You've resorted to name calling, haha, hey if that's how you get your kicks I guess. And I'm not surprised you disagree with me, your the everyday, average LOGICAL guy like most people of the board. And yeah, after reading a couple articles, doing a few approaches you're undoubtly gonna get laid sometime. However, things with guys like you is your mindset'll always hold you back.
The unlogical guy, the guy who is unreactive, will go up to a girl, probably smelling, not having showered in days and still get her number and pick her up. The logical guy, you and almost everyone else will probably hold back because of his beliefs. "OMG! I smell bad, so I can't approach her because she won't like me". There once this thing on YouTube where I saw a story about a HOMELESS guy, who could pull girls(That's how he found places to stay).
And I'm not asking you to listen to me. I don't care. You'll get laid with your limited beleifs, although not as much as the guy who is unlogical and unreactive. If you were truly an unreactive guy and a guy who gets laid a lot, you'd start to realize that perfume, looks and all that crap doesn't really affect your game. Wearing a specific fragrance isn't gauranteed to get you laid. Material things, will probably not help you that much in getting laid. You think it does because that's how your mindset and you're unwilling to step out of that limited mindset.
A guy like you can't explain to me how an ugly mofo who makes average money pulls 10's because it's out of your mindset. If you saw a fat guy with a hot ass girl you couldn't explain that, again, because of your mindset. And it's okay for you to think that way. But you just won't get laid as much as unlogical and unreactive guys. YOU WILL GET LAID occassionally BUT your limited mindset will undoubtly keep you away from potential sets.