popular:

The success of feminism has owed a great deal to the astonishing absence of open opposition to it. That absence has had a variety of causes, including masculine cowardice and the difficulty of communication between the sexes. Other causes include the extreme centralization of public life today, the absolute triumph of liberal ideology in our public and intellectual life, and the difficulty that ideology has dealing with issues relating to family life because of its tendency to base all human relations on arm's-length bargaining or force.


Master Don Juan
Dec 18, 2001
Reaction score
Ramble Ramble Ramble This post is way below the normal quality of your others. You talk a lot, but say nothing...strange isn't it?

Ivan Drago

Senior Don Juan
May 22, 2002
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Re: Feminism on Trial

Pook, I have to disagree with another one of your posts. I don't understand why you and everyone here is so against feminism. Actually, I do know, that is because people are afraid of everything they don't understand. I am tired of reading so many posts against feminism that I decided to make at least one for feminism.

First of all, how many of you here actually dated a feminist? I doubt you went out with even one feminist, Pook. May be you wouldn't write that post if you did. Let me tell what I learned from the feminists that I went out with:

1) All feminists are different. You are stereotying Pook, big time. Not all feminists are ugly. Regardless of what you read on the Internet, until you go out with a bunch of feminists you will never know. Feminism is just a political movement. Saying all feminists are ugly is just like saying all Democrats are ugly. Makes little sense, doesn't it?

2) Some feminists ask men out. I hear men complaining all the time that women never ask them out. Well some feminists do put their ego on the line and get rejected just like men do. Does anyone here have something against women asking men out? Notice I am saying "some" because all feminists are different.

3) Some feminists pay for themselves on dates. This is one of the important aspects of feminism - being independent. Isn't this what every man wants? I wish all women paid for themselves on dates, and I will support any movement that tells women to pay for themselves. If a feminist doesn't pay for herself on a date, she is a hypocrite. Call her on it.

4) Some feminists buy porn. Yes, regular hardcore, man on woman porn. Has anyone here ever watched porn with a feminist? Quite an experience, I recommend it. Yes, some feminists are against porn. Porn is actually causing a big divide in the feminism movement.

5) Some feminists love men. They are not all man-hating lesbians. Feminism is not anti-men movement, it is an independence movement. Some feminists are also against "nice guyism" and "The Rules". And so am I.

I used to have "Nice Guyius Patheticus" for a long time. But I have never blamed the feminists, media or my parents as so many here do, including you Pook. Do you know who I blamed? Myself.

I have learned to take responsibility for my own actions. I urge everyone here to do the same. And I also urge everyone to, if not support, then at least tolerate a movement which urges women to ask men out, pay for themselves on dates, and be independent - feminism .

The only person responsible for your actions is you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2002
Reaction score
Carl Berner, Oslo
What's up with posts like these? Why dont you reply to his thread, instead of making up an entire new thread. OR use the Private Message system!!!!


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
All is vanity! We all believe what we want to believe!

I don't understand why you and everyone here is so against feminism. Actually, I do know, that is because people are afraid of everything they don't understand.
I have a question: What if I do understand it?

First of all, how many of you here actually dated a feminist? I doubt you went out with even one feminist, Pook. May be you wouldn't write that post if you did.
I have dated several feminists. I do not like them because their personal happiness is dependent on what happens in Washingotn. They believe themselves to be brilliant, to be progressive. yet they are the fools in life.

Another question for you: Why is it that more and more women are anti-feminists? If you think I am bad on feminism, you should look up Wyldfire's posts.

1) All feminists are different. You are stereotying Pook, big time. Not all feminists are ugly. Regardless of what you read on the Internet, until you go out with a bunch of feminists you will never know. Feminism is just a political movement. Saying all feminists are ugly is just like saying all Democrats are ugly. Makes little sense, doesn't it?
I have gone out with feminists. The reason why I did was because they were pretty and I was surprised to see this feminism in them. I've found that women who don't work through college usually tend to fall prey more to the political rhetoric.

I've found feminists to be ugly because they refuse to embrace femininity. There is no such thing as a feminine feminist.

Feminism is a beautiful thing... as long as you walk behind it!

2) Some feminists ask men out. I hear men complaining all the time that women never ask them out. Well some feminists do put their ego on the line and get rejected just like men do. Does anyone here have something against women asking men out? Notice I am saying "some" because all feminists are different.
You don't get it. Men who complain about female priveledge are complaining about their duties to be a man. It has nothing to do with women actually asking you out.

And if they DO, it is often a sign of disinterest. This was one of Anti-Dump's biggest teachings. A woman who just gives you her phone number, or asks you out, all without YOU doing anything is a sign of non-interest. The guy is likely to be abused in some way (example: she could be trying to get her ex jealous, etc.). (or she could be a feminist, which is reason enough not to date her)

In fact, one time I was asked out was a feminist asking me out. But as I put her under the spell of Pook, she reverted straight back to her girlish ways. She was feminist because she was single. Once she lost the singleness, she lost the feminism.

All feminists are not different. Feminists are in denial about human nature. They believe human dynamics can be transformed through the legislative palace. They are wrong BIG TIME.

3) Some feminists pay for themselves on dates. This is one of the important aspects of feminism - being independent. Isn't this what every man wants? I wish all women paid for themselves on dates, and I will support any movement that tells women to pay for themselves. If a feminist doesn't pay for herself on a date, she is a hypocrite. Call her on it.
Again, that one feminist I dated started paying her way but NATURE TAKES OVER. She started acting as she should, like a female. She paid for what she could, but she gladly let me 'date' her. Why? Because she felt feminine in doing this.

Feminism and a woman being independent are completely different. Independent women existed since the dawn of time. Feminism is just bad use of free-time.

4) Some feminists buy porn. Yes, regular hardcore, man on woman porn. Has anyone here ever watched porn with a feminist? Quite an experience, I recommend it. Yes, some feminists are against porn. Porn is actually causing a big divide in the feminism movement.
Feminism has traditionally saw porn as men degrading women. But feminism forgets that men are activated by the eye. There is a lot of gay porn out there which contradicts feminists thinking that porn is 'out to degrade women'.

Usually, the women that watch porn enjoy doing so pretty much only with the guy sitting beside her. "Why is that, Pook?" For the same reason why girls will go to events with you that they don't even care about. They think it is cute seeing the reaction in you. When you are happy, they get happy. They enjoy that.

5) Some feminists love men. They are not all man-hating lesbians. Feminism is not anti-men movement, it is an independence movement. Some feminists are also against "nice guyism" and "The Rules". And so am I.
This is why you ought to READ my posts before posting on what you THINK is said.

I said: "Feminism is not declaring war on masculinity but on femininity! Feminism is a political Tower of Babylon to escape the truth of Human Nature." I even put that in bold yet you missed it.

The flaw of feminism is thinking that femininity and dependency are one of the same. They are not. A woman can be feminine and independent. My own mother was so fierce that she got the attention of congressmen. Yet, she had more power in her femininity of her grace and motherliness.

Femininity is not some female play-thing. Feminists think it is.

I used to have "Nice Guyius Patheticus" for a long time. But I have never blamed the feminists, media or my parents as so many here do, including you Pook. Do you know who I blamed? Myself.
Geez! I don't mind replying when people actually read what I wrote. But you aren't reading what I've written.

I blame feminism on nothing to do with men's problems. I blame feminism on warring on feminity. I am sick and tired of fat chicks. It only seems to be in America and Britain. Go to Spain or Japan and the chicks are not fat. The living standards are the same. The only difference it seems is that those two countries are much more feminist oriented.

Practically everything I've written on this forum has always focusing on YOURSELF and dealing with YOURSELF. The blame for the lack of manhood I've always said is the issue of males not wearing the crown of masculinity their sex is heir to.

But I write one article on feminism and you blow up. You complain that I have 'feminism' wrong, then you misrepresent what I said.

BTW, you didn't write a book called, "Refusing to be Man" did you? Just wondering...

The reason why you agree with feminism is because it shares your politics. You live in a political bubble, looking at life in view of politics.

I was like that once. Then I grew up. Life does not revolve around Washington.

This is why I condemn feminism. I bet all your feminist pals will agree with Rousseau (which is why I quoted him). The idea that human nature can be changed through legislative fiat is the most destructive, murderous, and evil things ever to come into this world. I place the horrors of the twentieth century on this concept. I do not view Humans as Vausseven viewed his automaton. I do not view Humanity as some organic garden. Where a garderner has his knives, spikes, and clippers to reshape the garden, so too do these Rousseau followers (most politicians) have laws, taxations, and regulations to reshape Humanity.

The idea and its fruit are abhorrent. Feminism is not new or progressive, it is litereally ten centuries behind the times. It belongs in the Old World thought. Just as one thought Humanity would be remorphed by a King or grand dictator, so do these feminists believe it will be so by the legislative palace. There is nothing new in feminism.

For all you politically charged individuals: Realize that the most important aspect of being free and happy is not to let anything let you feel unfree or unhappy.

Whenever you feel joy, you should add that to your victory list of accomplishments.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by Demon
Pook you should check your story for spelling and grammatical errors. I didn't have time to read through the entire thing but I noticed "confidant" is spelled wrong. It's spelled "confident."
It's not a bug, its a feature! I do this with papers to professors all the time as well. Yes, there are errors. But the feature in them is that you know that all this is the coinage of my pookish brain.

As for quotes like this:
Ramble Ramble Ramble This post is way below the normal quality of your others. You talk a lot, but say nothing...strange isn't it?
Is this forum some circus and I the main attraction?

Only you guys care about my posts. I honestly couldn't give a damn. I've always expected to come on one day and see this forum gone, without a trace, no explanations, just gone. Who would have thought there would be things like the DJ bible to keep old posts in play?

How some people can live on this forum amazes me. Don Juans are not made through message boards, they are made OUT THERE. Quit agonizing over 'quality' posts and such.

Why is it that the best posts came BEFORE the DJ Bible? Because after the DJ Bible, everyone started to post in order to 'get in'. It's stupid and misses the entire point of this forum.

I am not trying to make art here. I am only trying to post my thoughts, and I do it in a way that entertains me. Go write your own pook posts. Soon, you're going to have to.