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FAT girls. WHY I usually avoid.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
Innit-isn't it. Apologies for the misuse of proper English.

MR_PERFECT: this does not clearly answer my question. Are there a general set of guidelines that blokes follow regarding physical traits that a guy will not tolerate??? Or are you busy sitting by the phone waiting for Miss July to ring?
And before you all brand me an attention w**re: I used myself as an example because I am not the norm size ten, 5"6 perfect t***ed woman.

Edit:to erase a word.
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Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by ShortyBrown
Ronin- I weigh 55 kilos. Like I said, everything looks bigger because I am so little.
As far as having kids goes, my Mum (using her as a guide from old photos) is the same height and bounced back to her pre-baby figure beautifully. It's all about how you take care of yourself. innit?
55kilos? Canyou translate that into American for me?

I'm guessing about 135-140lbs?

And yes the Golden Rule is to always check out the mum.


Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by ShortyBrown
it's 122 pounds.

:D and thank you.
Oh 122lbs? Well then - as long as your face isn't busted you would definitely get it. :)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2003
Reaction score
The OC
Just remember that girls are thinking the same thing about us. They don't like overly skinny guys because they don't want to break them when riding the saddle. They don't want us fat for the same reasons we don't want them to be (where's the pecker at?). So get your ass in shape if you aren't already. My guess is that at least 1/2 of you bashing fat women need to get in the gym more often, including myself.

I sure as hell won't be stuck eating the drywall.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ronin I
Oh 122lbs? Well then - as long as your face isn't busted you would definitely get it. :)

I didn't take any bumps falling out of the cute tree, so I am set!! Sweet! :D

the reason I asked is that I always believed "to each his own" when it came to looks, but as I read through the thread, I wondered if there were some set things that blokes just wouldn't deal with, e.g a big arse. But then I remember what Ron Jeremy said when he did an interview here in Australia, "men are prepared to overlook some things, a woman will size up on one thing and decide," or something like that.

I agree with a lot of what you lads have said here. But it's such a fine line between criticism and cruelty. You gotta be careful.
Personally, I have a thing for a man's forearms, i.e when guys fold their arms across their chests and you can see all the muscles in their forearms-yummy :D
But as long as a guy takes care of himself it's all good to me.
Industry-about the pecker thing: so true.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2003
Reaction score
It's not really a chick thing, Fat looks bad on guys and girls, just like fat chicks don't have any excuse neither do fat guys. I doubt most girls like fat dudes all things being equal so it's a universal thing far as I see, and in all honestly totally normal, cos people weren't designed to weigh the same much as a small truck.

I mean, honestly, all it takes in most cases is a willpower. If you'r ugly you can't do anything bout your face but you can at least stay in shape. The advantage the girls have is that they just have to look toned to fit the preferred body shape image, which isn't that hard IMO. I kinda cringe at some girls who go overboard at the gym and get muscly, that's really going too far, just be toned and your set.

As a guy, Men's Health Magazine level muscules are the preferrence, so try balancing big arms/chest with a six pack at the same time, it takes a bit of work! (but it's worth it;)), but fark it feels good to walk out of the gym after a workout.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by ShortyBrown
Innit-isn't it. Apologies for the misuse of proper English.

MR_PERFECT: this does not clearly answer my question. Are there a general set of guidelines that blokes follow regarding physical traits that a guy will not tolerate??? Or are you busy sitting by the phone waiting for Miss July to ring?
And before you all brand me an attention w**re: I used myself as an example because I am not the norm size ten, 5"6 perfect t***ed woman.

Edit:to erase a word.
ShortBrown, here are my guidelines for a potential girlfriend based on looks only:

- 5'6 to 6' (not hard set rule, but I like tall women)
- Stomach can not stick out farther than breasts
- Stomach can not stick out farther than butt
- Can't have ugly feet (discolored nails, second toe to long, etc...)
- Can't bite finger nails
- Must have a nice smile
- Can't have small ears
- Must have a nice butt
- Must have lips (on her face of course)
- Can't have skinny legs
- Can't carry any of her extra weight in her face


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score
I try to avoid Fat Girls most of the times.

As for the rest of the times... Well my car only holds so much gas :D.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MR_PERFECT
ShortBrown, here are my guidelines for a potential girlfriend based on looks only:

- 5'6 to 6' (not hard set rule, but I like tall women)
- Stomach can not stick out farther than breasts
- Stomach can not stick out farther than butt
- Can't have ugly feet (discolored nails, second toe to long, etc...)
- Can't bite finger nails
- Must have a nice smile
- Can't have small ears
- Must have a nice butt
- Must have lips (on her face of course)
- Can't have skinny legs
- Can't carry any of her extra weight in her face
So then there's no chance of a date then? lol j/k

Two things I have thought of:
There is a big girl in my capoeira class. She asked two of the instructors to help her with her flips, and they refused saying that the head instructor would chew them out for disrupting the class.
This was bull on two fronts:
-the head instructor was busy and would not have noticed.
-I know that if I, or one of the other girls has asked, they would've obliged gladly. I felt that a little cruel, but again whaddya do?

There was a FAT girl who recently was runner up on Big Brother 3 over here. Lovely girl. One of the guys was giving an in house interview and had the guts to say(and I am paraphrasing) that he thought that she was an unreal chick, if only she was the kind of woman that he normally went for i.e, she is FAT. She saw the interview and spent a good 1/2 hour chewing him out about it and getting on her high horse about how she was happy the way she was, etc.
-Same girl was later getting ready for a shower.One of the cameramen in the bathroom made a nasty crack about her weight. Fine line between criticism and cruelty.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2002
Reaction score
london, England
I think men are much more cruel about fat women than women are to fat men. I can't believe someone has made a discussion about this, if you don't like fat women no big deal-no need to be cruel about them.

But I think fat women still probably can get laid more than fat men. Fat men need money, must buy a foreign bride or settle for a fat chick. I tell you no woman ever lusts after a fat man, she just choose to settle for less. But they are some men that get turned on by only fat women (even slim guys), they attend fat only clubs.

Marlon Brando and Warren Beatty had a reputation for having the occassional one night stands with fat women. I think men show more contempt towards to fat women (than the other way round), but at the same time are more likely to sleep with them (quite a few guys on this forum has confessed to sleeping with fat girls). So I think at the end of the day the fat woman can get laid more than the fat guy.

I've have never slept with an overweight guy or been hit on by one.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2000
Reaction score
lol yo guys, does anyone know of a site that helps out fat woman with confidence?? Lets send this to them LOL, i already sent it to a couple of fat *****es i know


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Westchester Cty, NY
A lot of feel-good liberal types try to tell us that "we should look beyond body image" and "see people for who they really are."
BS! I say!
Fat is just plain disgusting. No way around it at all.
I dated an overweight 38 year old for a while, but when a slim and athletic 49 yr old walked into my life, I jumped ship immediately and I could hardly have been happier.
We're an increasingly overweight society - so keep this in mind - slim, in-shape women are becoming a scarcer commodity, and that means pickier, too!

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
For you americans, this might help the conversions.

Shorty: Nice ****ney speek there geezer. I reckon going by your stats that you're just about perfect. I like a bit of curviness in a woman.

I weigh 14.5 stone (205 lbs, 93 kg). I guess my subconsious rules of attraction would be that so long as a woman comes in at under 90% of my weight, and had some abitrary body fat level that I find acceptable (unsure as to real figure), then that would suit me fine.

Thinking about this, I reckon there are 2 types of attraction - first of all, we have the initial ball-tightening physical department - damn, she's hot. Then along comes the intelligence/personality/b!tchiness part, which to some is more important. It's definitely more important in LTR.

I have found that despite not firing on all cylinders (say 4 - 6) with the first attraction category, I have ended up being in a great LTR with girls who are 9s in the second.



Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2001
Reaction score
It's unfair to say that just because you men can work and lose weight that any woman should be able to do the same. Men and women are not designed the same; it is infinitely easier for men to lose weight than women. This isn't from personal experience, this is a biological fact.

Another biological fact is that men are supposed to be 12-14% body fat. Women, on the other hand, should have 22-25%. Despite society's new iron maiden, women are designed to have fat. Not BE fat, obesity is disgusting in anyone, but a girl having fat is healthy and normal. A girl with too little body fat isn't fertile; how could that possibly me miscontrued as attractive, since fertility is what attraction is based on anyway?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Re: you ruthless buggers!!!

Originally posted by ShortyBrown
:D it's nice to see that you aren't afraid to tell it like it is though.

Question-where are guys prepared to draw the line? I kinda walk in limbo when it comes to the general fat/thin idea. I'm not slim, but HARDLY a big girl. Kinda like Betty Boop is the closest I could get to being able to painting a mental picture.
My curves are more magnified too because I barely graze 5" in height. So is there a set list of things that some guys will just generally not tolerate about a woman's bod?
Betty Boop looks are good. I tend to size a woman up from the bottom up, it kinda goes like this.

1. Ankles - I love thin (not skinny) ankles. I don't care for ankles like tree stumps.

2. Calves - they should be shapely and cut. Not thick like fire plugs.

3. Knees - They should be in proportion to the calf and the thigh. There shouldn't be any thigh fat drooping into the knee (YES IT CAN HAPPEN).

4. Thighs - A little muscle is nice but again, not thick like tree trunks.

5. Hips/butt - proportionate to thighs. Bigger is not always better! Hips should be slim or with a little ******d curve. Saddle bags do not count. Plus, a little butt in the back, not necessarily the size of J-lo's (I haven't seen many non Spaniards who can pull it off). A butt comparable to an onion is rather nice.

6. Waist - definitely slimmer than the hips and butt. Not much or any 'pooch/pouch' in the front. A little is cute but not enough to cause a roll of fat. Rolls are not attractive.

7. Breastbone/Back - I don't have a preference for slim or broad, just please don't have any flab hanging. That is plain nasty.

8. Breasts - Again bigger isn't necessarily better. I think they should be proportionate to a woman's shoulders. There's nothing wrong with a A or a B cup if a woman is petite or slim. Breasts slapping a belly is not attractive.

9. Hands/wrists/arms - Slim fingers and wrists (pudgy fingers and wrists are a dead giveaway for pudgy other things). Puffiness from that time of the month is definitely permissible. Forearms should be slim and the arm should be slim and/or toned. Flabby arms do nothing for me.

10. Neck/Head/Face - The should all be proportionate to the shoulders without any hangs. Plain is good as long as there is an attractive smile :D

Before I get any flames let me first say that I am not saying that women that do not fit description are fine with me, I'm just not attracted to them so...


Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by MsThang
It's unfair to say that just because you men can work and lose weight that any woman should be able to do the same. Men and women are not designed the same; it is infinitely easier for men to lose weight than women. This isn't from personal experience, this is a biological fact.

Another biological fact is that men are supposed to be 12-14% body fat. Women, on the other hand, should have 22-25%. Despite society's new iron maiden, women are designed to have fat. Not BE fat, obesity is disgusting in anyone, but a girl having fat is healthy and normal. A girl with too little body fat isn't fertile; how could that possibly me miscontrued as attractive, since fertility is what attraction is based on anyway?
It may be unfair but I categorize it with the unfairness of guys are judged from anything from the type of work he does to the shine of his shoes. For as many overweight people (both men and women) there are here in the States, there are at least TWICE AS MANY trim, fit and attractive people across the pond.

Visit Spain, Sweden, Ireland, Asia and countless other countries. Do they have a 64% obesity rate? I don't think it's a man/woman thing but a lifestyle thing.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2002
Reaction score
london, England
Visit Spain, Sweden, Ireland, Asia and countless other countries. Do they have a 64% obesity rate? I don't think it's a man/woman thing but a lifestyle thing. [/B][/QUOTE]

I thought only one in five Americans are obese, do you think 64% are overweight rather than obese.