This part struck me quite hard. I am quite fit (can always be better, but am far above the average guy) and am somewhat succesful (I earn 3 times the average of my country). But I can't get any girls because I'm very needy.Now, I do feel sorry for the guys who are both fit AND successful and somehow still can’t get girls. I can’t explain that one. It makes no sense to me. But on some level those guys always give off a needy and supplicating vibe.
Short story to elaborate, met this girl a couple of weeks back at work (not working together, she's just there for half a year for some audit but we have to work together quite often that time). These lasts weeks I felt quite ok (not confident), but ok enough to send her a text about a mutual interest. Not much chit chatting (mainly because I don't respond or only after a couple of hours, and at work I try to avoid her because I'm scared of the rejection). Last week she sended me a text out of the blue about something she could have told me at work the day before, but she chose to do it by text. Some teasing happened after that (but not much as, again, I only reply after too much minutes have passed).
Of course this week has been disastrous for me. Why doesn't she text me anymore? Why did she like that guys post? Yes, extremely pathetic I know, but I feel like I can't do anything about it. I don't even feel like sending her something as I feel I would come across too needy and she probably has more interesting stuff going on. Although when I sended her those couple of first texts, I just did it without thinking about that stuff and I guess it payed off in some way. But now stuff like "I've waited too long, she lost all interest,..." is going on in my mind. I've become emotionally attached because she's in my mind constantly. I know why I do and don't do stuff, but the 'don't doing' stuff is holding me back way too much as my emotions play too much a role.
And of course I don't have this with other girls, couple weeks back a waitress just gave me her number without me or her saying anything, with other girls at work I just act 'normal' (put it in brackets because there are still some restraints going on). But with this girl, god f*cking damn, but then again it's with every girl I have the slightest interest in.
If you care to elaborate or guide me in the right direction, feel free to post it here or pm me, it would be greatly appreciated.
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