Fat Chicks have their place.. And that's for 1 night of drunken fun. That's it.
If a girl doesn't respect herself enough to keep her weight under control, than how could anyone ever respect her enough to make her an LTR?
I'd whack it to internet porn till the day I die rather than ever settle for a fatty.. P.S. Fatty = anything over 140 unless she's over 5'8"
Fat Chicks have their place.. And that's for 1 night of drunken fun. That's it.
If a girl doesn't respect herself enough to keep her weight under control, than how could anyone ever respect her enough to make her an LTR?
I'd whack it to internet porn till the day I die rather than ever settle for a fatty.. P.S. Fatty = anything over 140 unless she's over 5'8"