I don't know you but I'd wager your feelings of guilt are genuine and probably well deserved. You probably feel guilty because you are misleading and taking advantage of these women, yet you attempt to justify your actions because women may have hurt you in similar ways in the past. So you continue to "spin plates" and deceive girls for your sexual gain, slowly hating yourself more and more every day until you are completely empty inside, with no amount of sex being able to fill the void.
Jariel, I'm not judging you and I know you're not trying to be hurtful or bitter. I'm simply saying that your conscience is telling you something, and you can try to ignore it, but it will eat at you and build up and make you a miserable person if you don't address it.
Listen guys. Women can do heartless things. But now that we've learned more about how they think and behave, we need to be men and rise above it. The good news is that we can still have everything we want and more, while being true to ourselves.
I have several fruitful relationships with wonderful girls, and while I'm closer to some then others, I'm emotionally involved with every single one of them. Every girl I'm with is treated as a separate relationship. Even if it's just a one night fling, I put everything I have into it, emotionally and physically. Sound difficult? F
uck yes it is. I don't hide anything. These girls know the situation, they have feelings for me and
I reciprocate them. I send them
texts when I'm thinking about them or buy them gifts when appropriate. If I know one of my girls is having a bad day I'll surprise her and take her out. I love the f
uck out of them.
Feelings are the currency of life. You may think you need to protect your heart and stay detached, but if you ever want to win big at this game, you have to bet it all. You have to dive in head first and know that you're going to take some punches, but in the end the ride is worth it. When you are truly loved (and loved by many), you will rise to higher levels. You will achieve more as a man than you ever could without that warmth on your side.
I have a challenge for all of you plate spinners reading this. Just once, the next time one of your girls comes over for a booty call, instead of mindlessly f
ucking her and passing out, I want you to hold her and f
uck her and kiss her and lay with her like she's the love of your life. Even if she generally annoys the sh
it out of you, I want you to honestly try to love her during the short time you spend together. Pay attention to how she responds and how she feels after the experience. More than likely she will be
glowing with warmth and happiness, and I'd be willing to bet that you'll feel pretty good about yourself as well.
These experiences build up inside of you subconsciously. I'm not into hocus pocus bullsh
it, but you do give off an energy that reflects the net result of your inner feelings. I cannot explain it, but I feel like even when I don't say or do
anything, people are sort of drawn to me... more than ever before (it wasn't always like that). It's never been so effortless for me to meet and connect with wonderful, beautiful women.
Conversely, when you feel that twinge of guilt because you know the girl you're with is giving you more than you're giving her, know that these experiences will stay with you and take their toll.