fed up.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
I've more or less had it with this board. Everyone thinks they know it all, like they've been there and done that, and know everything there is to know about dropping fat, building muscle and strength, or doing both at the same time.

Most of you guys are clueless (there are exceptions: EFFORT, alvatore, manuva, semag and others) but very few of you are willing to listen. So I'm not gonna waste my energy anymore.

If anyone wants my personal opinion or advice on anything regarding training and/or nutrition they can email or PM me (I prefer email) from the link in my profile. If they want to hire me they can, if not I'll still try to help as best I can (but I'm currently training a couple of others in real life so they are my priority - among other mundane things that keep me busy).

A lot of you guys are wasting your time (in many different ways) and I just wanna help but you won't even help yourselves.

One final word - a lot of you guys accuse me of being a 'sizeist', that all I'm interested in is getting bigger all the time. That is to an extent true because by vocation I am a strength trainer (not classing myself as either a powerlifter or a bodybuilder) and enjoy lifting as much weight as I can in much the same way as you guys enjoy running as fast/as long as you can, doing martial arts as well as you can, swimming etc etc (and for the record, I'm not JUST a meathead: I do swim and run myself occasionally, I used to play football/soccer when I was lighter and still do sometimes - I went to college for computer science, enjoy drawing (none too skillfully), writing, reading and building/painting Warhammer figures :p) - and to lift as much weight as you can, you need muscles as big as you can grow them. That's MY goal.

I'm not trying to turn any of you guys into Arnold Schwarzenegger. NONE of you have his genetics (neither do I) so you won't turn into him just because I want you to train hard and heavy. You don't put on 50lbs of muscle overnight - you gain it lb by lb, slowly, and once you've gained as much as you want you stop, simple as that. But muscle is muscle - Arnold has exactly the same muscle tissue physiology as I do, and as anyone reading this post does. The way to make muscles bigger (again, whether this is 5lbs of muscle to look a lil sexier or 50lbs to just become a tank) is one and only one, progressive weighted resistance with heavy compound exercises combined with adequate protein intake, rest and recovery, and calories to cover your daily needs.

MindOverMatter on this board is who you all look up to, right? Do you see him doing kickbacks or pinky curls or crossovers? No, he does squats, deadlifts, rows and all the heavy compounds that powerlifters do and that's why he gains like he does. Is he blowing up overnight? No. (although he may well be now he's DCing :D)

Anyway. That's what I had to say. Best of luck to everyone in your endeavours.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Well damn. Was just starting to get into this board, and I had you down as one of the main guys to listen to.

Don't go off in a huff because people arn't listening. Just talk to people who want to listen.

I'm a gym rat. I'm not the biggest guy, but I'm damn strong for my age, but I know pretty much jack, and I need guys like you to learn from.

Shame to lose you man.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Paradise (with rain)
Damn dude. Dont leave, your like tthe #1 guy on this board. I dont get why people dont listen to you when your advice is almosy always the best. And the best part is that you dont have an ego and your dead honest, and I respect that.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
^^^ **** yeah. If you go you just let us clueless people win:rolleyes:. Nah seriously, I've been lurking lately but I make a point of reading your posts. They're good.

"progressive weighted resistance with heavy compound exercises combined with adequate protein intake, rest and recovery, and calories to cover your daily needs"

That kind of stuff is gold. Succinct and true, how it should be.


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Davie, FL
:cry: Sadly, I knew you were going to leave. There's way to many idiots here, and I'd get fed up just like you. If I ever need help, if you don't mind, I'd like to email you in the future. You've got ton of great advice. Thanks for the time here.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Yo, WBA, I've been here some 3 years, maybe 2. Who knows. The one thing *I* Know with ANY boards are that the 80/20, or 5/95 rule APPLIES heavily, online. That only some 20% or even 5% of total people will ever acquire and use the information given them. In MOST cases, they seek out RE-inforcement of their own WORLD, because quite frankly, we're all pretty much pathetic egos wanting comfort in a world that provides none.

Many of the guys here post, but haven't achieved. The great problem with HUMAN beings in general is that we hold POSSESSION of knowledge as the highest ideal, but few use it. And since knowledge is so easy to acquire, is it really the barometer of value and respect that we espouse it to be? Mostly, we're slightly evolved apes learning to use skilled tools in mostly destructive ways. Some ways are very helpful, such as curing cancer, saving a life, or building a bridge. But in other ways, we're only dangerous apes with nukes, and germs, and drugs, and booze. However, that does not negate THE FEW guys who come here, or to ANY site seeking knowledge.

Even after Pook, Anti-Dump, PlayerSupreme, and other's have passed on, their information stands the test of time. Certainly, if you have aspirations to copyright and sell it, I wouldn't post ALL of it. But if you aspire to give freely test information to assist other's, doing so benefits the FEW serious posters who come only for OTHER serious posters. But MOST guys don't see that. They're constantly WAITING for this site to invite the magic drug, or magic skill, or magic whatever, to grant them ANYTHING without work. They magically want the external world to be altered, when the only REAL world for each human being exists on 5" between the ears.

I would ASSUME, in addition to myself, guys continuously come here for posters like you. Even today, I get Im's from guys on posts I made years ago, which I'm happy to have done. While I haven't posted much NEW stuff, the OLD stuff is as GOOD, or BETTER, because most people are so FLIGHTY, they never stick to what WORKS. The problem here lies in the lack of awareness.

Do not assume that because of the mass of guys NOT using or even criticizing without background to do so, such advice goes unvalued. In fact, just the opposite, MORE people appreciate what occurs here than is believed, and those that LEAVE, never came for the REAL reasons that such sites exists.

It's a FREE EXCHANGE of INFORMATION, like a BAND of BROTHERS. We're spread across states, countries, and continents. Across languages and time zones. Some of us are even different sexes, and directly or indirectly we alter one another's fate just by the words we type. But those that came, only came here because they figured they need a TUNE up, or NEVER had any intention of GAINING knowledge, THEN giving back. More or less it was only to be a PUA or DJ, without knowing WHY. Then that motivation fizzles, and they move on seeking more advice and more useless counsel in that area.

There's a MINI network, almost underground, of true sages in their respective areas. You, manuva, semag, and Diesel have the lockdown on Health/Fitness. AntiDump, Pook, Rollo Tomassi, and other's I can't recall, are very well versed in their ideas on women, whethers guys here have real world proof or not. STR8Up has the finance category down. And I'll let other's mark me or not. There's other's with introspection. And I can't leave out backbreaker, or PlayerSupreme, who may or may not come here anymore. I apologize if OTHER guys were left out. EVERYONE is valuable. None are invaluable.

But the individual strife occurs when the supposed "master" in 1 category comes EXPECTING to gain SOMETHING from the site. I come, honestly, because I seek to find new info from guys DOING in other categories I might not be. Like Health, you introduced me to DC. And STR8UP to R/E. PlayerSupreme, Diesel and other's to more widespread thinking, more artsy, and their words are immeasurable. Point is, the guys who post the most with greatest success are THOSE most guys want to come for. But it's the basic FREE EXCHANGE like a COMMUNITY/BAND of BROTHERS. And while LOTS of NAYSAYERS and negs and trolls exist, there still exist the strong following of guys, who like an online fraternity seek other's success as much or more than their own.



Don Juan
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
imo the forum is only readable when you have MANY of the trolls and negative people on the IGNORE LIST. additionally specifically search for new posts of users that you respect.

unfortunately you seem to have made up your mind already, so i can only thank you for everything you did for me and this forum and wish you well. or maybe think about using the ignore function =)!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
Yeh, if you're not gonna be posting here any more, then yeh, cheers mate, for all the advice you've given me on my thread, I've benefitted a lot from it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
WesCottII said:
Well damn. Was just starting to get into this board, and I had you down as one of the main guys to listen to.

Don't go off in a huff because people arn't listening. Just talk to people who want to listen.

I'm a gym rat. I'm not the biggest guy, but I'm damn strong for my age, but I know pretty much jack, and I need guys like you to learn from.

Shame to lose you man.
My sentiment exactly.
Dude you've been on top of sh!t solid, in most every post I've caught here. Answering questions, breakin it down w. intelligence yet simple enough for cats to digest.

I've appreciated your posts, knowledge and experience, and sucks to see you feeling over it all here.

Your presence is appreciated, stick around and do your thing.

P.S. Props A-Unit... Well Said Man!


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2002
Reaction score
A-Unit is the man. His posts are always amazing, well thought out, and completely understandable. For someone to communicate that effectively is a true testiment to his intelligence, and THAT is why we listen to people online.

I'm honored to have been mentioned in the same line as these guys. I think my unit should easily be replaced with A-Unit, Industry, MOM, or others. The information I give is out of my experience and what I've learned. I try to gather information, learn, and rephrase it so that hopefully someone else who is where I was once at can pick up that information and learn. All philosophies and all methods hae a place. There's always room for intelligent discussion and disagreement.

If I look back through my old posts, I can see the change in my knowledge... how I was approaching things one sidedly, or with the information that I just had at the time. It's great to see yourself grow, and it's hard to see people that were in the spot you were and not able to see past what they're doing wrong.

I'm sorry to see WA go. I'll be sure to email you bro, as I value your knowledge greatly. You're quite an asset to this board, even thoughout the history you've been here - through attacks, disagreements, and flames.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Too bad Alex, we could've used a guy like you around here to teach these new <unts the proper way to living a healthier lifestyle.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Sad to see you go man your a wealth of information and lay it out so clear for people. And i agree with your philosophy on weight lifting 100%.

The best to you man.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2004
Reaction score

I don't think I've ever posted in your threads WA, but I lurk a lot and i always try to read your posts. very well thought out and informative. thanks and best of luck to you.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score
I've only been here a short time, but it's disappointing to see you leave. You are very, very well repsected here by the majority of the board. Your advice is simple, concise yet well written and easy to understand for the newbies. It's a pity some people don't follow it but instead argue against you.

Once again, disappointing to see you leave mate...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 8, 2004
Reaction score
Warboss Alex said:
I've more or less had it with this board. Everyone thinks they know it all, like they've been there and done that, and know everything there is to know about dropping fat, building muscle and strength, or doing both at the same time.

Most of you guys are clueless (there are exceptions: EFFORT, alvatore, manuva, semag and others) but very few of you are willing to listen. So I'm not gonna waste my energy anymore.

If anyone wants my personal opinion or advice on anything regarding training and/or nutrition they can email or PM me (I prefer email) from the link in my profile. If they want to hire me they can, if not I'll still try to help as best I can (but I'm currently training a couple of others in real life so they are my priority - among other mundane things that keep me busy).

A lot of you guys are wasting your time (in many different ways) and I just wanna help but you won't even help yourselves.

One final word - a lot of you guys accuse me of being a 'sizeist', that all I'm interested in is getting bigger all the time. That is to an extent true because by vocation I am a strength trainer (not classing myself as either a powerlifter or a bodybuilder) and enjoy lifting as much weight as I can in much the same way as you guys enjoy running as fast/as long as you can, doing martial arts as well as you can, swimming etc etc (and for the record, I'm not JUST a meathead: I do swim and run myself occasionally, I used to play football/soccer when I was lighter and still do sometimes - I went to college for computer science, enjoy drawing (none too skillfully), writing, reading and building/painting Warhammer figures :p) - and to lift as much weight as you can, you need muscles as big as you can grow them. That's MY goal.

I'm not trying to turn any of you guys into Arnold Schwarzenegger. NONE of you have his genetics (neither do I) so you won't turn into him just because I want you to train hard and heavy. You don't put on 50lbs of muscle overnight - you gain it lb by lb, slowly, and once you've gained as much as you want you stop, simple as that. But muscle is muscle - Arnold has exactly the same muscle tissue physiology as I do, and as anyone reading this post does. The way to make muscles bigger (again, whether this is 5lbs of muscle to look a lil sexier or 50lbs to just become a tank) is one and only one, progressive weighted resistance with heavy compound exercises combined with adequate protein intake, rest and recovery, and calories to cover your daily needs.

MindOverMatter on this board is who you all look up to, right? Do you see him doing kickbacks or pinky curls or crossovers? No, he does squats, deadlifts, rows and all the heavy compounds that powerlifters do and that's why he gains like he does. Is he blowing up overnight? No. (although he may well be now he's DCing :D)

Anyway. That's what I had to say. Best of luck to everyone in your endeavours.

Dude, with all due respect, what were you expecting? The majority of the guys who are posting here are posting here because they read somewhere else they need to improve their bodies a bit. People who are really serious about it are not going to be posting here. They are going to be doing their own research on many of the bodybuilding websites and in magazines, and posting questions and answers on those sites.

Its sad to see someone with a decent understanding leave the board. Your advice is valuable here when you look at the majority of the garbage some of these kids post.

I think the only way this segment of the forum will come right is if it was moderated properly. You need guys with a bit more experience and a few years of lifting under their belts to sort it out.

Simply put, this forum in particular needs a few moderators who are passionate about fitness and who have an understanding of it. You need a variety of opinion in the moderator base though. Cant have you moderating the **** out of anyone who says a little bit of volume is not going to kill :)

But there are just some posts that are on this board that should be flat out DELETED for the terrible advice they are offering. When people cant even get the basics right, but are intent on offering advice to all and sundry, then questions need to be asked.

So I say the forum moderators need to consider this, and perhaps offer the more informed visitors moderator rights on this forum.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2002
Reaction score
The Silent Majority

Alex, from the posts on this thread, you can now see that there is (as in most of life) a SILENT MAJORITY who are listening and learning from you. They don't post simply because they are absorbing what you're saying and, yes, using it without having to ask stupid questions about it. I'm in this category. I've been reading your posts and they are incredibly good -- I've adjusted my entire frame based on the stuff in your posts. I suppose I really should have posted a "hey, GREAT POST!" once in awhile, but didn't think I needed to ... I thought you must know that it's a great post already. Well, now you know, and now you know that there are many guys who are reading and internalizing your stuff. You should have some idea of that based on the amount of times your post has been viewed.

And, that goes the same for the other guys, semag, A Unit, and others who I and others get good info from.

There's always going to be the MINORITY OF IDIOTS who are the loudest ... in almost every aspect of life.

Looking forward to more of your posts bro.

EDIT: One more thing ... you have to remember that this is the H&F site on sosuave which means that many people are going to be coming here with different ideas and desires than those going to bb.com or some other site. For some guys, taking a multivitamin and realizing that they shouldn't eat processed foods or sugars is a huge education for them. And, really, that's all they're looking for. Some of the most natural DJ's I know don't work out and eat (and drink) horribly and aren't fat per se (from a societal view, not from a bodyfat % view). To many guys, they're just looking for ways to feel a *little* better and maybe drop the extra 10 pounds they picked up from drinking too many scotches. They're not looking to change their lifestyles by stopping smoking and dropping the scotches whatsoever -- they just want to drop ten. So, take this board with that in mind. Remember, the H&F on this site is about anything that is going to help make someone feel and look their best. We also get questions on stds and all types of other issues.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2005
Reaction score
Whats the big loss? In my oppinion there are tons of weightlifing boards way better than the h+f forum.


This will take care of your reading material for atleast a week and you'll learn enough to get big without ever asking a question and getting half-assed anwers. Smile :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Paradise (with rain)
fireguy said:
Whats the big loss? In my oppinion there are tons of weightlifing boards way better than the h+f forum.


This will take care of your reading material for atleast a week and you'll learn enough to get big without ever asking a question and getting half-assed anwers. Smile :)
Yay! Now even noobs will know somthing